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Paying a visit Jennarong : Is Sarakics in? Ida: Yes, sir, hes in. Who shall I say is here?

Jennarong: My name is Jennarong. Will you kindly hand him this card? Ida: Yes, sir. If youll wait a minute. Ill call him. Jennarong: Thank You.

Rahim: Will Zali be back fairly soon? Voice: I suppose he should be back soon. Rahim: Well, Ill call again about seven oclock. ................................................ Zali: Hello! Rahim? Zali speaking. Rahim: Hello! How are you keeping Zali? Zali: Quite well, thanks. Rahim: Zali, Id like to make an appointment with you. Can you lunch with me this Saturday. Zali: I beg your pardon. Can you speak a little louder. Rahim: Can you lunch with me this Saturday? Zali: Ill be rather busy this Saturday. Could you make it another day? Rahim: The matter is rather urgent. If you could make it this Saturday, I promise not to keep you after half past two. Zali: All right then. Where shall we meet? Rahim: Ill ring you up again on Saturday morning to tell you the exact place. Will that do? Zali: Certainly. Ill look forward to it.

Introduction I: Gee, may I introduce my friend Ida?. Gee: How do you do, Ida?.Im glad to meet you Ida: Im very please to meet you too. Ive heard Sue speak of you often. Gee: have you? I: Perhaps so, for Ida works at my place. Gee: is that so?I hope we shall get to know each another better.

Telephone Conversation Rahim: Is this 254567? Voice: Yes. Whom do you want to speak to? Rahim: May I speak to Zali pelase? Voice: Im afraid he hasnt returned from the office yet. Whos speaking please? Rahim: Im Rahim speaking. Are you voice? Voice: Yes, Mr Rahim. Goog afternoon! Is there anything I can do for you?

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