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Downer (Short Essays)

(Essays exceeding the word limit will be graded negatively) 1. What about yourself is not conveyed by your resume? (100 words max) 2. What are you most passionate about and why? (100 words max) 3. What were your 2 biggest accomplishments (1 work and 1 non-work related) and why do you consider them significant? (100 words per accomplishment) 4. What was your biggest failure and what did you learn from it? (100 words max) 5. What has been your biggest personal weakness and what have you done to overcome it? (100 words max) 6. Write about a time when your value and beliefs were challenged and what did you do? (100 words max) 7. Why do you want to work in investment banking (specifically mergers and acquisitions)? (100 words max) 8. Why do you want to work for C.W. Downer? (100 words max)

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