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Mi;an Moyano Johnny 2do a Ing.

Diseno Grafico


They are adverbs that modify adjectives or other adverbs. They normally go before theadjective or adverb which they modify. STRONG Extremely Completely Totally Absolutely Really Very MEDIUM rather pretty quite fairly WEAK slightly a bit not at all

In general: quite is a little stronger than fairly; rather is stronger tan quite; pretty is similar to rather , but more informal. Compare:

Fairly____________quite__________rather/pretty_____________very We use quite before a/an, but fairly and pretty after a. Ex: It was quite an interesting film/ It was a pretty interesting film We can use rather before or after a/an .Ex: It was rather an interesting film/ It was a rather interesting film.

Quite and rather can also modify verbs. They go before a full verb, but after anauxiliary verb. Ex: She quite enjoyed the film. I rather like driving at night. Hes quite enjoying himself.

Only rather can be used before comparatives. .Ex: rather colder rather more expensive

Mi;an Moyano Johnny 2do a Ing. Diseno Grafico

Quantifiers with verbs

Los cuantificadores indican la cantitad de un nombre. Son repuestas a la pregunta "Cuntos?". Al igual que los artculos, los cuantificadores definen a un nombre y siempre estn situados delante del nombre. Algunos se pueden usar slo con nombres contables, otros, slo con nombres incontables y otros, con ambos.

Utilizamos los cuantificadores para expresar la idea de cantidad o nmero. En el siguiente resumen podrs estudiar cmo y cundo usarlos.
Significado: Mucho Uso: Expresa la idea de gran cantidad. Es utilizado sobretodo en frases negativas e interrogativas con el nombre contable en plural. Se puede usar "many" en frases afirmativas, aunque no es muy comn. Normalmente, usamos otros cuantificadores como "a lot." Ejemplos:

Frase negativa: There are not many tourists. (No hay muchos turistas.)

Frase interrogativa: How many cats do you have? (Cuntos gatos tienes?)

Frase afirmativa: We have many friends. (Tenemos muchos amigos.) Como "many," Tambin se combina con "too" (demasiado) o "so" (tanto) para expresar la idea de cantidad excesiva o un punto de vista sobre una cantidad.

Ejemplos: There are too many changes for me. (Hay demasiados cambios para m.)

There are so many things I want to do! (Hay tantas cosas que deseo hacer!)

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