MODUL5 (KULIAH) Lateral Thinking

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TM 2913 : Kemahiran Maklumat dan Komunikasi

Puan Junaidah Mohamed Kassim 8921 6669

Modul 5
Kemahiran Berfikir Secara Lateral Dan Paralel

Objektif Kuliah

Memahami konsep dan teknik pemikiran kritis secara lateral dan paralel Mengetahui cara untuk menggunakan teknik six thinking hats Membuat keputusan dengan lebih kreatif dan seimbang


Kumpulan 1

A man is lying dead in a room. There is a large pile of gold and jewels on the floor, a chandelier attached to the ceiling and a large open window. A man goes into a restaurant, orders albatross, eats one bite and kills himself.

Kumpulan 2

Kumpulan 3

A man is driving his car. He returns on the radio, listens for five minutes, turns around goes home and shoots his wife. A woman buys a new pair of shoes, goes to work and dies.

Kumpulan 4

Kumpulan 5

A man is alone on an island with no food and no water, yet he does not fear for his life A writer with an audience of millions insisted that he never to be interrupted while writing. After the day when actually was interrupted, he never wrote again.

Kumpulan 6


lateral dicipta oleh Edward de Bono pada tahun 1967 Digunakan utk memisahkan idea2 yg sudah lama digunakan dan dipercayai baik dan betul Pemikiran lateral menggunakan teknik spesifik yang sengaja dipakai utk terbitkan idea baru

Definisi Pemikiran Lateral

You cannot dig a hole in a different place by digging the same hole deeper Lateral Thinking is for changing concept and perceptions instead of trying harder with the same concepts and perceptions In self-organizing information systems, asymmetric pattern are formed. Lateral Thinking is a method for cutting across from one pattern to another Edward de Bono

Pemikiran Lateral

Mengajar kita bagaimana utk berfikir scr kreatif Mengubah masalah kepada peluang Mencari penyelesaian menggunakan teknik dan peralatannya Memberi kuasa kepada kita utk menerbitkan idea2 yang bernas dan boleh digunakan utk menyelesaikan masalah

Suggest Lateral Thinking If You Hear

1. Management shoots down all of our ideas.

Because Lateral Thinking Will

Give managers the tools to encourage and reward the creative EFFORT that must become a habit before you can get consistently innovative results. Give employees the tools to assess and improve ideas before submitting them.

Suggest Lateral Thinking If You Hear

2. Creative people are a nuisance. Theyre always getting out of line.

Because Lateral Thinking Will

Teach managers how to perceive creative intrusions as a valuable tool for checking blind spots and biases. Creative ideas are often jarring. Give collaborative employees the tools to generate creative ideas on demand. You do not have to rely on a flock of born rebels to buck the system.

Suggest Lateral Thinking If You Hear

3. We dont have time to go through all that trial and error.

Because Lateral Thinking Will

Teach managers to be alert for new opportunities at every stage as ideas are explored. Give employees tools that speed up the innovation process.

Suggest Lateral Thinking If You Hear

4. Creative people are so off-the-wall. Their ideas are never feasible.

Because Lateral Thinking Will

Give everyone the tools of provocation and movement so they know how to get value from initially unworkable ideas. Teach everyone how to harvest, tailor, and shape ideas to make them more practical.

Suggest Lateral Thinking If You Hear

5. This company doesnt see mistakes as progress. We quit too soon.

Because Lateral Thinking Will

Give everyone tools to assess and minimize risk. Teach everyone how to perceive failures as necessary steps in the creative process. Enable everyone to learn from their mistakes.

Suggest Lateral Thinking If You Hear

6. We dont know what to be creative about.

Because Lateral Thinking Will

Teach all how to develop and work on a Creative Hit List.

Suggest Lateral Thinking If You Hear

7. We dont need new ideas. Were already aligned about what were doing/where were going/how to get there.

Because Lateral Thinking Will

Teach everyone the absolute necessity of applying the creative process continuously to every strategy, process, assumption, product, and practice, in our rapidly changing world.

Lateral Thinking: Four Step Process

Edward de Bonos Creative Thinking Process GET STARTED Results: New Ideas

Select & Define Focus

Generate Ideas

Capture & Work with Output

Teknik-teknik Pemikiran Lateral

Utk menghasilkan provokasi dalam minda De Bono tlh melabelkan setiap idea provokatif dgn perkataan PO (Provocative Operation) Contoh PO siswazah FTSM UKM kurang mahir dalam pengaturcaraan Terdapat pelbagai cara utk mendebatkan provokasi ini.

5 sumber Provokasi

Provokasi tak sengaja

Timbul dr idea tak sengaja radar (guna glmbg radio)


Songsangkan dari cerita asal posmen hntr surat

Lari drpd asal kejadian kamera tiada filem


Angan-angan kosong

fantasi- - bina bangunan berbentuk bulat

Apa saja yang mungkin utk membuat provokasi lembu terbang


Alat-alat Berfikir

AGO Aims, Goals and Objectives APC Alternatives, Possibilities, Choices CAF Consider All Factors OPV Other People Views C & S Consequence and Sequel FIP First Important Priorities PMI Plus, Minus, Interesting

PMI Plus Minus Interesting

P senaraikan semua yang baik M senaraikan semua yang buruk I senaraikan semua yang selainnya tetapi menarik untuk difikirkan selanjutnya.

Pemikiran Paralel

Satu teknik yang dicipta oleh De Bono utk digunakan dalam pemikiran lateral Kaedah yang digunakan utk pemikiran paralel adalah Kaedah Enam Topi Berfikir (Six Thinking Hats) Tidak boleh memakai kesemua topi serentak kerana boleh menjadi keliru dan berkecamuk Seharusnya memakai satu topi pada satu waktu

The Basics
There are six different imaginary hats that you can put on or take off. Think of the hats as thinking icons. Each hat is a different color and represents a different type or mode of thinking. We all wear the same hat (do the same type of thinking) at the same time. When we change hats - we change our thinking.

Benefits Of The Six Thinking Hat Framework Adversarial Improve Exploration Save Time


Improve Creativity & Innovation

Foster Collaborative Thinking

Managing The Thinking

Blue Hat

Neutral & Objective Checked & Believed Facts Missing Information & Where To Source It

Information & Data

White Hat

Setting The Focus Making Summaries Overviews Conclusions Action Plans

Why It May Not Work

Cautions Dangers Problems Faults Logical Reasons Must Be Given

Black Hat

FOCUS Why It May Work

Yellow Hat

Values & Benefits (Both Known & Potential) The Good In It Logical Reasons Must Be Given

Possibilities Alternatives New Ideas New Concepts Overcome Black Hat Problems & Reinforce Yellow Hat Values

Creative Thinking

Green Hat

Emotions Or Hunches At This Point No Reasons or Justification Keep It Short

Feelings & Intuition

Red Hat

Topi hijau

Pemikiran kreatif Hijau otak yg subur dgn idea2 Mencari idea alternatif adakah idea lain??? Tidak perdulikan sama ada idea tersebut betul atau salah keluarkan idea sahaja Sebaiknya dipakai ketika mula berfikir (brainstorming)

Topi Kuning

Pemikiran kontruktif / membina Kuning- hari yg cerah, menggambarkan konsep positif Mencari segala faedah, kebaikan dan manfaat drpd idea oleh topi Hijau Semua idea boleh jadi idea yg baik Idea yg lemah blh diperbaiki- tidak ada yg mustahil Sesuai dipakai bila mendengar idea2 yg mempunyai banyak kelemahan

Topi Merah

Pemikiran emotif dan nilai Merah rasa ghairah dan nafsu, mengambil kira aspek emosi dan instuisi semada berfikir Contoh apa perasaan seseorang?dsb Sesuai dipakai selepas mengambil kira semua fakta yang ada Perlu mengambilkira soal perasaan dan gerak hati kerana tdk berguna jika org ramai tidak suka dan tdk mahu menerimanya.

Topi Hitam

Pemikiran kritikal dan negatif Hitam menggambarkan malam yg gelap, menunjukkan keadaan yg tiada harapan. Diminta mencari semua yg salah, tidak jelas, yang sukar, berisiko dan berbahaya. Berguna utk menghasilkan pelan darurat & sistem keselamatan Situasi yg sesuai adalah sebelum membuat sebarang tindakan

Topi Putih

Pemikiran Objektif Bertujuan utk mencari maklumat Contoh berapa? Siapa? Dimana? Bila?dsb Tiada emosi terlibat dlm pencarian maklumat Tidak timbul masalah suka/tidak, terima/tidak Sesuai dipakai sebelum membuat sebarang keputusan memilih mana2 alternatif

Topi Biru

Topi yang teratas utk mengawasi topi lain bekerja. Menguruskan proses berfikir thinking about the thinking needed to explore the subject Set the focus : Defines the problems and shapes the Q Responsible for summaries, overview and conclusion Concern with metacognitive

Example: The directors of a property company are looking at whether they should construct a new office building. The economy is doing well, and the amount of unrented office space is reducing sharply. As part of their decision they decide to use the 6 Thinking Hats technique during a planning meeting.

With the White Hat, they analyze the data they have. They examine the trend in unrented office space, which shows a sharp reduction. They anticipate that by the time the office block would be completed, that there will be a severe shortage of office space. Current government projections show steady economic growth for at least the construction period.

With Red Hat thinking, some of the directors think the proposed building looks quite ugly. While it would be highly cost-effective, they worry that people would not like to work in it.

When they think with the Black Hat, they worry that government projections may be wrong. The economy may be about to enter a 'cyclical downturn', in which case the office building may be empty for a long time. If the building is not attractive, then companies will choose to work in another better-looking building at the same rent.

With the Yellow Hat, however, if the economy holds up and their projections are correct, the company stands to make a great deal of money. If they are lucky, maybe they could sell the building before the next downturn, or rent to tenants on long-term leases that will last through any recession.

With Green Hat thinking they consider whether they should change the design to make the building more pleasant. Perhaps they could build prestige offices that people would want to rent in any economic climate. Alternatively, maybe they should invest the money in the short term to buy up property at a low cost when a recession comes.

The Blue Hat has been used by the chair of the meeting to move between the different thinking styles. He or she may have needed to keep other members of the team from switching styles, or from criticizing other peoples' points.


Pelbagai analisis perlu difikirkan sebelum membuat sebarang keputusan menggunakan kemahiran berfikir secara kritis dan lateral Teknik2 dan kaedah2 yang diperkenalkan dapat membantu utk menjana idea dan membuat keputusan yang lebih berkesan dan memanfaatkan semua pihak.

Sekian, terima kasih

9 Julai 2003

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