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Club de Revistas en Astrobiologa - Parque Explora, Jueves 6 p.m. http !!"om!group!


Jueves #$ de %a&o de #'('

Expanding Roles for Diverse Physical Phenomena during the Origin of Life
)ta& *udin and Ja"+ ,. -.osta+, Annu. Rev. *ioph&s. #'('./0. 1eb. #'('
Re"ent s&ntheti" approa"hes to understanding the origin o2 li2e have &ielded insights into plausible path3a&s 2or the emergen"e o2 the 2irst "ells. 4ere 3e revie3 "urrent experiments 3ith impli"ations 2or the origin o2 li2e, the abilit& o2 unexpe"ted ph&si"al pro"esses to 2a"ilitate the sel2-assembl& and sel2-repli"ation o2 the 2irst biologi"al s&stems. 5hese laborator& e22orts have un"overed novel ph&si"al me"hanisms 2or the emergen"e o2 homo"hiralit&6 the "on"entration and puri2i"ation o2 prebioti" building blo"+s6 and the abilit& o2 the 2irst "ells to assemble, gro3, divide, and a"quire greater "omplexit&. )n the absen"e o2 evolved bio"hemi"al "apabilities, su"h ph&si"al pro"esses li+el& pla&ed an essential role in earl& biolog&.

Coordinan Jorge Zuluaga (Pregrado de Astronoma U. de A.), Jorge Johnson (Club Orin de Astronoma), Andrs Rui (!s"uela !#$lora, Par%ue !#$lora), Jorge !. &ueno ('ru$o de Astrobiologa U(A)*&ogot+) Apoyan )nstituto de Astrobiologa, 7niversidad de Antioquia, Parque Explora

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