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Name: __Syed Daiyan_______ Date:__1-15-14__ Hour:__1st__ 1. Other than your grade, what makes this assignment one of your est!

"his was one of my est e#ause $ got an $-s#ore of %&' whi#h means $ got 1%( )oints out of 1%5. "his thinking #riti#a* is +ust one )art
2. How does this assignment address ,#ademi# a#hie-ement, .ersona*

time management, or "eamwork!

"his addresses a#ademi# a#hie-ement e#ause $ got a rea**y high s#ore of %&'. "his shows $ )ut effort into my H/.

3. $f you #ou*d im)ro-e one thing a out your work, what wou*d you


$f $ did this o-er again $ wou*d definite*y use etter words to make my writing sound more so)histi#ated. 4. /hat s#ien#e #on#e)t or ski** does this item show! "his s)e#ifi# thinking #riti#a* show that $ know the )ro)erties of asi# things and identify what materia* wou*d e good for what.

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