Harry Garo: Summary of Qualifications

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Harry Garo


Summary of Qualifications
Goal driven achiever. Motivated self-starter with strong work ethics. Energetic, dedicated, and self motivated team player. Excellent detail-oriented, multi-tasking and organizational aptitudes, fluent in panish. !ighly flexi"le and adapta"le. olid computer skills in windows. #nowledge of systems and oftware.

Professional Experience

Childrens Hospital (Physicians Organization

!o"em#er $%&%' Present

Physician Billing Representative

(oston) *+

$ssisted and Educated patients with insurance and %egistration issues and payment processing. &rocessed and su"mitted 'nsurance claims electronically through Epic ystem and different &ayer
ystems. %eceived lock-"ox payments and logged insurance payments to spreadsheet "y payer. $pplied and posted payments to &atient $ccounts. &erformed 'nsurance follow up of &atient $ccounts through Epic ystem (ork )ues. (orked with 'nsurance *ompanies with $ppeals and changing +, &, *odes for claim resu"mission. (orked with other +epartments to ensure resolution of claims throughout Epic (ork )ues.


.a/efield) *+

Septem#er$%%0 1 !o"em#er $%&%

Accounts Receivable Analyst

$pplied and &osted *ash thru -racle systems. %econciled ./ Million dollars on a Monthly "asis. %etrieved *hecks thru !untington 0ank ystem. 'dentified any "illing issues and credits on invoices. *oded *hecks "y 0usiness 1nit. %ecorded invoices and amounts of checks in three different excel sheets "y "usiness unit. *reated an -ver 23 report for all client invoices aged 23 days and over.


.est4ood) *+

+pril$%%0 1 5uly $%%0

Patient Intake Associate

erved as 4iaison "etween !ospitals and Enterprise $ssociates.

&romptly identified any "illing issues from hospitals and insurance. 'n charge of o"taining insurance and identifying *+5 codes. (orked with insurances companies to o"tain status of claims for all cases. %eported end of month rate in resolution of cases as well as potential clients. %esolved payment issues from third party payers. %eviewed client listings to identify payments pending to post.
CCS ,!C6 Collections Supervisor .est4ood) *+
5uly$%%7 ' +pril $%%0

Managed group of 6/ collectors. 5rained and assisted collectors in handling of calls. 'n charge of creating collector7s working schedule. $ssisted managers in creating ways of working more effectively. 'n charge of yearly reviews for each collector and identifying strengths and weaknesses. 'n charge of resolving any "illing issues for customers and working with client services.

Education 8 S/ills
9isher College

: *urrently pursuing 0achelor7s +egree 80usiness Management9

(oston +rts +cademy (oston) *+

*ay $%&$' Current Septem#er $%%& '$%%; Septem#er $%%7 '$%%<

: ! +iploma *ompleted +merican 3ed Cross (oston) *+ : *ertified :ursing $ssistant *ompleted : (ord&erfect; Excel, &ower &oint, <ision; : 0ilingual : Epic

: M $ccess; M -utlook; M &ro=ect : -racle

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