Allama Iqbal Open University: Paste Here Passport Size Photograph

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Note: Only those applicants should fill the form who possess minimum prescribed qualification/experience


Nationa I!"ntit# Ca$! No%

Bat&' No.

(. *. -.

Na)"% (CAPITAL LETTERS) Fat'"$+, Na)"% Dat" o. Bi$t' Day Month Paste Here Pass ort Si!e Photogra h


/. 1.

P"$)an"nt0Do)i&i " Di,t$i&t Mai in2 A!!$",,

"ha##an No. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Dated% $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ &ank% $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 'mount% $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Signature% $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

P'on" R",i!"n&" Mo3i " P'on" . E4)ai

5. Q6a i.i&ation% A. G$a!6ation% Degree Obtained University Year % Marks Obtained Major Subjects

B. Ma,t"$+, L"7" !"2$"". Degree Obtained Name University Year % Marks obtained Major Subjects

D"2$"" O3tain"! Uni7"$,it# Y"a$ 9 Ma$:,

Ma;o$ S63;"&t,

D. P'.D.
D"2$"" O3tain"! Uni7"$,it# Y"a$ 9 Ma$:, O3tain"! Ma;o$ S63;"&t,

E. OT8ER (Di< o)a 0 C"$ti.i&at" Co6$,",)

D"2$"" O3tain"! Uni7"$,it# Y"a$ 9 Ma$:,

Ma;o$ S63;"&t,


O..i&ia A!!$",,%

P'on" O..i&"%




P$","nt Stat6, o. =o3 (Ti&: t'" a<<$o<$iat" 3o>) * , .n/Service 0etired 0e/em #oyed Nat6$" o. S"$7i&" (Ti&: t'" a<<$o<$iat" 3o>). * , 3ovt. Semi 3ovt. Private 1 Student


2 Other
D6$ation Y M


A. T"a&'in2 an! R","a$&' E><"$i"n&"

Na)" o. In,tit6tion S63;"&t (,) Ta62't

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*1. I. #o6 a$" a ,t6!"nt o. AIOU t'"n < "a," .i in t'" .o oCin2 &o 6)n, %/ 0o## No. 0egistration No. Semester *2. I. #o6 a$" a $"a!# $"2i,t"$"! t6to$ < "a," ,<"&i.# R"2i,t$ation No.

*4. I. #o6 'a7" Co$:"! .o$ AIOU in an# o. t'" .o oCin2 &a<a&iti", (Ti&: t'" a<<$o<$iat" Bo>) . *. ,. -. 1. 2. 4. 8. *8. 05SOU0"5 P50SON UN.6 70.650 S6UDY "5N605 "O O0D.N'6O0 P'P50 S56650 "OU0S5 "O/O0D.N'6O0 S5N.O0 6U6O0 053.ON N'M5 %$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ P"a," ,<"&i.# &o!", o. t'" &o6$,"(,) in C'i&' #o6 a$" int"$",t"!% * ,

Signature o9 '


R"&o))"n!ation,% *(. 0ecommended by the 5m #oyer:Head o9 De artment:.nstitution; Mr. :Ms.:Mrs.:Dr.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Designation$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ .nstitution:Organi!ation% $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ is a##o<ed : recommended to undertake tutorshi or such other assignment o9 the '##ama .=ba# O en University> <ithout disturbing his:her norma# duties:assignments <ith in this institution:organi!ation. Signature ? Stam %$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Name% $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ *). R"&o))"n! ation o. t'" D"an 08"a! o. t'" D"<a$t)"ntD In,tit6t"0DRS a, <$",&$i3"! in t'" <o i&#.

Date% $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Fo$ o..i&ia 6," on # ( Not to 3" .i "! 3# t'" &an!i!at")

0ecommended 9or%/ "ourse "odes

Not recommended being ine#igib#e 9or a

ointment as tutor as rescribed criteria #aid do<n in the 60@.

Signature ? Stam $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

P#ease issue 6utor 0egistration "ard as above. D0S DPM. 6U6O0 053.S60'6.ON NO

Not"% *. 'ttested co ies o9 the testimonia#s:degree A3raduate and above on#y;> eB erience certi9icates etc must be attached. ,. 'ttach one recent hotogra hs A ass ort si!e <ith b#ue background;. -. 6he advertisement and a #ications 9or registration donCt con9er any right 9or a ointment as '.OU 6utor. 1. 'dditiona# sheets may be added <here needed.

P$o2$a) L"7" Mat$i&0SSC FA0F. S&. PTC 0 CT BA0BS&0B.Co) B. E! Ma,t"$+, 0 M. E! M. P'i 0P'D Mini)6) Q6a i.i&ation &':&Sc and &. 5d , "#ass MasterCs Degree

Mini)6) T"a&'in20 P$o.",,iona R","a$&' E><"$i"n&" in t'" R" "7ant Fi" ! +2 Years 5B erience No 5B erience 0e=uired No 5B erience 0e=uired +2 Years 6eaching 5B erience +2 Years 6eaching 5B erience +2 Years 6eaching 5B erience No 5B erience 0e=uired +2 Years 6eaching 5B erience No 5B erience 0e=uired

, "#ass MasterCs Degree in re#evant subject ,nd "#ass &':&Sc ? &. 5d ,nd "#ass MasterCs Degree in re#evant subject &. 5d and M5d A,nd "#ass; PhD Degree MPhi#:MasterCs in the re#evant 9ie#d PhD in the re#evant 9ie#d




6he 6utor 0egistration 9orms <i## be received by the concerned 0egion as er guide#ines issues by the Directorate o9 0egiona# Services.
'9ter re#iminary scrutiny in the 0egions> these 9orms <i## be 9or<arded to the Directorate o9 0egiona# Services 9or 9urther rocessing. 6he Directorate o9 0egiona# Services has been authori!ed to veri9y the attached documents <ith the tutor registration 9orm 9or determining the e#igibi#ity. 6he recommendations o9 the Directorate o9 0egiona# Services are 9or<arded to the Data Processing Manager 9or issuance o9 a 6utor 0egistration "ard. 6he rocessing 9ee 9or 6utor 0egistration @orm <i## be 0s.2++:/. 6he a #icant <i## ay 9ee a#ong/ <ith 60@ in the sha e o9 "ha##an Aavai#ab#e on our <ebsite; in 9avor o9 6reasurer> '.OU. 6he Ph. D degree ho#ders a #ying 9or registration as tutor <i## be eBem ted 9rom the 6utor 0egistration 9ee. 6he rocessing 9ee once de osited <i## not be re9unded in any case. 6he a #icant <i## submit its 60@ a#ong/<ith attested co ies o9 testimonia#s and the rescribed 9ee in the 0egiona# O99ice concerned. 6he registration <i## not con9er any right o9 a ointment as a tutor under any circumstances. 6he o99icia# receiving the 60@ in the 0egion <i## ensure that the a #icant is e#igib#e 9or tutor registration> 9orm is com #ete in a## res ects and re=uisite documents du#y attested by an authori!ed o99icer are enc#osed. The official in the Region will also issue applicant I.D to the applicant on the spot as er guide#ine issued to the 0egions. "heck #ist is the integra# art o9 the 60@> #ease 9i## it care9u##y and attach it at the 9ront o9 the 6utor 0egistration @orm <hi#e submitting in the 0egion.

-. 1.

2. 4. 8.

(. ).



Tutor Registration is open only in the following categories/ disciplines. Please write the name of discipline and category below in which you fall. M. Phil/ Ph. D in any discipline. University/ College level teachers of any discipline. Master degree holders in Science subjects comprising only Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science and Math. iology,

Master Degree holders in Social Science subjects comprising only !nglish, !conomics, Management Sciences, Sociology, "ender Studies and #ibrary Science. Master Degree holders in !ducation related subjects comprising only Special !ducation and !ducation Planning $ Management %!PM&

Category: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________ Discipline: ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________ See the list carefully and ensure that all the documents mentioned below are attested and enclosed with the form. Please tic the rele!ant bo" gi!en below. #pplicant '. (. ). *. +. -. 0. "raduation Degree Master Degree M. Phil Degree Ph.D. Degree !,perience Certificate .ational /dentity Card Photograph %1ith blue bac2ground& $fficial of the Region

C%RT&'&C#T% () T*% #PP+&C#,T

/ have filled the form in all respects and nothing has been concealed thereof. / have also attached the attested copies of above tic2ed documents 1ith the form. Signature of applicant3 444444444444444444444444444444

C%RT&'&C#T% () T*% D%#+&,- $''&C&#+

/ have chec2ed the form and found it complete in all respects. 5he re6uisite documents are enclosed and 444444444444444 form /.D. has been issued to the applicant.

Signature of official concerned3 44444444444444444444444444444

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