Jan31.2014 Bcreation of Philippine Ship Registry Pushed

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31, 2014

NR # 3363B

Creation of Philippine Ship Registry pushed

A lawmaker has filed a bill, which seeks to establish the countrys ship registry to attract foreign-owned vessels to register under the Philippine flag. Rep. Jesulito A. analo !Party-list, A"#$%A& said 'ouse (ill )*+, aims to provide a legal framework for the rules on ship registry and the enforcement of maritime claims and limitations of liability. analo said the lack of a particular law that completely addresses the ship registry system in the Philippines has resulted in a low number of ships flying the Philippine flag. -.he country is widely known as a ma/or supplier of maritime professional yet records will show that we only have about 011 vessels registered under our flag state,2 analo said. .he party-list solon e3plained that once the ship registry system is organi4ed, ample protection would be e3tended e5ually to ship owners carrying the Philippine flag and all other parties who have a legitimate claim against them. .he bill provides for the creation of the Philippine 6hip Registry through which the 6tate confers nationality, e3ercises its /urisdiction, protects and enforces private rights, and undertakes the national and international responsibilities of a flag 6tate, over all ships flying the Philippine flag. .he proposal states that the Philippine 6hip Registry shall comprise the Register of 6hips and the Record of 6hip ortgages and 7ncumbrances and shall be maintained by the aritime 8ndustry Authority or AR8"A. analo said the registration of a ship under the Philippine registry confers upon it the nationality and status of a Philippine ship9 entitles it to the protection of the Philippine flag as well as imposes on it the duty to fly the Philippine flag. :nder the measure, all ships operating within the maritime territory and /urisdiction of the Philippines, e3cept transient foreign flag ships sub/ect to such regulations as AR8"A may prescribe, are mandated to register with the Philippine Registry. .he mandatory registration under the Philippine flag is particularly re5uired when the ship is ;11 gross tons or more9 is owned by a 5ualified person and meets the re5uirements on safety, security, marine environmental protection, crew nationality, training certification and competency, and crew welfare, among others. .he bill provides for the conditions for registration, documentary re5uirements as well as types of registration. !)1& mvip

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