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Name Syed Daiyan__________________________ Date 1-21-14 ________ Hour 2nd______

Answer the following questions in complete sentences. 1. Other than your grade what ma!es this assignment one of your "est# $his assignment doesn%t ha&e to "e one of my "est. ' (hose it "e(ause it was one of the first assignments where we started using )*+,-. ' wasn%t the "est at this at first "ut ' was learning.

2. .hat so(ial studies (on(e/t or s!ill does this assignment e0hi"it# 12a/ s!ill (ulture time /eriod /hysi(al geogra/hy 3 themes of geogra/hy (ore demo(rati( &alues other4 $his assignment re/resents time /eriod "e(ause we tal! a"out why +gy/t was su((essful in different time /eriods. $he time /eriods were the 2iddle 5ingdom and New 5ingdom.

6. How does this assignment show your understanding of that s!ill# $his was relati&ely easy to understand "e(ause you 7ust memori8e what were the a(hie&ements and what time /eriod it ha//ened in.

4. $his assignment shows you are getting "etter at9. 1Organi8ation time management wor!ing in grou/s ta!ing notes resear(h other4 $his shows '%m getting "etter at note ta!ing "e(ause ' /rimarily used notes from the te0t for hel/.

3. 'f you were to do this assignment o&er what would you (hange or do differently# ' would use more /age num"ers. ' lost a single /oint "e(ause a la(! of /roof. Other than that ' thought my assignment was /retty good.

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