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Abstract Topic: written by samridhis friend.

Helping Hands Better Than Praying Lips

Human beings are social animals. This definition, while seemingly narrow in its scope, perfectly encapsulates what keeps the human communities functioning. We eat, gather resources, raise families, care for our beloved and keep harm at bay; practically everything an average living being performs in its life span. But what sets us apart is our ability to empathize with others and lend a helping hand to those in need of one. Hence, it becomes imperative that we do all we can to aid others in any little way can, as opposed to simply sympathizing vocally and wishing for a magical hand to drop down from above and pull them out of the quicksand. It's common knowledge that in the world we live in, suffering is in abundance. People lack basic human needs, they don't have the resources to heave themselves out of the cesspools of drudgery and poverty. Lending a meager percentage of your salary to the deprived can go a long way in helping them. In fact, even the general populace at large faces problems on a daily basis that can be alleviated with just one pair of helping hands. Getting a victim of a road accident to the nearest Hospital on time is, for one, a duty every self-respecting citizen should perform without fail. What all of this points to is that feigning helplessness and hiding behind a veil of ignorance is not morally correct. There's no harm in wishing for people's well being, in fact it's recommended and it's often the only thing you can do in certain circumstances. But wherever possible, stretch your muscles a little. Extend a helping hand, do something to put a smile on a person's face who could use a little happiness and see the world become a better place in small but noticeable increments.

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