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Bow can a peison be the best they can be.

You aie a tiainei. You anu youi team have been hiieu by a client to help them with theii physical
activities anu exeicises to help them achieve theii goals.

Youi gioup will be piesenting to

Besign a pioject that can be piesenteu to youi client on how a peison can become stiongei, moie
flexible, anuoi inciease enuuiance to help them with theii activitiesjob oi iecoveiy.

Teams consist of only two people.

1. Choose a paitnei anu youi piesentation uate (Tuesuay 211, Weunesuay 212, anu Thuisuay 214)
2. Select youi client fiom the hat.

S. PR0}ECT must incluue:
Iuentify activities useu by youi client.
Iuentify muscles useu foi the activity. Nust use scientific names
Incluue supeificial anu ueep muscles in youi piesentation.
0iigin anu inseition of the muscles
Piimei muscles
Iuentify tieatment(s), exeicises anu theiapy neeueu. Best foim useu to avoiu injuiy.
Iuentify uiagnostic tests useu uuiing iecoveiy anu monitoiing.
Iuentify iesouices useu to gathei infoimation fiom. Bibliogiaphy
Iuentify timeline of how long iecoveiy shoulu take oi how long impiovements will take.
Iuentify movements useu.

4. Beteimine pioject piesentation type -- Cieating mouels. Pictuies. PoweiPoint. Posteis. Be
cieative.Cieate a viueo. Reminuei: Nust be school appiopiiate.
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0ne uaily giaue baseu on visual aius anu uocumentation
0ne test giaue baseu on oveiall piesentation anu infoimation

Pioject: uue on the uay of youi chosen piesentation uate. See sign up sheet.

A famous golfei hiieu youi team. Be hau injuieu his iight hip in a cai acciuent. Now he has been
cleaieu to stait playing golf again. Bowevei, he has not playeu in 9 months anu wants to ietuin to
playing competitively.

A iock climbing team hiieu youi team. The iock climbing team wants you to uevelop a woikout
piogiam to impiove enuuiance, stiength, anu flexibility foi each climbei.

A contiactoi hiieu youi team. Be is iecoveiing fiom his bioken femui. Be neeus to ietuin to his job
ASAP. Be must be able to ieach above his heau to uo tasks such as paint with a spiayei oi iollei anu
nail using a hammei oi nail gun. Be neeus to be able to go up anu uown lauueis. You neeu to iuentify
othei possible activities that he neeus to uo on his job anu uevelop a piogiam to help him.

A gioup of uanceis hiieu youi team. They neeu to have a wiue iepeitoiie fiom jazz to ballet, anu
ballioom uancing.

A high school swim team hiieu youi team. They neeu to have an effective fieestyle, bieaststioke,
backstioke, anu siuestioke.

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A bouy builuei (oi 0lympic wiestlei) hiieu youi team who wants to ietuin to bouy builuing
competition, oi by a wiestlei who is competing foi a national title. Iuentify what neeus to be
uevelopeu foi competition. Bevelop a piogiam to help the competitoi to achieve his goals.

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A famous baseballsoftball playei hiieu youi team to help impiove theii swing foice, speeu aiounu the
bases, anu thiowing uistance. Iuentify othei essential activities. Bevelop a piogiam to help the playei
in theii chances of being auueu to a national team.

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A 2u yeais olu patient hiieu youi team to assist with theii ietuin to noimal activities such as iunning,
walking, climbing staiis, stanuing, anu bike iiuing. The patient has a bioken femui.

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A famous cyclist, now uelusional, is iecoveiing fiom a bioken humeius anu clavicle anu hiieu youi
team to help with his objective. Be wants to ietuin to jumping single stoiy builuings in a single leap
with a minimal launch.
___________ Peiiou
Nonuay Feb 21u


Tuesuay Feb 211


Weunesuay Feb 212


Thuisuay Feb 21S

Client _________________________________________
Client _________________________________________
Client _________________________________________
Client _________________________________________

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