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Typical Interview Questions

Please write down your answers to the following questions that you will be asked during your interview !ou will be doing mock interviews in class based on this" so your answers should be thorough and thoughtful # $hat interests you about this position%


'escribe some of your strengths

'escribe some of your weaknesses

*ive an e+ample of something you have accomplished that demonstrates that you are responsible

$hat is the most difficult e+perience you-ve had at school or at work%

$here do you see yourself ten years from now%

$hat are your short0term goals%

$hat do you hope to learn from this position%

$hat-s your favorite sub3ect at school% $hy%


$hen have you been a leader% *ive specific e+amples


$hat are you most proud of%


'escribe a mistake you have made and what you learned from it


'escribe yourself


$hat e+periences5knowledge do you have that would be useful for this position%


'o you have any questions for us%

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