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Grade 8 Teacher

Unit Fuelling the body Syed Arshad Mushtaq

How Much The human body is about 60% water If you lose 10 % you become ill 20% you will die

Loss of water from body is called

Dehydration /watch?v=goBmkTL6rzc

Three ways to lose water Sweating 0.5-1 liter a day Breathing out 0.5 liter a day Urinating 1.5 -2 liter

From food 1.0 to 1.5 Liters

From chemical process in body 0.25 Liters

From drinking water 1.0 to 2.2 liters

Water makes up most fluid part of the body called Plasma It allows food and waste to be moved about your body Saliva the watery fluid in the mouth makes food slippery and so that it can easily be swallowed Keeps body cool through sweating

We can not live more than three days without drinking water but can go forty days without food

Q1:What is the name given to loss of water from the body? Answer Dehydration Q 2: Name there ways you lose water from the body. Answer Sweating Breathing out Urinating Q 3: How many days you can live without drinking water Answer Three days

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