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What Is The Barathary Gland ?

The Barathary Gland Is A Gland That Was Originally Inside Of The Cavity Of The Hippocampus Area Of The Brain . In The Lower Part Of The Cerebellum . The Cerebellum Is Located At The Lower Part Of The Brain And Is Attached To The Brain Stem . It Was A Gland In The Brain That Was Originally Connected To The Appendix And The Tonsils . The Same Way The Pituitary Gland Connects To The Thyroid Gland . What Was The Barathary Gland's Purpose ? The Barathary Gland Controlled The Four Highter Senses That You Once Had . They Are , ( 1 . Telepathy - The Ability To Communicate Messages Or Thoughts From The Mind Without Using Verbal Speech , ( 2 . Intuition - The Ability To Know What Is About To Happen Before It Happens, ( 3 . Clairvoyance - The Ability To See Clear . Know What Is Going On In Another Place Or Room Without Seeing The Events With Your Two Physical Eyes , ( 4 . Psychometry The Ability To Be AbleTo Tell Something About A Person By Holding And Object That Belonged To That Person . Why Don't We Have A Barathyary Gland Anymore ? According To The Sumerians Doctrine . From Adam And Eve By The Great Sscientist Nergal Shar'etsar ,Ninti , Enqi And Arishkegal Making The Adamites Nolonger AbleTo Communicate With The Eloheem '' God's Randomly . Cain , Abel , Seth , Lubuwda , And Aqlimiyah Were All Born With Their Barathyary , But Like Their Parents , Adam And Eve , Their Were Surgically Removed Also . Enos Was The First HumanBeing To Be Born Without His Barathyary Gland , That Is Why He Is Referred To As '' Mortal '' Will We Get Our Barathyary Gland Back ? The Barathary Gland Will Be Reinserted In The Lower Part Of Your Chin Called The Sub - Mental Are Into Those People Who Are Worthy Of Retuning Home When Yashua Eloheem / God's Come For Their Children . Who Was The One Yahweh That Was Assigned To Us ? This Yahweh , Who Eloheem Name Is Yashua , In The Aramic / Hebrew Tammuz , Or Adonai According To The Sumerian And Babylonian Doctrine. Ezekiel 8 ; 14 And I Quote , Then He Brought Me To The Door Of The Gate Of The Lord's House Which Was Toward The North ; And , Beheld There Set Women Weeping For Tammuz ;...In The Egiptian Culture Tammuz Is Know As Horus Whose Egiptian Name Is Har Or Heru . Horus Was The Son Of Ishtar Who Is Also Know In Greek Mythology As Isis . However . Her Ancient Egiptian Name Is Aset . His Father's Name Is Osiris Who Is Known In Ancient Egipt As Dammuzi . TammuzIs Nother Than The Son Of Ishtar And Dummuzi . He Is The Appointed One By God For Mortal On Earth . He Was Also Known As Adonis And Became The Adonia Of The Aramean And Hebrew Spoke Of In The Bible Ezrkiel 8 ; 14 , As The Sumerian Deity Of Food And Vegetation . He Is Also Referred To As Adonis , Adown , Haru , Elyon , Alah , Kurious , Kristos , Christ , And Jesus . In The Egiptian Mystery Doctrine Tammuz Is Equivalent To The Egiptian Being Horus . Tammuz Is A Messiah Meaning '' The Anoined One '' From The Egiptian Word Messeh ''' To Anoint '' Son Of A God , Asaru ( Osiris ) . He Would Be Equivalent To Jesus Christ Being Worsshiped Rather Than His Father . And Those Ancient Hebrew Or Jews . Who Do Not Acknowledge JesusChrist Are Hated AndCalled Heathen By The Christian . This Was Case Even Back Then , And Note That Tammuz Was Also Mentioned In The Bible In Ezekiel 8 ; 14 .. And I Quote , Then He Brought Me To The Door Of The Gate Of The Lord's House Which Was Toward The North ; And , Beheld There Set Women Weeping For Tammuz ;.;... Translated From Aramic ( Hebrew ) As Tammuwz ( Tam - Mooz ) '' Sprout Of Life ''

A Sumerian Deity Of Food Or Vegetation . What Caused The Adamites To Nolonger Have Any Further Contact With Yashuwa ? Adam Was In Disagreement With The . Eloheem '' God '' Because Of An Experiment That Was Performed On His Two Sons Cain And Abel . Eve And Adam Continued Having Children . They Had A Total Of 23 Sons And 22 Daughters . Genesis 5 ; 4 And I Quote , And The Days Of Adam After He Had Begotten Seth Were Eight Hundred Years ; And He Begat Sons And Daughters ;... The Names Of Adam And Eve's Son ..... Cain ... Abel ... Seth .. Len ... Hatif ... Ruht ... Huma .... Yahuw ... Abru ... Salli ... Kout ... Hatim .... Hamma ... Dhubir ... Fud ...Hakal ... Zayd ... Abas ,,, Zikin .... Shuha ... Wadun ... Ahmad ... The Names Of Adam And Eve's Daughter ..... Aqlimiyah .... Lubuwdah ... Lina ... Alis ... Adela ... Bihah .... Fugata ... Fufu .. Amaana ... Afafa ... Ifatayu ... Fazaina ... Hamdiy .... Hal ... Ghada ... Na'ulah ... Zain .... Qutillah ... Aqtifa .... Tamira ... Hashiffa ... Sumana ...If You Don't Believe This Is Real . Their Was An Articl Came Out In 1997 A.D. From The University Of Southern California About How Scientist Are Coming Up With Their Own Chip To Insert In The Hippocampus Area Of The Brian Which Will Duplicate The Barathary Gland . And You Can Go On Line And Seek It If You Wish . With The Barathary The Nubians Had The Power To Contacting The Most High At Will Until It Was Remove

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