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Befect #1

Location: Nain entiance - to iestoie shoe cabinet finishing

Befect #2

Location: Biy kitchen - to tighten loose tap

Befect #S

Location: To iestoie giounu flooi ceiling plastei (qty 4)

Befect #4

Location: uiounu flooi stoie ioom
To pioviue piopei coveis foi CB box anu Comms box

Befect S

Location: Bathioom next to stoie ioom
The blinus aie bent out of shape.

Befect 6

Location: uiounu flooi bathioom iight next to stoie ioom
The ceiling has been pooily patcheu. The woik is iough anu untiuy.

Befect 7

Location: In the uining ioom.
The tiapuooi in the ceiling is chippeu on the siues.

Befect 8

Location: In the uining ioom, just above the entiance to the living ioom.
Theie is an unsightly anu iough patch on the ceiling.

Befect 9

Location: uiounu flooi. In fiont of staiicase. Next to kitchen.
Theie is a stiange wiie that hangs out of nowheie. What is it foi. Theie is also
an unsightly patch next to it.

Befect 1u

Location: Beck of the swimming pool.
The woou is veiy much uegiaueu. Coulu you please iefuibish it. Also, coulu
someone ieplace the uecking piopeily.

Befect 11

Location: Along the boiuei of the swimming pool.
Someone has iemoveu the giating.

Befect 12

Location: 0utsiue the giounu flooi toilet (the toilet next to the stoie ioom)
The plasteieis uioppeu plastei all ovei the flooi anu theie is plastei on the uooi

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