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The Legal Resume: Guidelines, Samples, and Checklist

George Mason University School of Law Career, Academic and Alumni Services Room 37 33 ! "airfa# $rive Arlington, %irginia &&& ! 7 3'((3') & * 7 3'((3') !& +fa#,

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THE LEGAL RESUME I. RESUME !RMAT A. !"e#all $#mat One of the first steps in the job search process is the deve opment of !o"r e#a res"me. $his is !o"r best opport"nit! to hi#h i#ht your specific e%periences and achievements& the res"me is desi#ned to comm"nicate the 'essence( of !o" on a sin# e sheet of paper. $his is not an eas! tas)* $he res"me wi introd"ce !o" to a potentia emp o!er. +t sho" d hi#h i#ht !o"r si#nificant achievements and e%perience whi e imitin# itse f to one pa#e. ,-t"dents who have been o"t of schoo for more than ten !ears with si#nificant e%perience ma! warrant a res"me./ $he bottom ine objective of a res"me is to ma)e the reader want to meet ,interview/ !o". 0o"r res"me is 0O12 statement and3 therefore3 can be persona i4ed in man! wa!s. $here are3 however3 some definite 5o6s and 5on6ts that wi be indicated ater. %. &ape# and $nts '$# Resumes and Re'e#ence Lists 0o"r res"me sho" d be formatted in a conservative and traditiona manner that is e%pected b! most e#a and ated emp o!ers. +t sho" d be printed on a aser printer in a font and font si4e that is eas! to read. +nc "de !o"r name at the top3 in ar#er font3 if possib e. 7void shadin# te%t3 insertin# te%t bo%es3 or "sin# a temp ate s"ch as the res"me f"nction in 8icrosoft 9ord to format !o"r res"me. 1se bo din# and ita ics caref" ! and consistent !. 0o"r res"me sho" d be on white3 off.white or ver! pa e #ra! heav! bond paper. Other co ors3 even if paste 3 are not recommended for e#a res"mes. $a)e !o"r c"e from the t!pe of paper most firms "se for their etterhead. 1n"s"a co ors and print sho" d not be "sed* :aper for cover etters3 reference ists and than).!o" etters sho" d match !o"r res"me3 as sho" d !o"r enve opes ,if "sin# standard b"siness.si4e enve opes/. C. Heading -ittin# with a b an) sheet of paper in front of !o"3 !o" ma! find the tas) of deve opin# a concise3 e!e.catchin# doc"ment overwhe min#. +f it is easier for !o" to brea) down the tas) into severa sma er ones3 be#in with the headin#;!o"r name and contact information. $he e#a fie d tends to be more conservative than man! others3 so room for dramatica ! creative res"mes is ver! imited. <e#in !o"r res"me with !o"r name3 address3 phone n"mber and e.mai address. <e s"re !o"r emai address is b"siness appropriate;avoid "sin# f"nn! addresses or addresses with co e#e or fami ! nic)names& when in do"bt "se !o"r =81 address. +f !o" are p annin# to move to a new area and have a permanent
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address !o" can "se to show the emp o!er !o"r connection to that area3 !o" sho" d ist a schoo address and a permanent address. (!TE> 9hen app !in# to aw firms3 a#encies3 or corporations?3 do not ist an! persona b o#s3 m!space3 or faceboo) acco"nts in !o"r headin#. 9hatever !o"r on ine presence is3 whether socia networ)in# sites3 datin# services3 chat rooms or b o#s3 !o" sho" d consider how a prospective emp o!er wo" d react to !o"r on ine information. 2emember> the partners and senior administrators who are ma)in# hirin# decisions did not #row "p in the a#e of the internet3 and the postin#s on these sites ma! stri)e them as immat"re or "nprofessiona . 0o"r on ine presence m"st be consistent with the impression !o" are tr!in# to create of a hard.wor)in#3 professiona 3 mat"re individ"a . @ven somethin# that seems re ative ! beni#n3 s"ch as photos of !o" from a vacation mi#ht not present the professiona ima#e !o" are see)in#. @ven if !o" do not ist these sites in !o"r headin#3 !o" sho" d set an! pa#es "nder !o"r contro to 'private(3 and a so periodica ! #oo# e !o"rse f to review !o"r 'on. ine( presence. 7 recent A7B: s"rve! indicated that )*.+, of aw firm respondents ac)now ed#ed searchin# potentia candidates on ine. ? 7 possible e%ception to this ma! be st"dents app !in# for Capita Di 3 thin) tan)3 trade association3 advocac! #ro"ps3 or campai#n positions. -. Educati$n Ae%t3 foc"s on !o"r ed"cationa bac)#ro"nd. +t is #enera ! recommended to ist ed"cationa E"a ifications before e%perience3 and aw firms and most e#a emp o!ers e%pect to see ed"cation isted first. 9hat sho" d !o" inc "deF +n reverse chrono o#ica order ,most recent first/3 ist the schoo s !o" have attended since hi#h schoo 3 the de#ree earned3 the !ear !o" #rad"ated3 the ocation of the schoo ,cit! and/or state/ and an! honors or activities worth hi#h i#htin#. +f !o" were on the 5eanGs Bist in co e#e3 be s"re to indicate the n"mber of semesters or schoo !ears !o" were on the Bist ,on ! ist if 4 or more semesters/. +f !o" have received an! merit.based scho arships3 !o" sho" d inc "de those as we . $he #enera r" e is not to inc "de hi#h schoo 3 "n ess it is ver! we )nown and !o" have a reasonab e chance of bein# interviewed b! a fe ow a "m. 7 so3 if !o" attended a noteworth! oca hi#h schoo and are interviewin# oca !3 it ma! be worth inc "din# if !o" have s"fficient room. $here is room for f e%ibi it! in the Educati$n section. 2emember3 !o" are tr!in# to p"t !o"r best foot forward so !o" ma! want to downp a! or foc"s on certain items. +f !o" paid for ed"cationa e%penses on !o"r own thro"#h wor) and oans3 indicate that. @mp o!ers often "se the date of #rad"ation from co e#e to estimate !o"r a#e. 0o" ma! de ete the date of co e#e #rad"ation if !o" thin) it wi be he d a#ainst !o". Hai "re to indicate the date3 however3 ma! ead emp o!ers to estimate !o"r a#e an!wa!.

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.. G#ades $he #enera r" e on #rades/ran) is to inc "de !o"r aw schoo standin# if !o" are in the top I0J. $he same r" e app ies for co e#e and/or #rad"ate schoo #rades if !o" )now !o"r ran)in#. +t is #enera ! a #ood idea to ist c ass ran)3 rather than =:7 K c ass ran) is m"ch more informative than =:7 beca"se #rade inf ation varies from schoo to schoo and c ass ran) a ows emp o!ers to rate !o" a#ainst !o"r peers. +f !o" record !o"r e%act c ass ran) ,i.e. top 43J instead of top 4IJ as is isted on !o"r transcript/3 !o" sho" d inc "de !o"r act"a c ass position ,13L/213/ so that emp o!ers are not conf"sed. St#$ng /#iting skills a#e "alued t#emend$usl0. +f !o"r writin# =:7 is hi#her than !o"r overa =:73 !o" may consider istin# !o"r writin# =:7 in additi$n to !o"r overa =:7. Aote that if !o" provide !o"r 9=:7 !o" m"st a so ist !o"r overa =:7. 0o" sho" d spe o"t '9ritin# =:7(. -evera emp o!ers have advised C77- that the! find the writin# #rade point avera#e conf"sin# and3 in some cases3 have mista)en it for the st"dentGs overa #rade point avera#e "nti the! reviewed the st"dentGs transcript. $his conf"sion is avoided when both are isted. 2emember that no other aw schoo has a 9=:7. +t ma! be better to describe !o"r stron# #rades in writin# co"rses in a cover etter rather than simp ! ist the ess "nderstood 9ritin# =:7 on a res"me. -ome emp o!ers a so be ieve !o" sho" d not ist !o"r "nder#rad"ate or other #rad"ate =:7 or ran) on !o"r res"me "n ess !o" are a so istin# !o"r aw schoo =:7 or ran) ,and vice versa/. Others be ieve !o" sho" d ist stron# #rades for an! schoo in# when !o" have it. +t is "p to the individ"a st"dent to choose. 2. H$n$#s and Acti"ities Bist honors and activities "nder the appropriate ed"cationa instit"tion3 not as a separate headin# at the bottom of the res"me. 0o" want to showcase the depth of !o"r aw schoo and "nder#rad"ate e%periences3 and brea)in# "p the headin#s minimi4es that effort. -t"dents who participated in man! activities d"rin# co e#e ma! wish to inc "de on ! the most si#nificant activities3 partic" ar ! activities that invo ve writin# , i)e schoo newspapers/ or show a stron# wor) ethic , i)e varsit! sports/ or eadership. Please note, some employers may disfavor certain political, social, or religious activities (e.g., involvement in student political groups, fraternities, church organizations). Unfortunately, you may not know in advance who your reader will be and how he or she will react. You may consider creating two versions of your resume, a political! version to use for certain employers, and a more neutral! one for other employers. E. E1pe#ience Secti$n $he ne%t section3 E1pe#ience3 is "s"a ! considered the most diffic" t to write. ,Aote that the preferred tit e is M@%perienceM not M@mp o!ment.M $his wi a ow !o" to ist re evant vo "nteer or "npaid positions a on# with paid positions./ $his step3 too3 ma! be
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ess overwhe min# if ta)en in sta#es. <e#innin# with !o"r most recent job3 internship or vo "nteer position3 note the name of the or#ani4ation3 the ocation3 !o"r position tit e and the dates of emp o!ment/e%perience. $he ne%t step is to create a brief3 concise description of !o"r d"ties and responsibi ities. +f !o"r d"ties were s"bstantia in each of !o"r positions3 a b" et format ma! wor) we . Hor the most recent e%perience3 ta)e a few min"tes to jot down ever! activit! !o" ever performed in this job. <rainstorm. 1sin# action verbs ,see ist on pa#e L/3 describe not on ! !o"r primar! responsibi ities3 b"t those activities that ma! have occ"rred on ! once or ver! rare !. Hor e%amp e3 if !o" were responsib e for writin# !o"r department6s ann"a report3 !o" ma! have wor)ed on it for on ! a few wee)s3 b"t !o" did write the ann"a report. 5o not eave o"t an! activit! for an! reason. $his is j"st a broad ist from which !o"r job description wi event"a ! emer#e. Once !o" have e%ha"sted ever! possibi it!3 be#in to imit !o"r ist. $hin) of !o"r a"dience. 9hat s)i s and abi ities are emp o!ers oo)in# for in a aw c er)3 s"mmer associate or new associateF $he! are oo)in# for evidence of #ood M aw!erin#M s)i s s"ch as research3 writin#3 and comm"nications s)i s. $he! want someone with stron# ana !tica abi ities who wor)s hard and can f"nction we "nder press"re. 5isc"ss specific accomp ishments !o" achieved in each of !o"r positions. $his wi be m"ch more impressive than broad #enera ities. Hor e%amp e3 as a f"rnit"re sa es representative3 !o" consistent ! e%ceeded !o"r E"ota and were awarded the -a esperson of the 8onth award twice. -a! so* +f !o"r efforts red"ced costs3 increased prod"ctivit! or #enerated new c ients3 sa! so. +n addition3 emp o!ers ma! be oo)in# for someone with e%pos"re to3 or a )now ed#e of3 a certain s)i 3 ind"str! or t!pe of aw. Di#h i#ht those s)i s and abi ities that demonstrate !o"r abi it! to do the job. Hor e%amp e3 if !o" are a certified p"b ic acco"ntant3 hi#h i#ht that. 2epeat this process for each position !o" have he d. +n #enera 3 !o" need not ist jobs he d more than ten !ears a#o or that have no re evance to the t!pe of wor) !o" are now see)in#. 0o" sho" d tr!3 however3 not to eave chrono o#ica #aps in !o"r e%perience section. +f !o" have been o"t of co e#e for more than ten !ears3 it is a so perfect ! acceptab e to ist o d jobs witho"t job descriptions in order to save space b"t to neverthe ess hi#h i#ht the wor) e%perience to the prospective emp o!er. Hor st"dents who came to aw schoo strai#ht from co e#e3 ist most of the jobs !o" he d each s"mmer !o" were in co e#e or jobs !o" he d d"rin# the schoo !ear. "ny job ref ects a wor) ethic& co e#e jobs do not have to be e#a in nat"re to be isted on a res"me. Hor st"dents who wor)ed prior to attendin# aw schoo 3 ist a or most of the jobs !o" have he d since co e#e #rad"ation. +f possib e3 avoid havin# ar#e #aps3 or "nacco"nted.for time3 in !o"r wor) e%perience. Be#a emp o!ers wi oo) to see what !o" have done with !o"r ife since co e#e K i.e.3 wor)in#3 ta)in# c asses3 or vo "nteerin#. 8a)e s"re to inc "de an! job !o" c"rrent ! ho d ,internship3 s"mmer3 permanent/. 7 descriptions of the wor) !o" have done sho" d be#in with action verbs ,e.#.3 drafted3 researched3 s"pervised3 mana#ed/. 1se action verbs re#ard ess of whether !o" are "sin# a para#raph or b" et format to describe !o"r wor). $he present tense sho" d be "sed
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when describin# the job !o" c"rrent ! ho d and the past tense sho" d be "sed for describin# former jobs. 0o"r wor) descriptions sho" d c ear ! conve! what !o" did. 7void #enera statements i)e '7ssisted with the 7<C project( or '9or)ed c ose ! with the N0O team.( $hose statements do not ref ect what s)i s !o" "sed/acE"ired. Contin"e to )eep in mind that e#a emp o!ers are oo)in# for previo"s e%perience with research3 writin#3 ana !sis3 comm"nication3 project mana#ement3 and s"pervision/ eadership. Be#a emp o!ers wi oo) to see if !o" deve oped those s)i s in other emp o!ment settin#s beca"se those s)i s a so are needed in the e#a profession. $o the e%tent possib e3 tr! to describe !o"r e%perience with an e!e towards those s)i s. Hoc"s on describin# !o"r ro e3 rather than the emp o!erGs b"siness or ind"str! settin#. +t is impossib e to )now what ever! emp o!er finds interestin#. -ome are on ! concerned with !o"r ed"cationa E"a ifications3 some #ive a #reat dea of emphasis to !o"r ties to their comm"nit!3 and others foc"s on !o"r e%perience to the e%c "sion of a e se. 0o" cannot predict ever! concern. +nstead3 )eep in mind that most res"mes receive on ! a c"rsor! review3 20 to 30 seconds3 or a f" min"te if !o" are "c)!. Hoc"s on the hi#h points3 sta! acc"rate and brin# it to C77- for review* . Miscellane$us Secti$ns -ome peop e conc "de res"mes with sections foc"sin# on forei#n an#"a#e s)i s3 comm"nit! activities and service3 persona interests or hobbies3 s)i s ,comp"tin#/3 p"b ications3 sec"rit! c earances3 other professiona icenses3 or professiona associations. $his section sho" d AO$ inc "de persona information s"ch as marita 3 fami !3 or hea th stat"s. 9hether or not to inc "de s"ch sections and the en#th of s"ch sections varies from individ"a to individ"a . C77- has heard from emp o!ers who i)e these sections3 and an eE"a n"mber of emp o!ers who dis i)e these sections. 0o" sho" d disc"ss the inc "sion of s"ch sections with a C77- co"nse or. $he samp e res"mes contained herein show some possib e formats. On ! hi#h i#ht those interests that !o" are prepared to disc"ss in a professiona manner. Hor e%amp e3 do not ist readin# as an interest "n ess !o" are prepared to disc"ss !o"r favorite boo) or a"thor& the ast non. e#a boo) !o" read3 etc. @mp o!ers ass"me !o" have the basic comp"ter s)i s necessar! to cond"ct e#a research and writin# and it is not necessar! to inc "de them. G. Re'e#ences 23 Rec$mmendati$ns4 Re'e#ences sho" d not be inc "ded on !o"r res"me. :repare a separate pa#e of references which can be #iven to the emp o!er d"rin# the interview. On paper identica to !o"r res"me3 provide !o"r name3 address3 phone n"mber and e.mai address3 t!pica ! "sin# the same headin# as "sed at the top of !o"r res"me. 7 so provide the necessar! information abo"t !o"r references. +f !o"r re ationship to the reference is not obvio"s3 i.e.3 the person has chan#ed schoo s or firms3 note the re ationship.

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@mp o!ers wi e%pect !o" to be ab e to provide the names of two or three peop e )now ed#eab e abo"t !o" and !o"r academic or professiona bac)#ro"nd. $!pica !3 !o" sho" d be ab e to provide the names3 tit es3 wor) and e.mai addresses3 and da!time phone n"mbers of !o"r references. 1se aw professors and attorne!s when possib e. Otherwise3 a mi% of emp o!ers3 co e#e and aw professors is adeE"ate. +t is not acceptab e to "se re atives or friends "n ess !o" are specifica ! as)ed to provide persona references. $he reference sho" d be ab e to spea) to !o"r inte ect"a abi ities and promise as an emp o!ee. 8a)e certain !o" as) each person ahead of time if he/she is wi in# to act as a reference3 then s"pp ! him/her with a cop! of !o"r res"me so he/she wi have somethin# to refer to when spea)in# with emp o!ers. Peep !o"r references advised of !o"r job search and interview deve opments so he/she is not ca"#ht off #"ard if contacted. @mai "pdates sho" d s"ffice. 8ost emp o!ers reE"est on ! a reference ist3 b"t if an emp o!er as)s for a recommendation3 the emp o!er "s"a ! is reE"estin# a etter of recommendation. 0o" sho" d as) !o"r references for etters of recommendation as soon as possib e3 and a wa!s provide !o"r recommender with a cop! of !o"r res"me. C77- maintains etters of recommendation from f" .time professors in o"r database. H. T#uth In Ad"e#tising 8ost st"dents and emp o!ers wo" d a#ree that the res"me p a!s an important part in one6s abi it! to obtain job interviews and3 in some cases3 offers of emp o!ment. +n i#ht of that fact3 man! peop e fee press"red to e%a##erate their ed"cation and e%perience. 5hile the#e is n$thing /#$ng /ith putting 0$u# 6est '$$t '$#/a#d, ca#e must 6e taken t$ a"$id misleading $# unt#ue claims. 5"e to the importance with which emp o!ers view certain aw schoo activities ,Baw 2eview3 8oot Co"rt3 etc./3 it is imperative that the correct terms be "sed and that dates of participation3 if an!3 are c ear ! indicated on the res"me. Hor e%amp e3 if !o"r association with Baw 2eview ends before #rad"ation3 !o" m"st indicate that on !o"r res"me. :rovidin# inacc"rate or mis eadin# information on a res"me wi be considered !in# and an Donor Code vio ation. ConseE"ences ma! inc "de e imination from consideration b! an emp o!er3 dismissa from !o"r job and/or prob ems with the <ar. 2emember3 information on !o"r res"me can be verified easi !. Q"estions or concerns sho" d be bro"#ht to C77-G attention. inal ($te: &#$$'#ead 0$u# #esume. T0p$g#aphical e##$#s and $the# mistakes in 0$u# #esume a#e 'atal. S$me empl$0e#s /ill immediatel0 disca#d #esumes /ith e"en $ne mistake. Make su#e t$ ha"e at least $ne $the# pe#s$n #e"ie/ 0$u# #esume and 0$u sh$uld als$ #ead it al$ud t$ sp$t e##$#s.

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II. -!:

RESUME -!s and -!(7TS

Create more than one res"me if !o" have severa different a"diences. Hor e%amp e3 individ"a s with stron# po itica partisan e%perience sho" d have a more ne"tra res"me for non.po itica jobs. :roofread caref" !. Dave at east one other person review before s"bmittin# to an emp o!er. :"t !o"r name3 address3 phone n"mber3 and e.mai at the top of !o"r res"me. +nc "de !o"r c ass ran) if !o" are in the top I0J. 1se action verbs s"ch as researched3 wrote3 edited3 e%amined3 ar#"ed3 pers"aded3 s"mmari4ed3 etc. to describe !o"r e%periences. M2esponsibi ities inc "dedM wea)ens the impact of the words that fo ow. 1se a b" et format3 if appropriate3 and be#in ever! ine with an action verb. Hor hard cop! app ications3 have !o"r res"me,s/ printed or photocopied on #ood bond paper. 8a)e certain that each cop! is c ear and oo)s professiona . 7 so ma)e certain that the res"me photocopies we in re#" ar photocop! machines. ,8ost peop e in a firm or or#ani4ation wi see on ! a photocop! of !o"r res"me3 not the ori#ina ./ $he print and paper t!pe of the cover etters and enve opes sho" d match !o"r res"me. Hor e ectronica ! s"bmitted app ications3 ma)e s"re !o"r res"me transmits as !o" have desi#ned it and sti prints as one pa#e. C77- recommends that !o" transmit !o"r res"me in :5H format whenever possib e to protect !o"r res"me format ,and content/. Chec) for consistenc! within the res"me. +f !o" spe o"t the name of the month in !o"r first job description3 !o" sho" d spe o"t a months. +f !o" ist a job tit e3 the or#ani4ation3 the ocation and !o"r dates of emp o!ment in one job description3 this information3 in this order3 sho" d be provided for each position. +nc "de !o"r home/permanent address if !o" p an to ret"rn to that area. $his does not app ! if !o" are from the 9ashin#ton metropo itan area. Di#h i#ht the positive b"t sta! acc"rate. 2esist the temptation to e%a##erate. 5esi#nate vo "nteer/comm"nit! wor) if app !in# for p"b ic interest positions3 if si#nificant3 or to demonstrate a commitment to a #eo#raphic re#ion. :"b ic interest emp o!ers consider evidence of an app icant6s commitment to p"b ic service ver! important.

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-!(8T: 5o not inc "de an MObjectiveM section. $his information on a res"me imits its versati it! and is more proper ! addressed in a cover etter. 5o not "se persona prono"ns s"ch as M+M3 M8!M3 etc. 0o"r descriptions sho" d be brief and to the point. $he! need not read i)e a sentence. 5o not ist persona information s"ch as marita stat"s3 a#e3 hea th3 etc. $his t!pe of information sho" d not p a! a ro e in hirin# decisions and ma)es !o"r res"me oo) o"tdated. 5o not "se abbreviations ,e%cept for states and 1.-./. 5o not s"pp ! a wor) n"mber "n ess !o" can receive ca s at wor). 8a)e s"re to have voice mai or an answerin# s!stem for the phone n"mber !o" p"t on !o"r materia s and that the messa#e is professiona in tone. +f !o" provide a ce phone n"mber3 ma)e s"re the messa#e identifies it as !o"r ce phone. 5o not send a photo#raph. 7 pict"re ma! et emp o!ees form mis eadin# impressions. 5o not inc "de sa ar! reE"irements. 5o not inc "de reasons for eavin# jobs. $hese are better e%p ained in interviews. 5o not inc "de date of res"me preparation. $his indicates how on# !o" have been oo)in# for a job. 5o not #ive empt! ass"rances. 7 app icants thin) the! are #ood3 honest3 and o!a wor)ers. 5emonstrate these E"a ities thro"#h concrete e%amp es d"rin# interviews. 5o not state that references are avai ab e "pon reE"est. +nstead3 ist them on a separate sheet and adapt them to each individ"a emp o!ment sit"ation. +f !o" inc "de a persona interests section3 tr! not to ist too man! hobbies and o"tside interests3 e%cept those that re ate to professiona interests3 or rea ! are si#nificant hobbies or accomp ishments. 5o not se !o"rse f short* 2emember3 whi e !o" do not want to be mis eadin#3 !o" are Mmar)etin#M !o"r s)i s.

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acce erated accomp ished accr"ed achieved adapted addressed adj"sted administered advised a ocated ana !4ed answered appeared app ied appointed appraised approved arbitrated arran#ed assessed assi#ned assisted ass"red attended a"dited awarded bo"#ht briefed bro"#ht b"d#eted ca c" ated cata o#ed chaired chan#ed c assified c osed coached co ected combined commented comm"nicate compared comp eted composed comp"ted conceived conc "ded cond"cted considered constr"cted cons" ted contin"ed contracted contro ed converted convinced coordinated corrected co"nse ed co"nted created credited critiE"ed dea t decided defined de e#ated de ivered demonstrated described desi#ned determined deve oped devised devoted dia#nosed directed disc"ssed distrib"ted doc"mented drafted earned edited enco"ra#ed endorsed en ar#ed en isted ens"red entered estab ished estimated eva "ated e%amined e%panded e%pedited e%perienced e%perimented e%p ained e%p ored e%pressed e%tended fi ed financed foc"sed forecasted form" ated fostered fo"nd #athered #raded #ranted #"ided hand ed he ped identified imp emented improved incorporated inde%ed initiated inf "enced innovated inspected insta ed instr"cted ins"red interpreted interviewed introd"ced investi#ated invo ved iss"ed joined )ept a"nched earned eased ect"red ed icensed isted o##ed maintained mana#ed matched meas"red mediated met modified monitored motivated moved named ne#otiated observed opened operated ordered or#ani4ed oversaw participated perceived performed pers"aded p anned prepared presented processed proc"red pro#rammed prohibited projected promoted proposed provided p"b ished p"rchased p"rs"ed E"a ified ran)ed rated received recommended reconci ed recr"ited re#" ated re ated rep aced rep ied revamped reviewed revised sched" ed se ected served serviced set so ved so"#ht spearheaded specified started stream ined stren#thened s"bmitted s"bstit"ted s"##ested s"mmari4ed s"pervised s"rve!ed tac) ed tar#eted ta"#ht tested to"red trained trans ated transported trave ed t"rned "pdated visited wor)ed wrote

/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_1/208268436.doc October 2007


/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_1/208268436.doc October 2007



$his chec) ist hi#h i#ht some of the common feat"res and freE"ent errors fo"nd in res"mes sent to traditiona e#a emp o!ers and to some ated emp o!ers3 s"ch as e#a p"b ishers3 po ic! or#ani4ations3 p"b ic and private ibraries3 and bar associations. Hor ideas on res"mes to be sent to non. e#a emp o!ers3 cons" t with a C77- co"nse or. Gene#al Matte#s __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 5oes !o"r res"me headin# inc "de !o"r name3 address3 te ephone n"mber and b"siness appropriate e.mai addressF +s !o"r res"me formatted in a conservative and traditiona manner and on white3 off. white3 or ver! i#ht #ra! heav! bond paperF +s the font and font si4e eas! to read thro"#ho"t the res"meF +s !o"r res"me contained to one pa#e if !o" have been o"t of schoo for ess than ten !earsF +s !o"r name and 'pa#e two( inc "ded at the top of the second pa#e if !o"r res"me is two pa#esF 7re !o"r references isted on a separate sheet of paper3 formatted to match the res"meF +s the '@d"cation( section first fo owed b! an '@%perience( sectionF

Educati$n Secti$n __ __ __ __ ___ __ 7re a schoo s attended since hi#h schoo isted in reverse chrono o#ica orderF Hor each schoo 3 did !o" ist the de#ree earned or e%pected3 the month and !ear !o" #rad"ated or wi #rad"ate3 and the ocation of the schoo ,cit! and state/F 7re the activities in which !o" participated or honors earned isted "nderneath each schoo F +s !o"r c ass ran) on !o"r res"me if !o" are in the top I0J of !o"r aw schoo c assF +s !o"r act"a c ass c ass position ,i.e.3 13L/213/ isted if !o" record !o"r e%act c ass ran) in terms of percent ,i.e. top 43J instead of top 4IJ/F +f provided3 is !o"r 9ritin# =:7 c ear ! spe ed o"t and !o"r overa =:7 a so providedF

E1pe#ience Secti$n __ __ 5o !o" inc "de the job !o" c"rrent ! ho d ,internship3 s"mmer3 permanent/F Hor each job !o" ist3 do !o" inc "de the fo owin#> ,1/ the name of the emp o!er3 ,2/ !o"r job tit e3 ,3/ the ocation of emp o!ment ,cit! and state/3 and ,4/ the dates of emp o!mentF 5o a descriptions of the wor) !o" have done be#in with action verbsF 5o !o" "se the present tense when describin# the job !o" c"rrent ! ho d and past tense when describin# former jobsF 5o !o"r wor) descriptions c ear ! conve! what !o" didF 5o !o"r wor) descriptions foc"s on !o" rather than the emp o!erF

__ __ __ __

Skills $# Language2s4 Secti$n 2i' this secti$n is included4 __ ___ 5oes this section hi#h i#ht OAB0 si#nificant s)i sF 7re a an#"a#es and eve of f "enc! istedF

Inte#ests $# C$mmunit0 Acti"ities Secti$n 2i' this secti$n is included4 __ __ 5oes this section hi#h i#ht OAB0 si#nificant interests and activitiesF 5oes this section hi#h i#ht OAB0 interests that !o" are prepared to disc"ss in a professiona mannerF

&#$$'#eading __ __ 5id !o" read the res"me a o"d and bac)wardsF 5id !o" have someone e se proofread !o"r res"meF

9. SAM&LES Sample Resume Headings Sample Educati$n -esc#ipti$ns Sample %a# Mem6e#ship Listings Sample Re'e#ence List Sample Resumes 7.<. C.H. =. D. +. R. -t"dent who came to aw schoo direct ! from co e#e -t"dent with some wor) e%perience prior to aw schoo -t"dent with mi itar! and other wor) e%perience prior to aw schoo +: st"dent with some wor) e%perience prior to aw schoo +: st"dent with sever !ears of wor) e%perience prior to aw schoo =rad"ate with Di e%perience prior to and after aw schoo

Sam0le Resume 1eadings2

ELI;A%ETH A(( <!H(S!( 1234 Oa) 5rive = 7r in#ton3 Sir#inia 22201 = ,703/ I22.2000 = ejohnsT#m".ed"


ELI;A%ETH A. <!H(S!( 1234 Oa) 5rive = 7r in#ton3 Sir#inia 22201 = ,703/ I22.2000 = ejohnsT#m".ed"


ELI;A%ETH A. <!H(S!( 1234 Oa) 5rive 7r in#ton3 Sir#inia 22201 ,703/ 234.L876 ? ejohnsT#m".ed"

??? ELI;A%ETH A. <!H(S!( ejohnsT#m".ed" :@287A@A$ 7552@-122 9est 3Ith -treet 2and e3 Sir#inia 22234 ,703/ I22.8687 -CDOOB 7552@-1234 Oa) 5rive 7r in#ton3 Sir#inia 22201 ,703/ L87.6I43

Sam0le 3ducation $escri0tions2 Ge$#ge Mas$n Uni"e#sit0 Sch$$l $' La/3 7r in#ton3 Sir#inia R"ris 5octor @%pected3 8a! 1LLL +nte ect"a :ropert! Baw $rac) C ass 2an)> $op 2IJ =:7> 3.28/4.33 9ritin# =:7> 3.I/4.33 7ctivities> Hedera ist -ociet! Baw U @conomics -ociet! C$llege $' 5illiam 3 Ma#0, 9i iamsb"r#3 Sir#inia <ache or of 7rts in @n# ish3 8a! 1LL3 -i#nificant co"rse wor) transferred from -o"thern 8ethodist 1niversit!3 5a as3 $e%as ??? GE!RGE MAS!( U(I9ERSIT> SCH!!L ! LA5, 7r in#ton3 Sir#inia R.5. Candidate3 8a! 1LLL Donors> 7merican R"rispr"dence 7ward in Crimina :roced"re Hirst : ace $eam3 1pper C ass 8oot Co"rt Competition 7ctivities> @%ec"tive <oard3 -t"dent <ar 7ssociation GE!RGET!5( U(I9ERSIT>, 9ashin#ton3 5C <.7. :hi osoph!3 8a! 1LLI Donors> 5ean6s Bist3 4 semesters 7ctivities> 2esident -taff 8ember3 1LL2 2"#b! C "b :resident ??? GE!RGE MAS!( U(I9ERSIT> SCH!!L ! LA53 7r in#ton3 Sir#inia R.5. @%pected3 8a! 2000 C ass 2an)> $op 1/33 =:7> 3.21/4.333 9ritin# =:7> 3.I/4.33 <AMES MA-IS!( U(I9ERSIT>3 Darrisonb"r#3 Sir#inia <.-.3 8a! 1LLI 8ajor in :hi osoph!3 8inor in Comm"nications ??? Ge$#ge Mas$n Uni"e#sit0 Sch$$l $' La/ 7r in#ton3 S7 R"ris 5octor Candidate3 8a! 1LLL C ass 2an)> $op 10J3 =:7 3.3/4.33 Donors> #eorge $ason %aw &eview3 7rtic es @ditor 7merican R"rispr"dence 7ward for @%ce ence.:ropert! 7ctivities> 2esearch -taff3 %etters of 'redit Update :resident3 < ac) 7merican Baw -t"dents 7ssociation Uni"e#sit0 $' 9i#ginia, Sch$$l $' C$mme#ce <ache or of -cience3 8a! 1LL6 =:7 3.6/4.0 =rad"ated with Di#h Donors +ntermediate Donors 2ecipient3 Ha 1LL4 Ho"nder3 0o"n# @ntreprene"rs Char ottesvi e3 S7

Sam0le 4ar Mem5ershi0 Listings2 +f !o" have passed a bar e%am3 !o"r admittance/ icens"re to the <ar sho" d be feat"red prominent ! on !o"r res"me3 and be one of the first items an emp o!er sees after !o"r name. 7s a new attorne!3 this is !o"r #reatest asset. +t can be isted in a variet! of p aces on !o"r res"me;re#ard ess of where it is isted3 it sho" d be easi ! spotted b! a potentia emp o!er.
???? Lisa A. Ma0s 42 8ason 7ven"e 7r in#ton3 Sir#inia 22201 703/123.4444 ma!sT#m".ed" MEM%ER, 9IRGI(IA STATE %AR


%AR A-MISSI!(S Sir#inia and 5istrict of Co "mbia


%AR A(- C!URT MEM%ERSHI&S Sir#inia -tate <ar ,admitted R"ne 2000/ 8ar! and -tate <ar ,admitted Aovember 1LLL/ 1nited -tates Co"rt of 7ppea s for the Ho"rth Circ"it ,R"ne 2000/ Hairfa% <ar 7ssociation3 Corporate Baw -ection Hedera <ar 7ssociation3 Aorthern Sir#inia Chapter


2243 -"nshine 7ven"e $ampa3 H orida 337I2 727.I43.L812 V RohnRa!8Thotmai .com

%AR A-MISSI!(S V $he H orida <ar ,1LLL/ V @ i#ib e for waiver into the 5istrict of Co "mbia <ar V 1.-. 5istrict Co"rt3 8idd e 5istrict of H orida V 1.-. Co"rt of 7ppea s3 @ eventh Circ"it

Sam0le Reference 6age C. LA5RE(CE <A E 1234 1niversit! 9a! 7r in#ton3 Sir#inia 22203 703/888.1234 c jaffeT#m".ed"

2@H@2@AC@8s. Rane R. Rones :rofessor of Baw =eor#e 8ason 1niversit! -choo of Baw 3401 Aorth Hairfa% 5rive 7r in#ton3 Sir#inia 22207.44L8 703/LL3.8000 jjjonesT#m".ed"

((ones) relationship to you is obvious* no e+planation is necessary) 8r. Hred 7. -mith -mith U -mith 1234 Sermont 7ven"e3 A.9. 9ashin#ton3 5C 20001 202/L44.1234 ?:revio"s ! with Dar an3 5avis and 2oe (,mith - ,mith does not appear on your resume so you need to e+plain connection)

8s. C!nthia <. $a! or :rofessor of Baw 1niversit! of Sir#inia -choo of Baw Aorth =ro"nds Char ottesvi e3 Sir#inia 22L01 804/L24.1234 cbta! orT"va aw.ed" ?Hormer :rofessor of Baw3 =eor#e 8ason 1niversit!

Sam0le Resume A +Student who came to law school directly from college, E-UCATI!( Ge$#ge Mas$n Uni"e#sit0 Sch$$l $' La/, A#lingt$n, 9i#ginia R"ris 5octor @%pected3 8a! 2001 C ass 2an)> $op 2IJ =:7> 3.2I/4.33 7ctivities> :hi 7 pha 5e ta3 $reas"rer Ge$#ge Mas$n Uni"e#sit03 Hairfa%3 Sir#inia <ache or of 7rts3 =overnment and :o itics3 8a! 1LL8 8inor> = oba -!stems and +nternationa /Comparative -t"dies =:7> 3.7/4.0 Donors> 8ason -cho ar ,f" t"ition/ 2ecipient of 2obert C. <!rd -cho arship =o den Pe! Aationa Donor -ociet! 7ctivities> -t"dent =overnment3 Sice.Chair of -t"dent -enate 7 pha :hi +nternationa Hraternit!3 :resident E@&ERIE(CE u#l$ng 3 %eitsch3 &.C.3 Hairfa%3 Sir#inia %aw 'lerk3 R"ne 1LLL.:resent 8ana#e a variet! of iti#ation fi es3 inc "din# three medica ma practice c aims3 fo"r persona inj"r! s"its and a variet! of other civi and crimina cases. 8aintain discover! sched" es3 cond"ct research3 draft doc"ments ,inc "din# motions for j"d#ment3 answers3 interro#atories3 reE"ests for prod"ction of doc"ments3 motions3 orders and affidavits/3 and correspond with c ients. Rest$n C$mmunit0 Cente#3 2eston3 Sir#inia .ead 'amp 'ounselor3 8a! 1LL8.7"#"st 1LL8 8onitored dai ! activities of appro%imate ! twent! si%.!ear o d chi dren. -ched" ed dai ! activities and deve oped itineraries for wee) ! fie dtrips. 5eiche#t Realt$#s3 Hairfa%3 Sir#inia "dministrative "ssistant3 7"#"st 1LL7.8a! 1LL8 7ssisted rea tors with open ho"ses. :repared draft a#reements3 maintained c ient fi es3 and served as initia contact for potentia c ients. &a#am$unt7s :ings -$mini$n3 5oswe 3 Sir#inia ,upervisor/#uest ,ervices3 Hebr"ar! 1LL6.-eptember 1LL7 $anager of &estaurant3 8arch 1LLI.7"#"st 1LLI -"pervised staff of 1I .30 emp o!ees. -ched" ed emp o!ees3 provided appraisa s3 created b"d#ets3 mana#ed inventor!3 reconci ed dai ! cash transactions3 and responded to #"est reE"ests and comp aints.

Sam0le Resume 4 +Student who came to law school directly from college, E-UCATI!( =@O2=@ 87-OA 1A+S@2-+$0 -CDOOB OH B793 72B+A=$OA3 S+2=+A+7 'andidate for (uris 0octor, 'orporate and ,ecurities 1rack, $ay 2333 C ass 2an)> $op 40J& =:7> 3.1I/4.33 7ctivities> Hirst.0ear -t"dent <ar 7ssociation 2epresentative =@O2=@ 87-OA 1A+S@2-+$03 H7+2H7N3 S+2=+A+7 4achelor of ,cience, 5inance, $ay 2336 Donors> 5eanGs Bist3 1LL3.1LL6 @%ce ence in Hinance 7ward =o den Pe! Aationa Donor -ociet! Order of Ome#a Donor -ociet! 7ctivities> =amma :hi <eta -ororit! Hinancia Officer E@&ERIE(CE COO:@2- U B0<27A5 B.B.:.3 97-D+A=$OA3 5.C. 7ntern, 8ational 1a+ 9ffice, 'orporate $ergers - "c:uisitions

(anuary 233; < Present

:rovide e#a research s"pport re#ardin# ta% conseE"ences of c ientsG proposed corporate actions. 1pdate and revise interna trainin# materia s. :repare and revise presentation materia s assessin# stren#ths and wea)nesses of vario"s mer#er options for distrib"tion to prospective c ients. 5raft interna memoranda and a erts. "ugust 233= > 0ecember 2336

CO8+-P@0 U D1A$3 8CB@7A3 S+2=+A+7 %aw 'lerk

:erformed e#a research on a variet! of e#a iss"es3 inc "din# ta%3 rea estate3 and contracts. Or#ani4ed and maintained c ient materia s s"ch as p eadin#s3 discover! responses3 and doc"ments. 5esi#ned and "pdated comprehensive comp"teri4ed database of c ient materia s "sed to trac) case stat"s and or#ani4e case materia s. -"pervised sched" in# of attorne!sG meetin#s3 co"rt appearances3 and e#a conferences. ,eptember 233? > "ugust 233=

8C=BOA@ U :O2$@23 H7+2H7N3 S+2=+A+7 %egal 7ntern

8ana#ed comm"nication between attorne!s3 c ients3 co"rts and third parties. 8aintained c ient fi es and information re atin# to pendin# cases. 5istrib"ted firm materia s to prospective c ients. 2an comp"teri4ed searches for c"rrent address information re atin# to j"d#ments received.

CERTI ICATI!(S Certified Aotar! :"b ic

Sam0le Resume C +Student with some wor7 e#0erience 0rior to law school, E-UCATI!( GE!RGE MAS!( U(I9ERSIT> SCH!!L ! LA5 7r in#ton3 S7 R.5. Candidate3 8a! 20073 C ass 2an)> $op 11J ,2L/282/& =:7> 3.II/4.33 Donors> #eorge $ason %aw &eview3 @%ec"tive @ditor $oot 'ourt 4oard .arvard "nimal %aw $oot 'ourt 'ompetition3 Hina ist "lumni "ssociation ,cholarship 7ctivities> -t"dent 7nima Be#a 5efense H"nd3 Ho"nder and Chairman C inic for Be#a 7ssistance to -ervicemembers :hi 5e ta :hi Be#a @thics Hraternit!3 Sice 8a#ister =eor#e 8ason 7merican +nn of Co"rt :"b ication> @hat the AB+pletive 0eletedC is a 4roadcaster to 0oD 1he 'onflict 4etween Political "ccess &ules and the 4roadcast 7ndecency Prohibition3 14 =@O.87-OA B. 2@S. ,forthcomin# 2006/& One of three st"dent papers se ected for presentation at the 34th $e ecomm"nications :o ic! 2esearch Conference. U(I9ERSIT> ! :A(SAS <.7.3 8ajor in :o itica -cience3 8a! 1LL8 Donors> 8"sic scho arship to p a! the ce o in the 1niversit! -!mphon! 7ctivities> -t"dent -enator& 5e ta 5e ta 5e ta3 Sice :resident LEGAL E@&ERIE(CE <U-GE MARIA( %LA(: H!R(, U(ITE- STATES C!URT ! E-ERAL CLAIMS <udicial Inte#n 5rafted bench memoranda for cases before the Co"rt of Hedera C aims. 9ashin#ton3 5.C. Ha 2006 Bawrence3 P-

&AUL, HASTI(GS, <A(! S:> 35AL:ER, LL& 9ashin#ton3 5.C. Summe# Ass$ciate -"mmer 2006 :repared memoranda and motions in the fie ds of emp o!ment aw3 te ecomm"nications aw3 and corporate crimina investi#ations. 2esearched amic"s brief to 1nited -tates -"preme Co"rt on $it e S++ disparate pa! stat"te of imitations E"estion. 9rote research paper on private emp o!er affirmative action p ans. U(ITE- STATES ATT!R(E>7S ! ICE, CI9IL -I9ISI!( 9ashin#ton3 5.C. La/ Cle#k -"mmer 200I 2esearched and drafted a motion for s"mmar! j"d#ment invo vin# seven 75@7 p aintiffs3 a motion to dismiss3 a rep ! brief3 and a s"ccessf" motion for s"mmar! affirmance in the 1.-. Co"rt of 7ppea s for the 5.C. Circ"it. 9rote a research memorand"m on the impact of after.acE"ired evidence in emp o!ment discrimination s"its. !THER &R! ESSI!(AL E@&ERIE(CE &U%LIC !&I(I!( STRATEGIES3 :roject 5irector ,1LL8.20013 2004/ 8ana#ed and ana !4ed opinion research projects for po itica and p"b ic affairs c ients. 5ILS!( GRA(- C!MMU(ICATI!(S3 8edia 5irector ,2001.2003/ 5eve oped media strate#ies for fifteen federa po itica campai#ns. GREG MUSIL !R C!(GRESS3 Campai#n and Hinance 5irector ,1LLL.2000/ @stab ished con#ressiona campai#n. 2ecr"ited vo "nteers and mana#ed campai#n headE"arters. C!MMU(IT> I(9!L9EME(T "ctive $ember3 5.C. <ar 7ssociation 7nima Baw Committee ,2004.:resent/ Eolunteer3 Hare-hare 5C ,2004.:resent/

Sam0le Resume $ +Student with some wor7 e#0erience 0rior to law school, E-UCATI!( Ge$#ge Mas$n Uni"e#sit0 Sch$$l $' La/3 7r in#ton3 Sir#inia R"ris 5octor @%pected3 8a! 2003 C ass 2an)> $op 6J ,1I/27I/& =:7> 3.IL8/4.33 7ctivities> #eorge $ason %aw &eview3 2esearch @ditor :"b ication> 1he $entally 7ncompetent 'riminal 0efendant> 1nited -tates v. 9eston and the 8eed for a #uardian "d %item3 10 =@O. 87-OA B. 2@S. ,forthcomin# 2002/ -enis$n Uni"e#sit03 =ranvi e3 Ohio <ache or of 7rts in :s!cho o#!3 summa cum laude3 8a! 1LL6 =:7> 3.77/4.0 =rad"ate of 5enison Donors :ro#ram Donors> :hi 4eta Fappa3 5eanGs Bist ,I semesters/3 :si Chi ,:s!cho o#! Donor -ociet!/3 :s!cho o#! 5epartment He ow 7ctivities> Dead -tart ,vo "nteer/3 B@75- ,vo "nteer/3 <asic 7d" t Biterac! ,vo "nteer/3 D"man 7nima and -"bjects 2eview Committee ,-t"dent 2epresentative/ E@&ERIE(CE McGui#e5$$ds, LL&3 8c ean3 Sir#inia ,ummer "ssociate, $ay < (uly GHHG :erformed e#a research and wrote e#a memoranda for a variet! of e#a departments3 inc "din# commercia iti#ation3 corporate services3 rea estate3 and abor and emp o!ment 5rafted doc"ments s"ch as deeds3 propert! improvement contracts3 and incorporation doc"ments United States A#m0, <udge Ad"$cate Gene#al C$#ps, Litigati$n -i"isi$n, Gene#al Litigati$n %#anch, 7r in#ton3 Sir#inia ,ummer 7ntern, (une < "ugust GHH2 5rafted e#a motions on s"its fi ed a#ainst the 7rm! in the 1nited -tates Co"rt of Hedera C aims :erformed e#a research re#ardin# a variet! of contracts3 Constit"tiona 3 and HO+7 iss"es Cond"cted doc"ment review in response to discover! reE"est on m" ti.mi ion do ar case S$ciet0 $' Ca#di$"ascula# and Inte#"enti$nal Radi$l$g03 Hairfa%3 Sir#inia &esearch "ssistant, 9ctober 2333> "ugust GHHH :rovided administrative and research s"pport to the 5irector of Dea th @conomics and :o ic! and 5irector of 2esearch Comm"nicated with members on codin# medica proced"res performed and other reimb"rsement iss"es Hie ded ca s on research and economic iss"es3 deve oped and maintained databases in 7ccess3 and wrote artic es for the -ociet!Gs news etter3 ,'E7& 8ews Cente# '$# Mental Health &$lic0, 9ande#6ilt Institute '$# &u6lic &$lic0 Studies 3 9ashin#ton3 5C &esearch "nalyst, "ugust 233I> 9ctober 2333 7cc"m" ated trac)in# and interview data of a five.!ear3 m" st"d! eva "atin# the impact of s"pported ho"sin# on persons with serio"s menta i ness :rovided technica assistance to si% st"d! sites with databases3 s"rve! administration3 and codin# 9rote reports and assisted in site visits State und Mutual C$mpanies, Eden &#ai#ie, Minnes$ta 'laim &epresentative, 5ebruary 233;> (une 233I 8aintained des) of 1I0W wor)ersG compensation c aims in a"re3 dead ine.oriented environment +nterviewed c aimants to determine compensabi it! of c aims

Sam0le Resume 3 +Student with some wor7 e#0erience 0rior to law school, E-UCATI!( Ge$#ge Mas$n Uni"e#sit0 Sch$$l $' La/3 7r in#ton3 Sir#inia R"ris 5octor @%pected3 8a! 2002 7ctivities> 7ssociation for :"b ic +nterest Baw3 8ember 9omenGs Baw 7ssociation3 Sice :resident Hairfa% <ar :ro <ono :ro#ram3 @mp o!ment Baw :roject3 So "nteer Baw C er) Ge$#get$/n Uni"e#sit03 9ashin#ton3 5C Be#a 7ssistant Certificate ,approved b! the 7merican <ar 7ssociation/3 -eptember 1LL6 Ge$#get$/n Uni"e#sit03 9ashin#ton3 5C 2-7/Cambrid#e 1niversit! Certificate for $eachin# @n# ish as a Horei#n Ban#"a#e3 7"#"st 1LLI The &enns0l"ania State Uni"e#sit03 1niversit! :ar)3 :7 <ache or of 7rts3 +nternationa :o itics and -panish3 8a! 1LL4 Donors> 5eanGs Bist ,-prin# 1LL43 Ha 1LL2/& Order of Ome#a 7ctivities> Chi Ome#a Hraternit!> @%ec"tive Officer 1LL23 2epresentative to 1LL2 Aationa Convention -panish Biterat"re and Ban#"a#e :ro#ram3 8adrid3 -pain3 -prin# 1LL33 8arE"ette 1niversit! E@&ERIE(CE C$mm$dit0 utu#es T#ading C$mmissi$n3 9ashin#ton3 5C La/ Cle#k3 5ivision of @nforcement3 8a! 2000. :resent 7ssist attorne!s in investi#ations and tria preparation for federa district co"rt and administrative actions. 2esearch and prepare e#a memoranda concernin# diverse commodit! aw iss"es. 5a#d and Smith, &.A.3 Aew <ern3 AC Legal Assistant3 Hinancia +nstit"tions and -ec"rities Baw 5ivision3 Hebr"ar! 1LL7. R" ! 1LLL Cond"cted research and participated in the draftin# of e#a doc"ments inc "din# pro%! statements3 mer#er a#reements3 and re#" ator! forms3 as we as eases3 emp o!ment a#reements3 codes of cond"ct3 and doc"ments for the transfer of propert! from oca #overnment entities to the -tate of Aorth Caro ina. The (ati$nal La6$# Relati$ns %$a#d, 9ashin#ton3 5C Legal Assistant Inte#n3 Office of 7ppea s3 R" ! 1LL6 2esearched and prepared a e#a memorand"m re#ardin# the interpretation of a provision of the Aationa Babor 2e ations 7ct. 2eviewed appe ate cases and attended =enera Co"nse meetin#s. The Li6#a#0 $' C$ng#ess3 9ashin#ton3 5C Li6#a#0 Technician3 Con#ressiona 2esearch -ervice3 Con#ressiona 2eference 5ivision -eptember 1LLI. R"ne 1LL6& 5ecember 1LL4.R"ne 1LLI 2esearched aws3 bi s3 and other reference materia s to f" fi reE"ests for information b! 8embers of Con#ress3 their staff3 and their constit"ents. 5rafted trainin# man"a for new emp o!ees. :repared and edited cop!ri#hted materia s. &ERS!(AL luent in Spanish Ame#ican Cance# S$ciet03 So "nteer Co"nse or3 Camp -"nrise3 <a timore3 85,7"#"st 2000 and 7"#"st 1LLI/

Sam0le Resume " +student with some wor7 e#0erience 0rior to law school, E-UCATI!( Ge$#ge Mas$n Uni"e#sit0 Sch$$l $' La/ 7r in#ton3 S7 R"ris 5octor @%pected3 8a! 2007 C ass 2an) $op 1/3& =:7> 3.22/4.33& 9ritin# =:7> 3.3L/4.33 7ctivities> 9omenGs Baw 7ssociation3 :resident ,2006.07/3 Sice :resident ,200I.06/& 7CB1 at =813 :resident ,2006.07/3 Sice :resident and Co.Ho"nder ,200I.06/& $ria 7dvocac! 7ssociation ,+ntram"ra Competition October 200I/& 8oot Co"rt <oard ,1pper C ass Competition Aovember 200I/& 7ssociation for :"b ic +nterest Baw& 7merican Constit"tion -ociet!& 8ason Baw $"tors %$st$n Uni"e#sit0 <oston3 87 <ache or of 7rts in 8athematics3 magna cum laude3 8a! 2001 =:7 3.I2/4.0 Donors> Rohn. @. 7 man :ri4e for -tatistics& Donors :ro#ram& =o den Pe! Aationa Donors -ociet!& 5eanGs Bist ,1LLL.2001/ 7ctivities> Sarsit! 9omanGs -oftba & -t"dent 7th ete 8entor E@&ERIE(CE ai#'a1 C$unt0 Ci#cuit C$u#t Hairfa%3 S7 +ntern for the Donorab e 5ennis R. -mith 7"#"st 2006 K :resent 7ssist aw c er) in preparin# the doc)et for the wee)Gs motions. 2esearch j"r! instr"ctions for a capita m"rder case. Observe motions inc "din# motions to find the death pena t! "nconstit"tiona and pendente ite motions. U.S. EAual Empl$0ment !pp$#tunit0 C$mmissi$n, !''ice $' Legal C$unsel 9ashin#ton3 5.C. Baw C er) 8a! K 7"#"st 2006 2esearched iss"es pertainin# to awf" emp o!er behavior "nder $it e S++3 the 7573 and the 75@7 s"ch as the 'reasonab e factor other than a#e( defense to an 75@7 c aim3 how ph!sica or menta disabi ities can to the stat"te of imitations disparate impact "nder $it e S++ and the 75@73 and emp o!ee benefits iss"es. :articipated in comments for response to an o"tside a#enc!Gs proposed re#" ation. 2eviewed HO+7 appea s. San'$#d, 5ittels 3 Heisle#, LL& 9ashin#ton3 5.C. Baw C er) 7"#"st 200I K 7pri 2006 7ssisted in preparation for p aintiffGs.side civi ri#hts and emp o!ment discrimination for individ"a and c ass action aw s"its. 2esearched vario"s iss"es inc "din# $it e S++ reta iation c aims& attorne!.c ient comm"nication& parent. s"bsidiar! re ationships& and the 'sin# e fi in#( r" e. 5rafted reE"ests for prod"ction of doc"ments. 5rafted motion for protective order3 motion for contin"ance3 and section of motion in opposition to s"mmar! j"d#ment. Legal Se#"ices $' ($#the#n 9i#ginia Hairfa%3 S7 Baw C er) R"ne K 7"#"st 200I Composed c ient etters. +nterviewed witnesses for chi d c"stod! tria . Comp eted research projects on the iss"es of bac) pa! and wor)ersG compensation for "ndoc"mented wor)ers re ated to d"e process protection in the p"b ic schoo s!stem. :articipated in c ient inta)e interviews. 9rote E"estions for direct e%amination. :resented cases for consideration to practice #ro"p. 2eE"ested crimina records. 5rafted interro#atories and reE"ests for prod"ction of doc"ments. a#me#s Insu#ance G#$up Bos 7n#e es3 C7 7ct"aria 7na !st 8arch 2003 K R" ! 2004 Comp eted rate and r" e fi in#s for the 5epartment of +ns"rance. 5etermined rate chan#es and disr"ption ana !ses for three states. 7na !4ed and identified areas where desirab e b"siness co" d be fo"nd and tar#eted. T$/e#s &e##in Bos 7n#e es3 C7 7ct"aria 7ssociate 8a! 2001 K 8arch 2003 +ntern ,Bos 7n#e es3 C7 and <oston3 87/ 8a! 2000 . 8a! 2001 Comp"ted3 s"mmari4ed and interpreted pension va "ation res" ts. Created ann"a va "ation reports ref ectin# economic chan#es and ass"mptions d"rin# the p an !ear. 5eve oped c ient presentations. :rod"ced benefit ca c" ations for defined benefit retirement p ans. :erformed data manip" ation and reconci iation d"rin# the pension va "ation process.

Sam0le Resume G +Student with military and other wor7 e#0erience 0rior to law school, E-UCATI!( Ge$#ge Mas$n Uni"e#sit0 Sch$$l $' La/3 7r in#ton3 Sir#inia R"ris 5octor Candidate3 8a! 2004 C ass 2an)> $op 12J ,28/230/ =:7> 3.47/4.333 9ritin# =:7> 3.8I/4.33 Donors> #eorge $ason %aw &eview3 7ssociate @ditor 9ritin# He ow ,se ected to teach in Be#a 2esearch3 9ritin# U 7na !sis pro#ram/ Juarterfinalist3 2001 1pper C ass 8oot Co"rt Competition Cent#al Michigan Uni"e#sit03 8o"nt : easant3 8ichi#an 8aster of -cience in 7dministration3 1L88 Saint Le$ C$llege3 -aint Beo3 H orida <ache or of 7rts in :s!cho o#!3 cum laude3 1L81 E@&ERIE(CE Scienti'ic Resea#ch Anal0st, Ante$n C$#p. 2and A(SER, Inc.4, 2oss !n3 Sir#inia !((('6resent :rovide ana !tic s"pport re ated to 7ir Horce -cience U $echno o#! pro#rams in the area of remote sensors. 7dvise on advanced sensors3 e ectronic warfare3 and d"a ."se research. Chie', !pen Skies T#eat0 !pe#ati$ns %#anchBMissi$n C$mmande# !((8'!((( U.S. $efense 9hreat Reduction Agency +:n'Site ;ns0ection Agency,, 5" es3 Sir#inia -erved as senior 1.-. #overnment representative and fina a"thorit! on a aspects of the $reat! on Open -)ies whi e commandin# inspection missions. -i"isi$n E1ecuti"e !''ice#B%CD* T#aining Manage# !((&'!((8 U.S. Air "orce, 1ead<uarters, Air Com5at Command, Ban# e! 7ir Horce <ase3 Sir#inia Bed the rewrite of the <.I2 trainin# re#" ation3 comp etin# this project ei#ht months ahead of sched" e. 5irected3 or#ani4ed3 and coordinated the first.ever bomber e%chan#e between the 1.-. and 2"ssia. Chie', %CD* -e'ensi"e T#aining Secti$n !(( '!((& 1ead<uarters, Strategic Air Command +SAC,, Off"tt 7ir Horce <ase3 Aebras)a 5irected the s"pervisor! activities of senior e ectronic warfare officers at nine #eo#raphica ! separated bases. -"ccessf" trainin# pro#ram res" ted in 4ero <.I2 combat osses in 5@-@2$ -$O28. RCC.ED C#e/ C$mmande#BInst#uct$# Elect#$nic 5a#'a#e !''ice# !()7'!(( rd 3=3 Strategic Reconnaissance S<uadron, Off"tt 7ir Horce <ase3 Aebras)a 5irected a 27.person crew in a m" ti.mi ion do ar airborne inte i#ence co ection and e%p oitation pro#ram. :rovided inte i#ence to the :resident of the 1nited -tates and other #overnment officia s. Commanded reconnaissance missions in Operations R1-$ C71-@ and 5@-@2$ -D+@B5. Chie', Scheduling %#anchB%CD* Inst#uct$# Elect#$nic 5a#'a#e !''ice# !()3'!()7 37(th 4om5ardment >ing, 9"rtsmith 7ir Horce <ase3 8ichi#an : anned3 or#ani4ed3 and directed a f !in# and #ro"nd trainin# for over 1I0 bomber crewmembers and 1I <.I2 aircraft. &R! ESSI!(AL, S!CIAL, A(- CHARITA%LE ASS!CIATI!(S 8@A-73 9ashin#ton =ro"p ,professiona s of 1)rainian herita#e in the 9ashin#ton3 5C area/3 7merican <ar 7ssociation3 Hairfa% <ar 7ssociation3 7ssociation of O d Crows ,societ! of e ectronic warfare professiona s/

Sam0le Resume 1 +;6 student with some wor7 e#0erience 0rior to law school, E-UCATI!( Ge$#ge Mas$n Uni"e#sit0 Sch$$l $' La/3 7r in#ton3 S7 R.5. Candidate3 8a! 2007& 2an)> 36/282 ,13J/& =:7> 3.I1/4.33 7ctivities> 8oot Co"rt <oard& $reas"rer3 Dispanic Baw -t"dents 7ssociation ,DB-7/ 7wards> <est 7ppe ate <rief3 7ppe ate 9ritin# -ection3 Ha 200I Massachusetts Institute $' Techn$l$g03 Cambrid#e3 87 8.@n#. in @nvironmenta @n#ineerin#3 R"ne 1LL7& =:7> 4.L/I.0 -cho arships> =rad"ate @d"cation for 8inorities =rad"ate He owship $hesis> 0enitrification as a $eans of "ddressing 8itrate>'ontaminated #roundwater on 'ape 'od, $" Uni"e#sit0 $' ($t#e -ame3 Aotre 5ame3 +A <.-. in Chemica @n#ineerin#3 summa cum laude3 8a! 1LLI& =:7> 3.82/4.0 7ctivities> :resident3 Dispanic 7merican Or#ani4ation& 8inorit! @n#ineerin# :ro#ram :eer 8entor 7wards> 5" :ont -cho arship3 Aav! 2O$C -cho arship3 8inorit! @n#ineerin# :ro#ram -t"dent of the 0ear3 1LL4 E@&ERIE(CE I((EGA(, HE(-ERS!(, ARA%!5, GARRETT, 3 -U((ER, L.L.&.3 9ashin#ton3 5C Summe# Ass$ciate, ChemicalCMetallu#gical G#$up, 8a!.R" ! 2006 5rafted memoranda on j"dicia estoppe and the e#is ative histor! of the 1LI2 :atent 7ct3 which were incorporated into ar#"ments in on.#oin# iti#ation :erformed e%pedited research on icensin#3 waiver of breach of icensin# a#reement3 and the re ationship between patent infrin#ement and breach of icense a#reement 9rote n"mero"s memoranda re ated to patent iti#ation3 inc "din# patentab e s"bject matter& discover! of a 30,b/,6/ witnessG notes& and anticipation3 102,f/3 102,#/3 enab ement defenses to patent infrin#ement STER(E, :ESSLER, G!L-STEI( 3 !@, &.L.L.C.3 9ashin#ton3 5C Summe# Ass$ciate, Mechanical G#$up3 8a!.R" ! 200I :erformed prior art patent research and drafted memoranda in s"pport of iti#ation and prod"ct c earance 5rafted memoranda on vario"s inte ect"a propert! iss"es3 inc "din# choreo#raph! cop!ri#hts3 tria bif"rcation of ineE"itab e cond"ct from other iss"es3 ree%amination3 wi f" infrin#ement3 and patent app ication abandonment Hi ed patent app ications and responded to 1-:$O office actions on @ ection of -pecies and C aim 2ejection E@@!(M!%IL RESEARCH A(- E(GI(EERI(G3 Hairfa%3 S7 Seni$# Enginee#, En"i#$nmental Techn$l$g0 and !il Spill Techn$l$g03 R" ! 2002.R" ! 2004 2ecommended oi spi response eE"ipment p an for 2"ssian re#" ator! approva @va "ated environmenta fate and transport of merc"r! in hi#h.merc"r! oi refinin# to determine b"siness3 environmenta 3 and p"b ic hea th/wor)er safet! ramifications (A9AL REACT!RS3 9ashin#ton3 5C &#$g#am Manage#BLead Enginee#, Steam Gene#at$# Maintenance 3 R" ! 1LL7.R"ne 2002 : anned and sched" ed maintenance thro"#ho"t the n"c ear prop" sion pro#ram inc "din# two #overnment aboratories3 two ind"stria prime contractors3 and one private and two nava ship!ards +dentified cost ! maintenance processes3 imp emented "se of more efficient methods to comp ete maintenance in ess time3 res" tin# in cost savin#s and red"ction of radiation e%pos"re and waste #eneration &U%LICATI!(: Eessel 0ispersant "pplication in 9il ,pill &esponse. :rincipa a"thor. 200I +nternationa Oi -pi Conference.

LA(GUAGES <i in#"a ,-panish/@n# ish/> Aative.spea)er proficienc! in spea)in#3 readin#3 and writin#

Sam0le Resume ; +;6 student with several years of wor7 e#0erience 0rior to law school, E-UCATI!( Ge$#ge Mas$n Uni"e#sit0 Sch$$l $' La/3 7r in#ton3 S7 R.5. @%pected3 8a! 2001& +nte ect"a :ropert! Baw $rac)& C ass 2an)> $op 2IJ Donors> <est 7ppe ate <rief3 B297 +++& <est <rief3 B297 ++ -ma -ection 7ctivities> +nte ect"a :ropert! Baw -ociet! Ho"nder3 #eorge $ason %egal 5orum for ,cience, 1echnology - 7ntellectual Property <$hns H$pkins Uni"e#sit0 Sch$$l $' Medicine3 5epartment of Ae"roscience3 <a timore3 85 :ostdoctora in Ae"roanatom!3 1L88.1LL1 ,8entor> 8.@. 8o iver3 8.5./ :ostdoctora He owship 7ward in :harmaco o#!.8orpho o#!3 Pharmaceutical &esearch and $anufacturers of "merica 5oundation, 7nc. 1L8L.1LL1 The Uni"e#sit0 $' Chicag$3 5epartment of :harmaco o#ica and :h!sio o#ica -ciences3 Chica#o3 +B :h.5. :harmaco o#!3 7"#"st 1L88 ,7dvisor> B.-. -eiden3 :h.5./ $hesis tit e> 'haracterization of the formation of endogenous neuroto+ins following administration of neuroto+ic amphetamines. 1-:D- :redoctora He owship ,87$. $rainin# =rant/ 1L83.1L88 The Uni"e#sit0 $' &enns0l"ania3 :hi ade phia3 :7 <.7. <io o#!3 8a! 1L82& 8inor in @n# ish 5eanGs Bist ,2 semesters/ E@&ERIE(CE M$#gan 3 innegan, L.L.&.3 Aew 0or)3 A0 ,ummer "ssociate3 R"ne.7"#"st 2000 2esearched antitr"st3 icensin#3 and civi proced"re iss"es for infrin#ement and va idit! opinions3 appe ate briefs3 interference motions3 and sett ements& eva "ated prosec"tion histories for infrin#ement and va idit! opinions. The (atu#e C$nse#"anc0, Inc.3 7r in#ton3 S7 %aw 'lerk 7nternship3 Hebr"ar!.7pri 2000 2esearched non.profit corporate aw in fo"r states& eva "ated forei#n corporate3 abor3 ta%3 propert! and inte ect"a propert! aw for overseas operations& prepared trademar) instr"ction materia s. R$th/ell, igg, E#nst 3 :u#F, L.&.3 9ashin#ton3 5C %aw 'lerk3 8a!.-eptember 1LLL 5rafted patent app ications& searched patent and scientific iterat"re for patentabi it!3 infrin#ement avoidance and interferences& cond"cted e#a research ,c aim constr"ction3 3I 1.-.C. X 271 offers for sa e3 civi proced"re and corporate/& performed doc"ment review. <$hns H$pkins Uni"e#sit0 Sch$$l $' Medicine3 <a timore3 85 &esearch "ssociate3 5epartment of :atho o#!3 1LL6.1LL8& 5epartment of Ae"roscience3 1LL1.1LL6 Aon.ten"re.trac) fac" t! position> research& writin#& s"pervision of st"dents U technicians. Aovo.Aordic 2esearch Ho"ndation =rant3 Co.+nvesti#ator3 1LL2 1eaching "ssistant3 ad hoc3 8edica Ae"roscience 73 1LL4 The Uni"e#sit0 $' Chicag$3 Chica#o3 +B 1eaching "ssistant3 Co e#iate 5ivision3 1L86.1L87& :rit4)er -choo of 8edicine3 1L8I MEM%ERSHI&S 7<73 Baw -t"dent 5ivision& 7+:B73 -t"dent 8ember& 777- ,1L87.1LL8/& -ociet! for Ae"roscience ,1L8I.1LL7/& Aationa =eo#raphic -ociet!& Aat"re Conservanc!& 2ai s to $rai s Conservanc!& Sienna :hoto#raphic -ociet!

Sam0le Resume ? +Graduate with 1ill and 0olicy e#0erience 0rior to and after law school, &R! ESSI!(AL E@&ERIE(CE 9an Sc$0$c Ass$ciates, Inc., 5ashingt$n, -.C. 0irector of #overnment &elations and 'ounsel, "ugust GHH2>present %egislative 'ounsel, "ugust 233;>(uly GHH2 Co"nse and Hedera 7ffairs cons" tant for top.ten 9ashin#ton obb!in# firm. 7ssist in mana#ement3 strate#ic deve opment3 and imp ementation of federa obb!in# strate#! for over twent! c ients3 inc "din# severa "niversities and ar#e companies. :articipate in firm c ient deve opment activities. Be#is ative areas of e%pertise inc "de the Do"se and -enate 7ppropriations Committees3 with a specific emphasis on the Babor.DD-.@d"cation3 --RC/Commerce.R"stice.-tate3 $ransportation3 @ner#! U 9ater3 +nterior3 and S7.D15 -"bcommittees. 7dditiona e#is ative e%perience inc "des the Do"se @d"cation and the 9or)force Committee& Do"se =overnment 2eform Committee& and Do"se and -enate Commerce and $ransportation 7"thori4ation Committees.

!''ice $' United States Rep#esentati"e #ank R. 5$l' 2RC9i#ginia4 ,enior %egislative "ssistant, 9ctober 2336>"ugust 233; %egislative "ssistant, (une 233G>,eptember 2336 ,taff "ssistant, "ugust 2332>$ay 233G* 7ntern, ,ummers 233H, 2332 5"ties inc "ded writin# e#is ative an#"a#e and hearin# testimon!& representin# Con#ressman 9o f in meetin#s with corporate officia s3 p"b ic officia s3 and constit"ents& trac)in# and monitorin# e#is ation& draftin# f oor statements and speeches& and briefin# Con#ressman 9o f on iss"es before Con#ress. 7ssisted Con#ressman 9o f and staff with his wor) on the Do"se 7ppropriations Committee3 with a specia emphasis on the Babor.DD-.@d"cation3 $ransportation3 5efense3 S7.D153 +nterior3 @ner#! U 9ater3 Commerce.R"stice.-tate3 and 7#ric" t"re -"bcommittees. Other e#is ative iss"es of responsibi it! inc "ded transportation3 ed"cation3 ener#!3 environment3 and te ecomm"nications iss"es.

E-UCATI!( Ge$#ge Mas$n Uni"e#sit0, A#lingt$n, 9i#ginia R"ris 5octor3 8a! 1LL7 The C$llege $' 5illiam and Ma#0, 5illiams6u#g, 9i#ginia <ache or of 7rts3 8a! 1LL1. 5o"b e Concentration of =overnment and @n# ish. &R! ESSI!(AL A(- CI9IC !RGA(I;ATI!(S 8ember3 Sir#inia -tate <ar 2003 2ep"b ican Aominee3 8ason 5istrict -"pervisor3 Hairfa% Co"nt! <oard of -"pervisors =rad"ate He ow3 1niversit! of Sir#inia -orensen +nstit"te for :o itica Beadership. 8ember3 Aorthern Sir#inia <oard of 5irectors. 8ember3 Sir#inia -tate 2ep"b ican Centra Committee3 2004.2006 Hormer <oard 8ember3 Co e#e of 9i iam and 8ar! -ociet! of the 7 "mni ,8etropo itan 9ashin#ton3 5.C. Chapter/ Hormer :resident3 <ai e!Gs Crossroads 2otar! C "b

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