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Objective: To construct a high-quality, Online Voting System. Deliverables: 1. 2. . #. $. '. Counting the total number of votes.

Percentage of total votes. !umber of votes for each can"i"ate. Percentage of votes for each can"i"ate. Chec%ing for "u&lication of votes. (in"ing the )inning &erson.

Voting Software 1. This system ma%es it easier for the co-o&erative societies in voting activities. 2. *t )ill hel& to announce the results faster. . *t )ill re"uce manual )or%. #. +e"uce com&laints about voting. $. *t )ill also re"uce &a&er )or%. Key Features 1. Secure access to a"ministrator. 2. *nvali" an" "u&licate votes can be avoi"e", hence it &rovi"es reliability. . System is much user frien"ly that user can &erform their vote )ith mouse clic%s. #. Voting &rocess secures the or"inary voting an" the result )ill be &ublishe" faster too. $. ,ser cannot mo"ify or access the voter "etails or can"i"ate "etails. '. -el&s to ma%e a short list of the voters, can"i"ates, )inning &erson. Actors: 1. ."ministrator 2. ,ser ."ministrator has the )hole authority of the a&&lication .-e is the one )ho maintains all the as&ects of voters an" can"i"ates. -is functionalities inclu"e insertion, u&"ation, an" "eletion of both the voter an" the can"i"ate. -e is res&onsible for allo)ing &eo&le to vote. *n user/s mo"ule, user nee" to register an" then vie) the list of voter/s information an" vote for their "esire" can"i"ate.

0enerating a ,nique *"entification for the voter is a challenging tas%. (or this )e came u& )ith the follo)ing solution. Solution: 1. . unique i"entification &ass)or" )ill be given for the voter after his registration an" this )ill be sent to his mobile before 1 "ay of elections. 2. This &ass)or" is a combination of his &an number or a"harcar" an" his "ate of birth. . She1he )ill be able login only )hen he combines all three 2"ateofbirth, Pan1a"har number, unique &ass)or" sent to his mobile3. #. Submit button )ill be activate" for his login only before one hour. $. (or registration fiel"s li%e aa"har number, &an number an" finger &rint are man"atory. '. .bove all these )e )ant to ca&ture finger &rint an" com&are )ith the registere" one. 4. *f all the fiel"s are correct, then he can successfully vote.

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