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Telling Time

An Interactive Tutorial Users Manual

Jennifer Heckel December 15th, 2013

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Table of Contents
Introduction....3 Target Learners....3 Purpose and Objectives....3 Necessar !"ui#ment3 Hard are !e"uire#ents...3 $o%t are !e"uire#ents3 &et or' !e"uire#ents............( $rogram %tartu#( &et or' Access...( )* Access( &eneral $rogram Information..( Progra# Lengt+.......( ,eneral Operation( -valuation. %u##lementar Information.......... Troubleshooting..

Page 2

Introduction T+is guide is designed to al' teac+ers and students t+roug+ Telling Time: An Interactive Tutorial. Telling Time is a tutorial designed to +elp educate students about t+e basic concept o% cloc's and ti#e. A discussion regarding t+e reason %or cloc's and ti#e/ parts o% an actual cloc'/ and +o to tell ti#e are all covered t+roug+out t+e tutorial. A s+ort "ui0 at t+e end ill +elp learners see gro t+ in telling ti#e. $ince t+e tutorial is an introduction to cloc's and ti#e/ so no prior 'no ledge regarding ti#e or cloc's is necessar1. Target Learners T+e target learners %or t+is tutorial are 'indergarten students. 2+ile t+is tutorial is designed pri#aril1 %or %ive to si3 1ear olds/ teac+ers could also provide revie to older struggling students on telling ti#e using t+is tutorial. Purpose and Objectives T+e purpose o% t+is tutorial is to %irst introduce t+e #ultiple parts o% a cloc' t+at +elp tell ti#e/ suc+ as +our +and/ #inute +and/ nu#erals o% a cloc'/ and counting b1 %ive around t+e cloc' to tell #inutes. A%ter a s+ort introduction into t+e necessar1 co#ponents/ an e3planation on +o to tell ti#e b1 bot+ t+e +our and +al% +our is discussed. $ince ti#e is suc+ an abstract concept/ t+e visuals provided b1 t+is tutorial ill s+o +ard to understand concepts. 41 t+e end o% t+e tutorials/ t+e students ill be able to5

Identi%1 t+e +our +and on a cloc'

Identi%1 t+e #inute +and on a cloc' Identi%1 +at t+e big nu#erals on a cloc' represent $'ip count b1 6s to %ind t+e #inutes in an +our Tell ti#e to t+e +our Tell ti#e to t+e +al% +our

!"ui#ment Needed Hardware Requirements )o#puter it+ cd drive/ #onitor/ #ouse/ and 'e1board

o!tware Requirements 7P or 8ista operating s1ste# %or P)/ Pentiu# III 9:: MH; it+ 6<=M !AM or

Page 3

+ig+er/ co#parable operating s1ste# %or Mac/ it+ 6<=M !AM or +ig+er. )* !o# it+ tutorial installed

"etwor# Requirements An1 ired or ireless net or' it+ internet access

$rogram %tartu# $rom "etwor# Open an1 eb bro ser and access tutorial %ro#

$rom %&ternal 'rive()' Rom $i#pl1 install t+e )* !o# or %las+drive it+ tutorial installed and open progra#. &eneral $rogram Information Program Lengt* *ue to t+e s+ortened attention span o% 1oung learners/ t+is tutorial can be bro'en up into t+ree <6>=: #inute lessons. T+e t+ree di%%erent lessons ill include parts o% a cloc'?cloc' bac'ground/ telling ti#e to t+e +our/ and telling ti#e to t+e +al% +our. +eneral Operation T+e tutorial begins it+ a title screen t+at s+o s an ani#ated cloc' to activate t+e learners #ind to ards cloc's. T+en/ learners are introduced to +at a cloc' is. T+e need %or telling ti#e is discussed.

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T+e parts o% a cloc' are discussed on t+e ne3t page. @our buttons are on t+e botto# o% t+e screen/ and students ill cloc' on t+e various na#es to learn +at t+e +our +and/ #inute +and/ and nu#bers #ean on a cloc'. $tudents ill clic' ne3t to advance onto t+e ne3t screen.

A #ain #enu regarding telling ti#e is ne3t. T+is is t+e +o#e screen t+at users ill use to navigate telling ti#e to t+e +our and +al% +our. T+e1 ill also be able to access t+e revie once t+e1 learn all about telling ti#e.

2+en students clic' on t+e +our button/ t+e1 ill be ta'en into a series o% screens t+at s+o +o to tell ti#e to t+e +our. -ver1t+ing is bro'en do n into s#all steps to +elp 1oung learners process t+e in%or#ation clearl1. $tudents ill clic' ne3t to advance to t+e ne3t part o% learning. 2+en 1ou co#plete t+ese pages/ students ill +ave a c+oice to repeat in%or#ation again or go bac' to telling ti#e +o#e screen. Please see t+e screen s+ots belo 5

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2+en students clic' t+e +al% +our button on t+e #ain telling ti#e +o#epage/ t+e1 ill be ta'en into a series o% screens t+at s+o +o to tell ti#e to t+e +al% +our. Once again/ t+e steps regarding +o to tell ti#e to t+e +al% +our are bro'en up b1 screen/ and students #ust clic' ne3t to advance. On t+e last page/ students can repeat t+e lesson or go bac' to t+e telling ti#e +o#e screen. Please see t+e screen s+ots belo 5

%valuation T+e tutorial ends it+ a si3>"uestion "ui0 t+at covers t+e students understanding o% t+e +ands o% a cloc'/ +at t+e nu#bers on a cloc' represent/ and #atc+ing ti#es it+ t+e appropriate cloc's. T+e evaluation ill include #ultiple c+oice/ true?%alse/ and #atc+ing ele#ents to +elp assess student learning in a variet1 o% a1s. T+e results o% t+e "ui0 ill be s+o n at its co#pletion. T+e evaluation can be %ound at t+is ebsite5

%u##lementar Information I% 1ou ould li'e to provide or's+eets %or +o#e or' or ot+er various class assign#ents +en it co#es to telling ti#e/ 1ou can %ind #an1 e3a#ples o% ti#e or's+eets b1 visiting5

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+ttp5?? or's+eets.jsp

Troubleshooting I% 1ou are e3periencing an1 trouble do nloading t+e %las+ presentation/ please visit +ttp5?? nloads.+t#l


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