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Club de Revistas en Astrobiologa - Parque Explora, Martes 6 p.m. http !!"om!group!


Martes # de $eptiembre de %&'&

Jupiter friend or foe? III : the Oort cloud comets

(orner et al., )nt.*.Astrobiolog+ ,olume -, .umber ', %&'&
)t has long been assumed that the planet *upiter a"ts as a giant shield, signi/i"antl+ lo0ering the impa"t rate o/ minor bodies on Earth. (o0ever, until re"entl+, ver+ little 0or1 had been "arried out examining the role pla+ed b+ *upiter in determining the /requen"+ o/ su"h "ollisions. )n this 0or1, the third o/ a series o/ papers, 0e examine the degree to 0hi"h the impa"t rate on Earth resulting /rom the 2ort "loud "omets is enhan"ed or lessened b+ the presen"e o/ a giant planet in a *upiter-li1e orbit, in an attempt to more /ull+ understand the impa"t regime under 0hi"h li/e on Earth has developed. 2ur results sho0 that the presen"e o/ a giant planet in a *upiter-li1e orbit signi/i"antl+ alters the impa"t rate o/ 2ort "loud "omets on Earth, de"reasing the rate as the mass o/ the giant planet in"reases. 3he greatest bombardment /lux is observed 0hen no giant planet is present.
Coordinan Jorge Zuluaga (Pregrado de Astronoma U. de A.), Andrs Ruiz (Escuela Explora, Par ue Explora), Jorge E. !ueno ("rupo de Astro#iologa U$A%&!ogot') Apoyan )nstituto de Astrobiologa, 4niversidad de Antioquia, Parque Explora

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