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Extra Practice 1

Lesson 1: Perimeter 1. Find the perimeter of each polygon. 2. The perimeter of an isosceles triangle is 24 cm. How long might each side be? Give 3 different answers. 2a) Side ! "cm Side 2! "cm Side 3! 4cm b) Side ! #cm Side 2! #cm Side 3! 2cm c) Side ! $cm Side 2! $cm Side 3! "cm Lesson 2: Exploring Rectangles 1. %hich rectangle has the greater area? How do yo& 'now? a) (ectangle ) with length 2" cm and width * cm b) (ectangle + with length 3 cm and width 2 cm 2. The perimeter of a rectangle is 3" cm. Find the whole,n&mber dimensions of the rectangle witha) the least area b) the greatest area 1. (ectangle + has a greater area compared to (ectangle ). . 'now this beca&se to find the area of a rectangle . need to m&ltiply the length by the width and with (ectangle )/s meas&rements the area is ""cm b&t with (ectangle +0 the area is *#cm. 2a) the width of the rectangle wo&ld be cm and the length 4cm wo&ld be in order for the perimeter to be 3"cm with the least area b) the width of the rectangle wo&ld be $cm and the length wo&ld be 1cm in order for the perimeter to be 3"cm with the greatest area

Extra Practice 2
Lesson 4: Area of a Parallelogram 1. Find the area of each parallelogram. a) b) c)

2. ) parallelogram with height cm has area 32 cm2.%hat is the length of the base? the length of the base is 2cm. Lesson 5: Exploring Triangles and Rectangles 1. ) triangle has base 1 cm and height 3 cm.Find the area of the triangle. 415362!3#cm2 2. ) rectangle and a triangle each have a base $ cm long.+oth fig&res have area 21 cm2.%hat is the height of the triangle? the height of the triangle is 4cm.

Extra Practice
Lesson !: Exploring Triangles and Parallelograms 1. Find the area of each triangle. a) b) c)

2. 7ach triangle has area 2 cm. Find each base or height. a) b) c)

Lesson ": #ol$me of a Triang$lar Prism 1. Find the vol&me of each triang&lar prism. a) c) b)

2. ) large triang&lar prism has length * cm. 7ach triang&lar face has base $ cm and height 3 cm.Find the vol&me of the prism. 4$5362!3 .*cm2 3 .*5 *!4$2.*cm3

Extra Practice 4
Lesson %: &$rface Area of a Triang$lar Prism 1. Find the s&rface area of each triang&lar prism. a) c) b)

2. The length of a triang&lar prism is * cm.The side lengths of each triang&lar face are * cm0 * cm0 and # cm. The height of each triang&lar face is 4 cm.Find the s&rface area of the triang&lar prism. )rea of triangles- *54!2" )rea of rectangles- 4*5*653!$* 2"8$*!3* The s&rface area is 3*cm2 Lesson ': &(etc)ing Pol*gons 1. 9se a r&ler and a compass.:onstr&ct a triangle with perimeter * cm. ;abel each side with its meas&re. Side - *cm Side 2- *cm Side 3- *cm )ngle - #" degrees )ngle 2- #" degrees

)ngle 3- #" degrees 2. 9se ,cm grid paper. <raw a triangle with area * cm2. ;abel the base and height with their meas&res.

Extra Practice &ample Ans+ers

Extra Practice 1 , -aster '.21

Lesson 1 1. )cm= +- 3.* cm= :- 4 cm 2. " cm0 " cm0 4 cm# cm0 3 cm0 3 cm$ cm0 $ cm0 " cm Lesson 2 1. (ectangle + has area *# cm2.(ectangle ) has area "" cm2.(ectangle + has greater area. 2. a) cm by 4 cm b) $ cm by 1 cm

Extra Practice 2 , >aster 3.22

Lesson 4 1. a) 3" s?&are &nits b) 2 s?&are &nits c) 2 s?&are &nits 2. 2 cm Lesson 5 1. 3# cm2 2. 1 cm

Extra Practice

, -aster '.2

Lesson ! 1. a) 2 s?&are &nits b) $.* s?&are &nits c) 2 s?&are &nits 2. a) 2 cm b) # cm Lesson " 1. a) *" cm@ 2. 4$2.* cm@


1 cm 2*" cm@

$2" cm@ c)

Extra Practice 4 , -aster '.24

Lesson % 1. a) 4"1 cm2 2. "4 cm2 Lesson '

#$2 cm2 c) 3$.* cm2

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The right to reprod&ce or modify this page is restricted to p&rchasing schools.This page may have been modified from its original. :opyright B 2""# Cearson 7d&cation :anada .nc.



The right to reprod&ce or modify this page is restricted to p&rchasing schools. This page may have been modified from its original. :opyright B 2""# Cearson 7d&cation :anada .nc.

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