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,nsert a hea)er into yo!r )oc!$ent 7/o to 2ie(;hea)er8.

John Doe ECLT 102-3 Essay One, Final Draft Oct. 7, 2003 The Art of ers!asion" #o$en%s O&&ression 'y T(o Fe$inist #riters Ta' the 'e/innin/ of each &ara/ra&h. ,ncl!)e yo!r na$e, co!rse-section, essay)raft, an) )ate.

Doe 1

Thin. of an ori/inal title.

J!)y *yfers% essay +, #ant A #ife- intro)!ces to an !n$arrie) (o$an (hat $arrie) life is all a'o!t an) to raises conscio!sness of the s!'or)inate role a (o$an (ill ta.e after $arria/e. The inten)e) a!)ience for this te0t is not aca)e$ics or scholars. *yfers is $ore li.ely foc!sin/ on !n$arrie) (o$en, an) that is (hy she &!'lishe) her (ritin/ in Ms. Magazine. *he acco$&lishes her &!r&ose 'y (ritin/ a'o!t all the tas.s an) roles of a (ife. The secon) te0t is +Li'eration of #o$en" *e0!al 1e&ression an) the Fa$ily- 'y La!rel Li$&!s. The inten)e)

Articles are set off (ith :!otation $ar.s.

a!)ience for this te0t is e2eryone3 all (o$en and $en. The &!r&ose of her te0t is to try an) /et $ore &eo&le to 4oin the #o$en%s Li'eration 5o2e$ent, (hich (as &lace at that ti$e. Li$&!s )oes so 'y (ritin/ a'o!t the o&&ression (o$en (ent thro!/h at that &erio) of ti$e, an) she e0a$ine) all the as&ects an) reasons as to (hy (o$en (ere o&&resse). +, #ant A #ife- 'y J!)y *yfers is $ore con2incin/ to its inten)e) a!)ience than +Li'eration of #o$en- 'eca!se it is h!$oro!s, its lan/!a/e is accessi'le to the rea)er, an) the a!thor has a!thority as she relates to The thesis state$ent 7yo!r /eneral ar/!$ent8 is her &ersonal e0&erience as a (ife an) $other. !s!ally &lace) at the en) of the intro)!ction. 6!$or is an i$&ortant tool a (riter sho!l) !se to /et an) .ee& the rea)er%s attention. *yfers s!ccessf!lly achie2es this as&ect in her (ritin/. *he !ses irony an) a (itty, h!$oro!s

To&ic sentences 'e/in each


tone to &ro2i)e co$ic relief for her a!)ience. *ince the te0t is (ritten to secretaries, st!)ents, an) sin/le (o$en in /eneral 7ho!se(i2es $i/ht also 'e rea)in/ Ms. Magazine8, its h!$or (ill Jo!rnals, $a/a9ines, an) 'oo.s catch their attention 'eca!se of their yo!n/ a/e. The st!)ents )o a lot of st!)yin/ an) the are italici9e).

Doe 2 secretaries are '!sy (ith their (or.. Therefore, *yfers% te0t (or.s 'est for the$ 'eca!se they can rea) it )!rin/ a short 'rea., an) it (ill &ro2i)e the$ (ith so$e co$ic relief. The h!$or in the te0t (ill also co2er !& any ins!lt ho!se(i2es $i/ht feel 'eca!se of the reality s&o.en a'o!t ,n a))ition to &roofrea)in/, the essay is /ra$$ar an) s&ellchec.e) for a))itional acc!racy. their s!'or)inate roles. *yfers% h!$or, re&resente) 'y the contra)ictory &assa/e, +, (ant a (ife (ho is sensiti2e to $y se0!al nee)s, a (ife (ho $ lo2e &assionately an) ea/erly (hen , feel li.e it, a (ife (ho $ s!re that , a$ satisfie). An), of co!rse, , (ant a (ife (ho (ill not )e$an) se0!al attention (hen , a$ not in the $oo) for it,- $a)e her te0t 'eco$e (i)ely s&rea) all o2er the internet an) in antholo/ies, (hile La!rel Li$&!s% te0t can only 'e fo!n) in three (e'sites, (ith only one containin/ the (hole te0t. ,n contrast to *yfers% irony, Li$&!s% te0t is too serio!s, (hich is $ost li.ely /oin/ to 'e !na&&reciate) 'y the a!)ience the te0t is (ritten to. E2en fro$ the 2ery first sentence of her te0t, Li$&!s (rites, +This is an atte$&t to )eal (ith =!otations are inte/rate) s$oothly, an) the a!thor is i)entifie). Li$&!s so$e of the theoretical &ro'le$s of the li'eration of (o$en, &artic!larly as they relate to also a&&ears in the #or.s Cite). se0!ality an) se0!al re&ression.- Altho!/h she $o2es ri/ht to the &oint of her te0t, she is $ore li.ely to re&el so$e of the a!)ience she co!l) ha2e (on ha) she not 'een as serio!s. <ot only )oes *yfers &ro2i)e h!$or in her te0t, '!t she also !ses si$&le, accessi'le lan/!a/e, (hich is a 2ery i$&ortant as&ect of any &iece of (ritin/. #hen the lan/!a/e is To&ic sentence si$&lifie), the te0t%s a!)ience 'roa)ens. *yfers !ses easily !n)erstan)a'le ter$inolo/y an) (ith transition. 2oca'!lary an) still /ets her &oint thro!/h. *ince her te0t is ai$e) at yo!n/ st!)ents an) . secretaries, (ho are not necessarily !ni2ersity /ra)!ates, the accessi'le lan/!a/e (ill $a.e the$ 'e a'le to easily !n)erstan) (hat they are rea)in/. *yfers !ses si$&le &hrases li.e, +<ot too lon/ a/o a $ale frien) of $ine a&&eare) on the scene fresh fro$ a recent )i2orce. 6e ha) one chil), (ho is, of co!rse, (ith his e0-(ife. 6e is for another (ife,- to clearly /et her &oint thro!/h. 6er te0t is not only interestin/ 'eca!se of the h!$oro!s tone an) si$&le lan/!a/e, '!t ,f the so!rce ha) ha) &a/e n!$'ers, yo! (o!l) &!t the$ after the :!otation in &arentheses

Doe 3 also 'eca!se it is short an) to the &oint. *ince the te0t is ai$e) at reachin/ (o$en, so$e of (ho$ )o not ha2e the ti$e to rea) lon/ articles, they 7the a!)ience8 nee) a short te0t to rea) <otice ho( the accessi'le lan/!a/e, co$'ine) (ith her h!$or an) the te0t%s shortness $ the rea)er a'le &ara/ra&hs are &roan) (illin/ to rea) it at anyti$e an) $ore than once. On the other han), La!rel Li$&!s% te0t is &ortionately 'alance) in len/th. The 2ery lon/ > al$ost fifteen &a/es. That is in a))ition to her 2ery )iffic!lt an) co$&licate) essay )oesn%t lan/!a/e. Li$&!s !ses &hrases s!ch as, +One of the $ost &er2a)in/ conce&tions in the &resent a&&ear lo&si)e). i)eolo/y is that the fa$ily is a nat!ral, ine2ita'le &heno$enon . . . 'eca!se of the a&&arent (hile eatin/ a $eal or sho&&in/ in the s!&er$ or )!rin/ a 'rea. fro$ (or.. *yfers% !ni2ersality of the fa$ily, (o$en are rele/ate) . . . .- This narro(s )o(n the a!)ience that Li$&!s co!l) ha2e o'taine) if her te0t (ere shorter an) $ore si$&lifie). ,n a))ition to h!$or, accessi'le lan/!a/e, an) shortness, *yfers% te0t contains a!thority. To&ic *entence a/ain. The a!thority of a (riter is )eter$ine) 'y his or her &ersonal e0&erience in the fiel) he?she is relatin/ to in the te0t. ,n her te0t, *yfers tal.s a'o!t (i2es an) their roles. *he has a!thority 'eca!se she herself is +a (ife. An), not alto/ether inci)entally, . . . a $other.- *yfers, therefore, =!otes 'len) in (ith the /ra$$ar of yo!r sentence. can relate to her &ersonal e0&erience of 'ein/ a $other an) (ife, an) therefore, the rea)er 7any rea)er, no $atter (ho the inten)e) a!)ience is8 can tr!st (hat she says. 6o(e2er, so$e &eo&le li.e to ta.e into consi)eration the )an/ers of &ersonal e0&erience $ a te0t too s!'4ecti2e an) 'iase). This is tr!e in a lot of cases, '!t *yfers% te0t is not 'iase) 'eca!se it tal.s a'o!t the act!al reality of $arrie) life at that &erio) of ti$e. The (i2es% roles she (rites a'o!t are the act!al roles of all (i2es at that ti$e. Therefore, *yfers )oes not &resent her o&inion or her inference a'o!t the roles of (i2es at that ti$e. 1ather, she s&ea.s facts an) reality. On the contrary, Li$&!s )oes not ha2e a!thority, an) that is 'eca!se she )oesn%t s&ea. fro$ &ersonal e0&erience. Li$&!s (rites a'o!t (i2es an) (o$en%s o&&ression )!rin/ her years as a !ni2ersity Elli&ses re&resent o$itte) (or)s.

Doe @ 5ar/ins are 1 inch (i)e on all si)es 72.B centi$ete rs if yo!%re !sin/ the $etric syste$8. st!)ent, sho(in/ that she hasn%t e0&erience) (hat she (rites a'o!t. 6er &oint of 2ie( is sho(n (ea. (hen she says, +The $yth that chil)'earin/ an) rearin/ is the f!lfill$ent of a (o$an%s )estiny is 'y far, in $y o&inion, the $ost )a$a/in/ an) )estr!cti2e $yth that i$&risons her.<ot only )i) she not )e$onstrate her &oint of 2ie( (ith a!thority 'y !sin/ &hrases li.e +in my opinion-, '!t she s&ea.s of chil)'earin/ an) rearin/ (hile she is '!t a !ni2ersity st!)ent or 2ery recent /ra)!ate. #hat )oes she .no( a'o!t chil)'earin/, rearin/, or e2en 'ein/ a (ifeA Therefore, the rea)er is not li.ely to easily 'elie2e e2erythin/ Li$&!s (rites a'o!t. 6!$or, accessi'le an) si$&lifie) lan/!a/e, an) a!thority thro!/h &ersonal e0&erience $a.e +, #ant A #ife- 'y J!)y *yfers a $ore con2incin/ te0t to its inten)e) a!)ience than Articles an) essays are &!t in :!otation $ar.s. Li$&!s% +Li'eration of #o$en" *e0!al 1e&ression an) the Fa$ily.- *yfers co$'ines $any i$&ortant (ritin/ 2aria'les to achie2e &o&!larity for her te0t. That is (hy her te0t is fo!n) all o2er the internet (hile La!rel Li$&!s% te0t is 2ery rarely fo!n) or e2en hear) of. J!)y *yfers has, (itho!t a )o!'t, con2ince) her a!)ience thro!/h her (ell (ritten te0t. The concl!sion 'riefly reca&it!lates the ar/!$ent an) either en)s on a $e$ora'le tho!/ht, closin/ insi/ht, interestin/ :!otation, lastin/ i$a/e, or call to action. The font is Ti$es <e( 1o$an 12 &oint.

Each a!thor or so!rce that a&&eare) in the essay is )oc!$ente) on the #or.s Cite) &a/e in al&ha'etical or)er. #or.s Cite)

Doe B ,ncl!)e a #or.s Cite) &a/e to )oc!$ent the so!rces yo! cite. This section a&&ears on its o(n &a/e.

Li$&!s, La!rel. +Li'eration of #o$en" *e0!al 1e&ression an) the Fa$ily, section 1.7 a$&hlet.8 <e( En/lan) Free ress" Coston, no )ateDearly 1E70s., Internet Archive. A!/ 2002. 10 *e& 2003. Fhtt&"??(((.$ar0ists.or/?s!'4ect?(o$en?a!thors?li$&!s?li'$; *yfers, J!)y. +, #ant A #ife.- Ms. *&rin/ 1E72" 1@@. The CWLU Herstory Website Archive. 10 *e& 2003. htt&"??(((.c(l!$?C#LGArchi2e?(anta($l

The secon) an) thir) lines of each entry are in)ente) B s&aces (ith a han/in/ in)ent. The entries are also )o!'le s&ace).

5LA style &rescri'es a s&ecific for$at for each entry. For an internet site, the for$at is" Last na$e, First na$e. +Title.- o!rce. Date of !'lication. Date of Access. FG1L;. Data'ases ha2e )ifferent for$ats.

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