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FIRST SEMESTER M.Sc. Degree Examination, November 2013 (Semester Scheme) (N.

S) ELECTROMEDIA T- 105: Graphics, Multi-media and Animation Time - 3 Hours SECTION A

1. Answer any ten of the following question in one or two sentences a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) Computer Graphics 2D Animation Frame Masking Color pallets Layers Resolution Vector PSD Layout Thumbnail Pixels (1x10 =10)

Max. Marks: 40

Answer any two of the following question
2. What is computer Graphics? What are its uses? 3. Explain the process of Pre- Production. 4. Explain Raster and Vector. (2x10 =20)

Answer any one of the following question
5. Discuss the role of Animation in the field of Gaming industries. 6. What is Animatics ? why it is useful? (1x10 =10)

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