Article 6: Legislative Department Need Concurrence of A Certain Body of Govt - Who? How Many?

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ARTICLE 6: LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT Election of Senate President Election of Speaker of the HoR (Art.

6 Sec 16(1)) &uoru$ to do %usiness (Art. 6 Sec. 16(')) Suspension or e(pulsion of a $e$%er of the House)Senate (Art. 6 Sec 16(*)) #eas and ,a-s on an- .uestion to %e entered in the /ournal (Art. 6 Sec. 16 (0)) +o$$ission on Appoint$ents to rule)act on appoint$ents (Art. 6 Sec 12) 6ischar7e of the po5ers conferred upon the +A and Electoral "ri%unal (Art. 6 Sec. 18) 6eclaration of the e(istence of a state of 5ar (Art. 6 Sec. '*(1)) 9pon Presidential ;eto of a %ill (Art. 6 Sec. '<(1))


HOW MANY? MAJ R!"# vote of all its $e$%ers

Each respective house Each respective house

MAJ R!"# of each house +oncurrence of ')* of all its $e$%ers

Each respective house

At the re.uest of 1)1 of the $e$%ers present Ma/orit- vote of all the $e$%ers of the +o$$ission on Appoint$ents

"he +A shall consist of the Senate President as e(3officio +hair$an4 t5elve Senators and t5elve $e$%ers of the House of Representatives. "he +A shall $eet onl- 5hile +on7ress is in session at the call of its chair$an or a $a/orit- of its $e$%ers :oth houses in a /oint session asse$%led

9pon the call of the chair$an or a $a/oritof its $e$%ers. ')*

Senate or House of Representatives ,ote= "rans$ission to the other house of a %ill

!f after reconsideration4 ')* of all $e$%ers of such house shall a7ree to pass the %ill

Passa7e of a %ill into a la5= 9pon Senate or HoR reconsideration of the other house

Approval %- ')* of all $e$%ers of that house

(Art. 6 Sec '<(1)) "a( e(e$ption (Art 6 Sec '2(0))


+oncurrence of a $a/orit- of all $e$%ers of the +on7ress

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