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KET READING AND WRITING PART 2 EXAM 3 1 - Susan A) liked B) wanted C) thought 2 - $%r &ri%n 'arol A) said B) told

C) asked 3 - At th% shopping *%ntr% th%! +%nt up in th% &loor# A) street B) stairs C) lift , - Susan tri% on so"% sho%s -ut th%! +%r% th% A) bad B) wrong C) dark . - Th%! stopp% in a *a&/ &or a rin) an a A) part B) little C) piece 0 - Th% *a&/ +as A) fast B) busy C) late Th% pass "ar) &or this %2a" is 345 or o1%r#This %2a" shoul ta)% .-0 "inut%s to *o"pl%t%# -ut th%! i n(t ha1% to +ait a long ti"%# o& *a)%# *olour# to th% shops on th% s%*on sh%( li)% to go too# to go shopping last Satur a! "orning#

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