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Period 1: AP Literature and Composition Classroom Expectations & Procedures

Classical High School Expectations: 1. All school policies are in effect, including those involving absences, tardies, grading policy, academic integrity & plagiarism, etc. 2. No cell phone use in the classroom is something I will not let up on 3. Major assignments must be turned in the day they are due even if youre not in school. If youre absent on the day of an in-class essay, I need either a doctors note emailed to me or some evidence of extenuating circumstances. My Personal Expectations: 1. Respect...yourself, each other, the space, any staff/faculty member, any guest 2. Try: its a way to build a tolerance for ambiguity and uncertainty 3. Be generous with yourself and dont underestimate your abilities 4. Do not use your cell phones in class. I know all of the pocket tricks, using the lunch bag or backpack as shield, and even the boot trick. I see all. My Philosophies on Learning: 1. Learn for yourself, not for the grade. Never forget to ask why does this matter? 2. When an opportunity to write something down comes up, act on it. Assignments: You will be notified when you should write assignments on a separate piece of paper to turn in and when you can record something into your AP English response notebook. Exercises like Do Nows/Entrance Tickets, Focused Free-Writes, and most in class writing assignments wont be collected. However, there will be notebook checks throughout the quarter, and I will be looking to see whether you have completed these in-class assignments. Class Notes: 1. When I write, you definitely write: If I write something down, either on the board or on an overhead, make sure you write it down in your notebook. Its rare when I do it, and it definitely means its important. 2. Get in the habit of recording what your classmates say about the literature we read. Even if its something you totally disagree with, write it down and question it. This is how powerful essays get started. 3. Literary Device - if you hear this cue , get ready to record a definition and examples 4. Your class notes will also form a part of your notebook check grade

Quarter 3: Poetry Unit Assignments

Weekly Assignments: 1. Reading assignments for the week appear on Sunday. This means you should have read and taken notes on the chapters assigned by class on Monday. 2. In addition to having class notes and reading notes on the introductory material in each chapter, you must have an extended independent analysis on at least two poems per week. The two poems you write on cannot be on ones covered in class. a. caveat: please do not go online to research analyses of poems. In addition to at times being inaccurate, theyre often facile interpretations that barely skim the surface. 3. Smaller assignments will occasionally be provided a couple of days a week Major Assignments: 1. 3-4 In-class essays (March 5th, 13th, 18th) 2. Outside Reading Test (books tbd) (March 20th) 3. Group Poetry Project (March 31st-April 2nd) 4. Poetry Exam (April 3rd) Mid-Level Assignments: 1. Quizzes 2. Socratic Seminars 3. Notebook Checks How to Contact Me: Email: After February Break, Ill stay after school on Thursdays. You can find me in the English Faculty Room. If that doesnt work, send me an email and we can set up a time.

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