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# 8/#12, 1st cross street, Lambart Nagar,Alwarthirunagar, Chennai - 600087 amilna!u, "n!ia#

Phone: 0$1-0%162-721%10

o become a success&ul 'ro&essional in the &iel! o& "n&ormation echnolog( an! to wor) in an inno*ati*e an! com'etiti*e worl!#

Softwa e E!"o#$ e:
+'erating ,(stem Languages 4516, CA5 ools -in $., -in N ,Linu/ 01 6#0,01#Net 6#0,C, C22,3a*a ,7L,er*er2000,+racle 8 Auto CA5 2000, 8ro/9 2000i2

&.E in :b anch of En'inee in'; &rom :Name an% a%% e## of the (n#tit$te ; with <irst class :)*.
**+; in &inal (ear#

A'' e'ate: )*+ o& all semesters# PU, 8asse! in ,econ! class, :)*. **+; &rom :Name an% a%% e## of the (n#tit$te; in :Month -**!#; SS., 8asse! in <irst class, :)*.**+; &rom :Name an% a%% e## of the (n#tit$te; in :Month -**!#;

,$ ic$l$m P oject: P oject /itle: =5esign An! 5e*elo'ment +& est ,etu' <or "nternal
8ressure An! 1ursting +& ?n'lasticse! @4igi!A 80C 8i'esB# >(!rostatic

& ief Ove view Of P oject:

he obCecti*e o& our 'roCect is to !etermine the ma/imiDe! 'ressure the 80C 'i'es can withstan!# his set-u' is being use! as the Laborator( 9/'erimental ,etu' in our college# o achie*e this, com'lete !esign an! !rawing o& !i&&erent 'arts has been ma!e un!er gui!ance o& 'roCect gui!e# he &abrication is ma!e as 'er the !esign !rawing #

8ersonal 8ro&ileE
NameE 5ate o& 1irthE <atherGs nameE ,e/E 6arital ,tatusE Languages HnownE Nationalit(E 8ermanent A!!ressE ('e Four Name 01-01-1$82# ('e <atherGs Name 6ale ,ingle 9nglish, >in!i, 6ala(alam an! <rench "n!ian #86/1, 3a(aNagar,12th Cross, 1anglore-I77002, 8hE


0ecla ation:
" consi!er m(sel& &amiliar with 6echanical 9ngineering As'ects# " am also con&i!ent o& m( abilit( to wor) in a team# " hereb( !eclare that the in&ormation &urnishe! abo*e is true to the best o& m( )nowle!ge #

0ate: Place: 1Yo$


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