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St. Mary Coptic Orthodox Church

Name: Bible Questions for Gospel of Luke

Sunday 2/2 Luke Chapter 23 Verse 1 to 25 Who said this sentence I find no fault in this Man.? a- Pontius Pilate b- Herod c- Disciples After the Lord Jesus was handed over to Pilate, who did Pilate send Jesus to? a- Pontius Pilate b- Herod c- Disciples

Monday 2/3 Luke Chapter 23 Verse 26 to 56 Who did Jesus say this verse to Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.? What happened from the 6th hour until the 9th hour? a- There was darkness all over the earth b- The sun was darkened c- The veil of the temple was torn in two. d- All of the above

Tuesday 2/4 Luke Chapter 24 Verse 1 to 27 When Mary Magdalene and the other women went to the tomb, what did they find? a- The stone rolled away from the tomb. b- They found Jesus. c- The tomb was empty. d- A and c In the beginning of the trip to Emmaus, did the two disciples recognize Jesus? Yes / No

Wednesday 2/5 Luke Chapter 24 Verse 28 to 53 In the Beginning when Jesus appeared to his disciples, how did they feel? a- Peaceful b- Terrified c- Sad What did Jesus do when He appeared to his disciples? a- He explained to them the fulfilment of the Scriptures. b- He blessed them c- He the ascended into heaven. d- All of the above

Gospel of John
Thursday 2/6 John Chapter 1 Verse 1 to 28 Who wrote the gospel of John? a- John the Baptist b- John the Beloved Who is the voice crying in the wilderness? a- John the Baptist b- John the Beloved

c- James

c- James

Friday 2/7 John Chapter 1 Verse 29 to 51 Who baptizes us with Holy Spirit? a- John the Beloved b- John the Baptist

C- The Lord Jesus Christ

Which disciple did Jesus call him the stone? a- Philip b- Nathaniel c- Peter d- John

Saturday 2/8 John Chapter 2 Where was the wedding that the Lord Jesus and St. Mary attend? a- Bethsaida b- Bethlehem c- Cana of Galilee What did the lord Jesus do in this chapter? a- He healed the blind b- He cleansed the temple c- He Blessed bread & fish

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