MArketing Requires Document

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Sample Marketing Requirements Document (MRD)

Abstract: This product release, code-named "Babylon-6," addresses three top requirements. In order, they are [1] meeting the emerging mar et need !or teleportation, ["] boosting internal quality and supportability through telepathic diagnostics, and [#] increasing net$or ing price-per!ormance. %ll three are required !or success!ul release and launch, $hich is planned !or ne&t 'ednesday. In addition, a $ide (ariety o! other impro(ements and e&tensions ha(e been identi!ied. )one o! these are de!ined as gating items !or the release, so may be postponed i! they threaten timeliness or !unctionality o! the release. *e(ision +istory ,e&ample.1./ 0irst dra!t !or comment, /1-1an-"//1 .1.2 Incorporating !eature order, 13-4ept-"//1 ."./ 5oordinated $ith !eature si6ing !rom 7e(elopment, ""-8ar-"//" .".1 *e(ised based on initial alpha tests ,liability concerns !rom 5orporate 9egal-, 12-%pr-"//# .#./ *ede!ined !or use only on inanimate ob:ects and cargo due to slight side e!!ects, "/-1un-"//; .#.1 <pdated lin s and $ebsite in!ormation, 12-8arch-"//6 = 1>>6-"//6, *ich 8irono(.

MRD Template

Mironov Consulting,

Table of Contents

1.0 Strategy and Overview........................................................................ 1.1 Goals and Objectives .........................................................................3 1.2 Strategic Road Map............................................................................3 1.3 Customer Categories !ser "rofiles or "ersonas#.........................................3 1.$ Competitive Strengt%s and &ea'nesses....................................................$ 1.( )*ternal "ositioning...........................................................................$ 1.+ Microsoft........................................................................................$ !.0 "usiness Model..................................................................................# 2.1 ,alue "roposition..............................................................................( 2.2 Mar'et Segment................................................................................( 2.3 ,alue C%ain Structure ........................................................................( 2.$ Cost Structure..................................................................................( 2.( "osition -it%in t%e ,alue .et-or'..........................................................( 2.+ Competitive Strateg/..........................................................................+ .0 $%%ected &roups................................................................................' 3.1 0evelopment...................................................................................+ 3.2 Mar'eting 1 Sales..............................................................................+ 3.3 Support..........................................................................................+ 3.$ Operations......................................................................................+ 3.( Sales.............................................................................................+ 3.+ 2egal.............................................................................................3 #.0 "ill o% Materials.................................................................................( $.1 Transporter Server............................................................................3 $.2 Transporter Console4G!5.....................................................................3 $.3 Sound Generator...............................................................................3 $.$ 0emograp%ic !psell Module 0!M#.........................................................3 ).0 *nternally +ommitted Requirements.......................................................( (.1 )limination of Top ( 6ig%7"riorit/ 8ugs....................................................9 (.2 5nternal "erformance 5mprovements.......................................................9 (.3 8ac'-ard Compatibilit/......................................................................9 (.$ .e*t7Generation :rc%itectural C%anges...................................................9 (.( "latforms and "rotocols......................................................................9 (.+ )nd7of72ife for Older ,ersions...............................................................; (.3 !ptime and <ualit/ of Service...............................................................; '.0 ,-ternally +ommitted Requirements........................................................ +.1 Molecular Transmittal.........................................................................; +.2 ,oice7:ctivated 0ebug Mode................................................................; +.3 8road "erformance 5mprovement.........................................................1= +.$ :uto7!pgrade >eature.......................................................................1= +.( 8enc%mar's...................................................................................1= +.+ Metering Support for :S" Model...........................................................1= (.0 /ig0ly Desira1le Requirements............................................................10 3.1 Status 5ndicators..............................................................................1= 2.0 3uture Requirements........................................................................11 9.1 !ndo4Redo....................................................................................11
MRD Template

Mironov Consulting,

..0 3eatures 4ot "eing *mplemented..........................................................11 ;.1 Random Transformation.....................................................................11

1.0 Strategy and Overview

1.1 &oals and O15ectives
{A short, easily measured objective echoed from top page.} This product release, code-named "Babylon-6," addresses three top requirements. In order, they are [1] meeting the emerging mar et need !or teleportation, ["] boosting internal quality and supportability through telepathic diagnostics, and [#] increasing net$or ing price-per!ormance. %ll three are required !or success!ul release and launch, $hich is planned !or ne&t 'ednesday. In addition, a $ide (ariety o! other impro(ements and e&tensions ha(e been identi!ied. )one o! these are de!ined as gating items !or the release, so may be postponed i! they threaten timeliness or !unctionality o! the release.

1.! Strategic Road Map

This pro:ect is part o! the company?s o(erall plan to penetrate !inancial and supply chain accounts in )orth %merica, $here early adopters !or !uturistic capabilities tend to collect. In addition, it helps us in our core decision support base, $hich has been $aiting !or per!ormance impro(ements to mo(e (ery large !iles among planetary systems. )on-@arth customers are a secondary target !or the company, and this product.


+ustomer +ategories (6ser 7ro%iles or 7ersonas)

{Detailed description of target users and buyers. May require several sets of target descriptions, with as much information about customer environments as can be found. Are users road warriors with alm ilots, or help des! staff running system management tools"} Target customers are e&pected to !all into the !ollo$ing categories and usage pro!ilesA 1.#.1 Current customer base, loo ing !or per!ormance upgrades and impro(ed diagnostics. 8ost are currently on support contracts, so do not generate incremental re(enue B but are our leading source o! re!erences and upgrades. <sage patterns should be similar to current applications, $ith increasing use o! ne$ diagnostic !eatures and on-line do$nloading o! !inancial indicators. 8ost (ocal current customer is +C printer logistics di(ision, $hich needs to ability to ma e urgent deli(eries to remote customers at lo$ cost. Babylon-6 should allo$ +C 9ogistics to centrali6e printer supplies in *ose(ille 5% and Bangalore, reducing real estate costs and in-pipeline in(entories else$here. 4ee detailed use case attachedD 1.#." Hi-Tech Mergers & Acquisitions users, $ho $ill be most interested in reducing latency o! !inancial updates and pricing. 8o(ing price data through teleportation gi(es program traders and hedge !unds a $ay to "lead the mar et" by as much as 2 seconds. 0or this group, ra$ transmission speed is the only criterion.

MRD Template

Mironov Consulting,

#igure A sho$s a schematic ho$ our system $ill !it $ith pricing data !rom ma:or e&changes, ,)E4@, )%47%F as deli(ered through *eutersGTIB5H- and buy-side inter!aces $ith port!olio trading apps. 1.#.# Plastics Manufacturers, $ho need dramatically better price-per!ormance to reach production economies. Hur pre(ious (ersions ha(e required too much computing po$er !or this mar et. % #.2& impro(ement in price-per!ormance brings us into the right range !or the !irst time, and ahead o! our competitors. In this segment, total system cost and support !or (ery large storage arrays $ill dri(e purchasing decisions. $hart % sho$s current and !uture per!ormance ,in absolute and price-per!ormance terms- !or this segment. I! necessary, a mar et-speci!ic lease option $ill be created to lo$er up!ront buy-in costs.

1.# +ompetitive Strengt0s and 8eaknesses

Hur biggest competitor has !ailed to address ey aspects o! this mar et. They ha(e neglected ne$ transport methods in !a(or o! old-style !uel-based mobility. "Babylon-6" $ill let us tilt the C* playing !ield in our !a(or ,"old (ersus ne$"- as $ell as sell upgrades to older customers no longer on contract. In particular, $e should be able to ta e share a$ay !rom Big5o based on their clumsy pricing and slo$ de(elopment cycles. 4ince $e $ill not yet ha(e !illed some holes in our o$n product line ,especially sa!ety testing !or transport o! people and li(e cargo-, $e $ill de-emphasi6e this in our materials and use cases. %ll mar eting and ad(ertising $ill picture transporting o! physical ,no-li(ing- goods. In addition, 5orporate 8ar eting $ill pro(ide deli(ery insurance to co(er any losses !rom mis-directed shipments.

1.) ,-ternal 7ositioning

{A pithy summary of what&s new and different enough that press'analysts will listen} %t launch, $e $ill position this $ith the broad non-technical press asD and !ocus technical re(ie$ersGreaders onD Hur comparison $ith e&isting competitors $ill !ocus onD 0or e&isting customers, our top-line message $ill beD

1.' Microso%t
This is in potential competition $ith se(eral long-term 8icroso!t initiati(es, such as " enfield( )ac!son" and "*+D+". Hur plan must be either to [a] ma e this an attracti(e partnering opportunity !or 8icroso!t, $ith hopes !or !ree bundling or acquisition, or [b] position it as complementary to 8icroso!t?s incomplete lo$er-le(el o!!ering, $hich $e assume $ill be bundled at no charge in all o! the !ollo$ing products and suitesA H!!ice"//6, 8oon@&plorer, and " ,-%eam". %ny discussion $ith press or analysts $ill include a designated C* G Croduct 8ar eting representati(e to co(er 8icroso!t questions.

!.0 "usiness Model

An e.plicit description of this product /service0 and 1how it ma!es money1 is important to careful planning 2. 'hile the business model may change $ith competiti(e shi!ts or learning during the de(elopment cycle, assumptions about mar etplaces and pricing $ill dri(e many decisions and de!ine ho$ $e $in against e&isting o!!erings.

Based on the $or o! Cro!. +enry 5hesbrough, +ar(ard Business 4chool

MRD Template

Mironov Consulting,

!.1 9alue 7roposition

5lear description o! the (alue created !or users by the productGser(ice, including reasons $hy current o!!erings are insu!!icient. 3.ample4 database stored procedures ,a. .a. triggers- allo$ program trading o! securities dri(en by real-time mar et price data. Cre-e&isting solutions required manual inter(ention or batch price scans, $hich $ere too slo$ to catch real-time mar et mo(es. This technology created a ne$ class o! traders able to arbitrage tiny mar et ine!!iciencies, and made millions !or early 'all 4treet adopters.

!.! Market Segment

'ho are the users ,IT, line o! business, roaming e&ecs, home sur!ersD-I 'hat are the details o! the applicationI 3.ample4 a global Internet dial-up ser(ice is targeted at roaming business users $ith 'indo$s laptops $ho cross national boundaries. They dial in !or email and corporate IC applications ,on a(erage- t$ice per business day and in!requently on $ee ends. They are non-technical, so cannot be counted on to con!igure any local settings or understand the subtleties o! local telephone ser(ices.


9alue +0ain Structure

+o$ $ill this be distributedI 'hat are necessary complementary productsI 'hat prerequisites $ill customers require ,and that can be used as mar eting screens-I 3.ample4 a real-time alerting system !or corporate bac -o!!ice applications requires deployed, $or ing corporate applications ,e.g. @*C or !inance- and bro$sers installed on all end user systems. It is a complement to these large apps, adding (alue to triggering or error status !eatures, since end users o!ten !ail to see urgent alerts. %s a stand-alone o!!ering, it lac s high-(alue content. 5an 8ar eting create a simple targeting screen !or early locationGquali!ication o! prospectsI

!.# +ost Structure

Is this a ser(ice or a productI %re costs dri(en by one-time *J7 or ongoing support and pro(isioningI 'hat is the pro!it potential gi(en the customer proposition and (alue chainI 3.ample4 a transaction-based ser(ice has high !i&ed ,start-up- costs and lo$ per-transaction costs. % ";KLK#62 support team is e&pensi(e to maintain, but can manage a large number o! cases $ithout e&panding. 5ompany needs to get a minimum re(enue per month ,day, year- to co(er support costs and amorti6e *J7, but needs relati(ely little per additional transaction to generate pro!itability. 4ubscription model and per-transaction !ees are possible pricing solutions.

!.) 7osition wit0in t0e 9alue 4etwork

+o$ does the company lin $ith suppliers and customersI 'hich are li ely complementors and competitorsI 'ho $ould lead in a teamed sales modelI 3.ample4 0ault-tolerant systems plat!orms are required !or >11 applications as $ell as cash machine net$or s. In both cases, the customer requires a custom so!t$are solution, $hich is chosen be!ore the hard$areGH4 combination. The systems pro(ider must team $ith top (ertical app de(elopers and $in their attentionGloyalty (ersus alternate plat!orm pro(iders. )atural channels are H@8 through application (endorsM .%* through system integratorsM in-house application de(elopment teamsM in(estment or acquisition o! leading app pro(iders.

MRD Template

Mironov Consulting,

!.' +ompetitive Strategy

+o$ $ill $e gain ad(antage o(er competitorsI 'hat unique resources do they lac , or con!licts ha(e they created, that eep them !rom using the same strategyI 9oo !or speci!ic "hard" items, rather than generic ans$ers ,e.g. !ocus, smarter team, reputation-.

.0 $%%ected &roups
.1 Development
7e(elopment $ill need to build an o(erall plan, and e&ecute against that plan. 5urrent target date !or !irst beta release is %pril "//L, and general a(ailability in %ugust "//L. <nless e&plicitly signed o!!, all listed !eatures and !unctions $ill be included. 'here trade-o!!s are made, Croduct 8ar eting $ill be included in the decision process. F% $ill be done by our testing group inD This is targeted as part o! our broader release o! (ersion 2./ scheduled !orD

.! Marketing : Sales
Croduct management $ill be done byD @&ternal C* and announcement planning $ill start in )o("//6 and be headed byD Training materials and (ertical mar et $hite papers $ill be the responsibility o!D 9eads and ne$ prospects $ill be identi!ied by a combination o! direct mail, opt-in email and seminars starting inD SALES: Ney accounts no$n to $ant this product areD 0ormal sales training is planned !orD 0ield technical resources $ill be trained in ad(ance o! customer betas. 5urrent beta dates and prospects areD Identi!ication o! target accounts among the installed based $ill be done byD


This product addresses the !ollo$ing no$n $ea nesses in our current o!!ering, as identi!ied by 4upportD 'e $ill designate a "tiger team" to handle beta and early production calls !rom customers !rom our 4upport group inD 4ign-o!! on customer and internal training materials $ill be done byD In addition, 4upport $ill recruit untrained customers and prospects to do user testing o! the beta product. <sers $ill attempt to install and use the product $ithout manuals or install guides, and $ill score their e&perience. I! L/O o! these testers are unable to per!orm a minimal set o! product !unctions PlistQ, Croduct 8anagement and 4upport $ill do a !ull re(ie$ o! <I and !unctional designs.

.# Operations
Hperations must D Fuality o! ser(ice metrics !or this product areD Test installations and Hperations acceptance testing $ill be done byD

.) Sales
4tarting in 1an-"//L, $e $ill begin loo ing !or beta customers among the e&isting installed base. This $ill be led by 4ales, speci!ically 8eredith Rreen!ield ,Hmaha- and Catty H?0urn ,7ublin-D Cresales 4@s $ill get t$o rounds o! product trainingA initial concepts and selling strategies. 4ales Training $ill be responsible !or coordinating these e(ents and turning standard mar eting deli(erables into 4ales !ormatsD

MRD Template

Mironov Consulting,

8ar eting $ill launch a contest and campaign during the !irst three months o! a(ailability, $ith pri6es !or all *eps $ho close more than one accountD

.' ;egal
0or some products ,e.g. this teleportation product-, de(elopers $ill need to $orry about liability and !ailure issues B and include a legal re(ie$ o! the product or claims. 5onsider the consequences o! a net$or outage on hospital systems, or a security breach o! la$ en!orcement databases. 0or teleportation, are there disclosures and $arnings that $ould minimi6e la$suits $hen an occasional user arri(es as a puddle o! qui(ering protoplasmI

#.0 "ill o% Materials

This section identi!ies all o! the customer-(isible product deli(erables to be produced, as $ell as customer site requirements and dependencies. 0rom this list, a de(elopment schedule can be created to complete e(erything needed "in the bo&" !or success!ul customer installations and deployments. Hnce this BH8 is matched to a product architecture, all pieces are required B there!ore no priority is implied by this section?s numbering scheme.

#.1 <ransporter Server

This ser(er so!t$are runs on a con(entional %pp 4er(er pro(ided by B@% ,'eb9ogic- or IB8 ,'eb4phere-. It controls all transporter !unctions and continuously chec s !or errors.

#.! <ransporter +onsole=&6*

The console manages the Transporter 4er(er and pro(ides its user inter!ace. In addition to physical controls, the 5onsole can be managed (ia (oice commands and unobtrusi(e %49 ,%merican 4ign 9anguage- hand gestures.


Sound &enerator

@(ery cool de(ice needs its o$n set o! special sounds to indicate proper operation. This subsystem lets engineers choose the sound palates most to their li ing, and coordinates the sound generator units ,4R<s-.

#.# Demograp0ic 6psell Module (D6M)

The 7<8 as s each teleportation user to pro(ide some demographic in!ormation be!ore being transported. This is use!ul !or contacting ne&t-o!- in a!ter a system !ailure as $ell as o!!ering additional products ,li!e insurance, destination-appropriate clothing- and adding to 8ar eting?s database o! user pro!iles. 9egal has as ed us to include a disclaimer that demographics are not required, and do not ha(e any e!!ect on Fuality o! 4er(ice.

).0 *nternally +ommitted Requirements

'ithin this section, each item is ran ed, $ith #.1 ta ing higher priority than #.", etc. Croduct o$ners and de(elopment must no$ $hich !eatures are most important. In general, this section contains !eatures or impro(ements that are invisible to customers, or $hich will not be announced.

MRD Template

Mironov Consulting,

).1 ,limination o% <op ) /ig0>7riority "ugs

Technical 4upport and Croduct 8anagement ha(e compiled a list o! our most serious so!t$are de!ects, as !ollo$s. %ll o! these must be !i&ed and tested prior to release. %s o! this $riting, they includeA Bu!!er o(er-$rite on messages S "3.; TB 8emory lea causing required reboot o! core ser(ice e(ery 33 hours Truncated header data on Type II @7I loo ups *emo(al o! end user option to turn o!! so!t$are updates 8isreading o! I58C pac ets as %ppleTal printer queue requests

).! *nternal 7er%ormance *mprovements

T$o bottlenec s ha(e been identi!ied that are generally not yet (isible to customersA retrie(al o! realtime database records during bac up cycles, and simultaneous receipt o! multiple items by a single transmitter. Both $ill start to sho$ up in customer testing ,or li(e production use- as tra!!ic builds beyond 62 RBGhour. 7e(elopment must tuneGredesign the 88R and T6 modules, and F% must (eri!y that $e can score more than 33 on the T5C-T benchmar . In addition, $e $ill require impro(ement o! at least "/O on each o! the !ollo$ing metricsD 'e $ill also need more complete analysis charting o! the ey per!ormance (ariables that customers eep demanding. This includes the impro(ed per!ormance !rom additional ser(er memory up to 21"RB and support !or larger "chun ing" hard$are to handle e&tra-long organic molecules such as 7)%.


"ackward +ompati1ility

This (ersion o! our product $ill $or $ith pre(ious (ersions starting $ith ("./ and including our most recent release ,;.;B-. It must allo$ a mi&ed use model, $ith all (ersions running simultaneously on separate machines, since !orcing an instantaneous upgrade is not yet possible. 'ith the !ollo$ing e&ceptions, no !unctions or capabilities $ill be remo(ed in this (ersionA Bac upGrestore $ill be limited to !ormats !rom (ersions ;./ and later. Hlder bac ups can be retrie(ed using a pre-e&isting copy o! the so!t$are. The "audio only" communications mode $ill be discontinued. 5ustomers $ill be noti!ied > months in ad(ance ,in $riting and !rom their sales teams- o! these changes.

).# 4e-t>&eneration $rc0itectural +0anges

This release $ill include changes to internal data structures and management mechanisms that $ill not be complete or (isible until a later releaseD

).) 7lat%orms and 7rotocols

4er(er-side so!t$are $ill run on *ed +at @nterprise 9I)<T (L." and later, 'indo$s .ista 4er(er ".2U, and 4olaris 1/. )o special client-side so!t$are $ill be required other than bro$ser support ,minimal set o! +T89 and %1%T supported by both 84I@ 6.1U and 0ire!o& "./U-. 5lient-side bro$ser testing $ill be done on 'in" , 'inTC, 8acT, 9I)<T L./U and CalmH4. 5ommunications $ill be assumed as +TTC,4- or 0TC o(er standard T5CGIC unless other$ise stated.

MRD Template

Mironov Consulting,

).' ,nd>o%>;i%e %or Older 9ersions

4tarting # months a!ter launch, $e $ill announce end-of-life ( !"# and end-of-su$$ort ( !%# !or pre(ious (ersions running on a (ariety o! obsolete plat!orms. These include +C-<T, all IB8 H4 plat!orms other than 9I)<T, <9T*IT, 7@5 H40G1, 4RI I*IT, bac (ersions o! Ingres and In!ormi& databases, and net$or ing support !or ICT and %ppleTal . 5ustomers $ill be gi(en !rom upgrades to any supported plat!orm. Hur @H9 program outline $ill beA )oti!y all customers in $riting o! impending @H9G@H4 three months a!ter this launch Include o!!er o! !ree upgradeG migration to any currently supported plat!orm $ithin 1" months o! announcement 4pecial "4'%T team" created !or pro!essional ser(ices opportunities $ith customer migrations )o additional patches or !i&es to be made 6 months a!ter announcement date )o ongoing support or technical assistance 1" months a!ter announcement date

).( 6ptime and ?uality o% Service

5ustomers are assumed to accept at least "" minutes o! do$ntime per month !or upgrades, database bac up, and hard$are pre(enti(e maintenance. %ll con!iguration and management !unctions must be per!ormed $hile applications are running, so cannot require any shut-do$ns, o!!line periods, or restarts. This translates to >>.>2O uptime. Hperations $ill monitor and report on all no$n customer do$ned systems, collect statistics, and calculate actual !ield uptime. In addition, monitoring so!t$are $ithin the applicationD Third party test tools $ill includeD Hnce $e ha(e achie(ed our target uptime, $e $ill begin reporting this monthly to customers as an aggregate result ,a(eraged o(er all customers and all systems-. 'e $ill ma e our measurement tools a(ailable to customers $ho $ant to trac their o$n uptimeD

'.0 ,-ternally +ommitted Requirements

'ithin this section, each item is ran ed, $ith ;.1 ta ing higher priority than ;.", etc. @&ternal announcements and customer communications $ill !ollo$ this list, since they are ran ed in importance. I! the !irst ; items are not completed, $e $ill delay launch until they are !inished and !ully tested.

'.1 Molecular <ransmittal

%N% teleportation, this is the ability to mo(e matter to remote de(ices $ithout tra(ersing the intermediate space. 5ustomers are eager to get this !eature, and the competition is years behind in de(eloping it. 4e(eral ma:or customers are $aiting !or this, including D This is a ma:or ne$ capability and $ill set us apart !rom the competition by allo$ing customers toD

'.! 9oice>$ctivated De1ug Mode

4ince users o!ten ha(e their hands !ull $hen problems de(elop, this ne$ !eature allo$s them to as "$hat i!" and "$hat?s $rong" directly B instead o! touching a eyboard. 0iltering has been included, $hich deletes inappropriate $ords be!ore logging and translating them. )ote to F%A e&tensi(e testing must be per!ormed on sound-ali e $ords. 0or instance, customers in the supply chain may o!ten use "ship" or "truc " so should not ha(e these bloc ed or deleted.

MRD Template

Mironov Consulting,


"road 7er%ormance *mprovement

'e must sho$ general per!ormance impro(ement o! at least #2O, as measured $ith our internal VI)R" test suite. This re!lects actual customer applications. 'e $ill also use standard industry benchmar s ,belo$-, $hich must sho$ at least #/O impro(ement. I! our $or to o(ercome internal bottlenec s ,abo(e, section #- contributes to this, then $e ha(e a double $in. I! not, $e still require that customers running normal application loads or benchmar s see mar ed impro(ement. There!ore, a !ull set o! 5C< usage and $ait time data $ill be required !rom our Cer!9ab B including identi!ication o! the top 6 to 1/ 5C< "hogs" and net$or latency areas.

'.# $uto>6pgrade 3eature

5ustomers continue to ha(e di!!iculty accepting, scheduling or applying so!t$are updates ,patches, interim releases, and ma:or upgrades-. This release $ill include an "auto-update" !eature that is enabled by de!ault, but can be turned o!! by the customer or by us. In addition, it must allo$ !or selecti(e upgrades by (ersion and customer I7. I! accepted by customers, $e e&pect to discontinue our distribution o! physical media in 1an-"//3, and begin increasing support charges !or (ersions more than one year old. 5ustomer 4upport e&pects this to allo$ promotionGredeployment o! more than 1/O o! their sta!!, and is an important part o! their plan to reduce case turn-around times by #2O during 0E"//3.

'.) "enc0marks
'e $ill run the !ollo$ing per!ormance tests internally, $ith a plan to release benchmar s beating the competitionD Third party test labs that $ill re-run or (eri!y our results areD Cublications that promote these benchmar s includeD

'.' Metering Support %or $S7 Model

8ar eting $ill require a pricing mechanism !or %4Cs ,application ser(ice pro(iders- $ho $ill o!!er teleportation "per trip" rather than on a !ull license basis. Croduct must support a method !or counting and billing !or each use. Ideally, this $ill include pac et counts, so that larger items can be billed at higher rates than smaller ones.

(.0 /ig0ly Desira1le Requirements

This section sho$s items that ma& be included in this release, but are not committed yet. It is intended to reduce questions about "that thing $e as ed !or, but isn?t included on your list." In general, since lists get shorter during de(elopment, !e$ o! these items are e&pected to !it in the current release.

(.1 Status *ndicators

'hile not required, this $ill dramatically reduce calls to Technical 4upport. ,It may also reduce la$suits.- 4ystem should sho$ status o! all trans!ers in progress, as $ell as statistics and details on completed and queued trans!ers. 7ata must include dateGtime, destination, origin, si6e, $eight, and deli(ery options. *ed "alert" signals must identi!y i! any item has !ailed to be recei(ed intact, or i! queued items ha(e been !lushed !rom bu!!ers.
MRD Template


Mironov Consulting,

2.0 3uture Requirements

This section sho$s items that may be included in later releases, but are not committed in this release. It is intended to reduce questions about "that thing $e as ed !or, but isn?t included on your list."

2.1 6ndo=Redo
This has been requested by many customers, but is not included in this release. 4ome architectural $or has been slipped into the main code line !or completion in later releases. 0or no$, customers $ho send something do not ha(e the option to "change their minds" or later destination coordinates.

..0 3eatures 4ot "eing *mplemented

4ome requests are speci!ically e&cluded or denied. 4ho$ing them here is an e&cellent $ay to mo(e con(ersations !rom "$henI" to "$hy notI" 8ost requests that do not come !rom a ma:or customer or support critical strategic ob:ecti(es end up here.

..1 Random <rans%ormation

T$o (ocal customers ha(e made repeated requests !or items to be trans!ormed B at random B during teleportation. This is a !undamentally bad !eature, since it could be turned on accidentally or by hac ers. Clease be clear and unambiguous $ith customers that this is not a !eature $e $ill e(er implement, and that enhancement submissions $ill be closed $ith the ")ot <nder 7e(elopment" label.

MRD Template


Mironov Consulting,

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