The Uses of Would and Used To

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The uses of Would and Used to

To talk about past experiences

Used to / Would. Significa 'soler', para hablar sobre el pasado, acerca de algo que solamos hacer hace tiempo pero que ya no hacemos. Used to / would

Used to (for action and stative verbs as well)

John used to smoke a lot, but he gave up. John sola fumar mucho pero dej. Lord Albert used to go hunting when he was younger. Lord Albert sola ir a cazar cuando era joven. I used to go to school by bike, but now I go by car. Sola ir a la escuela en bici, pero ahora voy en auto.

Would: only with action verbs to refer to past habits.

In class, I would often sit at the back. En clase, a menudo sola sentarme en la parte de atrs. After dinner, my father would always drink a glass of brandy. Luego de la cena, mi padre siempre sola tomar una copa de brandy. As a child, Martin would never talk to strangers. De nio, Martin nunca hablaba con extraos.

Action and Stative Verbs

Action Verbs Stative Verbs

1. John Mac Enroe ______ be one of the best tennis players in the world. 2. Jim ______ have so much fun with his friends but they gradually moved away and they lost touch. 3. She loved jumble sales and she _______ travel miles to go to one. 4. He _______ never sack people himself, he always got someone else to do it for him. 5. He _____ think watching soccer on T.V was rather boring but he quite enjoys it now.

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