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Adidas company research #3.

Organizational Culture Describe the organizations culture using the seven dimensions of organizational cultureput the chart in an appendix and discuss highlights in the report. Is the culture strong or weak? Illustrate with specific examples. Is there a story that helps explain how the culture was established? How do employees learn the culture? Go beyond the general descriptions and "values statements" on their websites and try to uncover the "real" culture. The seven dimensions of organizational culture art innovation and risk-taking, attention to detail, outcome orientation, people orientation, team orientation, aggressiveness, and stability. #1 Innovation and risk-taking Degree to which employees are encouraged to be innovative and to take risks. #2 Attention to detail Degree to which employees are expected to exhibit precision, analysis, and attention to detail. #3 Outcome orientation Degree to which managers focus on results or outcomes rather than on how these outcomes are achieved #4 People orientation Degree to which management decisions take into account the effects on people in the organization #5 Team orientation Degree to which work is organized around teams rather than individuals. #6 Aggressiveness Degree to which employees are aggressive and competitive rather than cooperative #7 Stability Degree to which organizational decisions and actions emphasize maintaining the status quo

Adi Dassler represented his approach more as an inventor in nearly days of Adidas, often observing a sport and anticipating a need for a visionary new product. The passion for innovation has become the framework that has successfully built the company into one of the industries top ranking organizations. Innovation is an integral part in every employees work, rooted throughout the organizational culture spanning into every department including product creation, IT, marketing, sustainability, and operations. Adidas encourages employees to engage in the innovation process to create inspiration for new ideas and deliver powerful insights. To create revolutionary products and continuously evolve, employees are encouraged to take some risk while adhering to company values and maintaining a respectful Fairplay environment. Passion, excitement, diversity and teamwork created a unique environment help strengthen individuality and organizational culture. Though Adidas operates with multiple levels of management, they believe employee engagement and satisfaction will ultimately drive business performance. DAX 30 (German stock index) companies are committed to providing equal support for men and women. Adidas has a work-life integration department that has the sole purpose of creating a work environment that supports a balance of work and private life for all employees. Adidas believes that their employees reflect their customers. They do not aim to manage the divers ity that exists in the company. Due to the demographic change and shortage of skilled workers diversity has become much more important. They take a proactive approach to increase and promote diversity. They want to push the status quo with a variety of different cultural backgrounds, interests, strengths, and ideas. Working at Adidas is a competitive environment and encourage healthy debate. Attention to detail can be inferred from reading the articles. Will this suffice??? Adidas supports employees to go beyond their limits Recognition and similarities and differences between employees; the personal value of each and every employee; products in contribution to sporting competing athletes are enriched by these diverse and different perspectives. They were proactively to create an environment that welcomes, respects, and embraces diversity. Ideas has a worklife integration department develops to focus on compatibility of leisure time and work, supporting hard workers, and those 50 years plus. The Adidas group is working continuously to improve working conditions to create the ultimate worklife balance integration, supporting employees in all phases of their lives.

Adidas is a truly global company that offers careers around the world. With corporate locations in over 70 countries employees have the opportunity to travel, work, and live all over the world. The collaboration of everyone The Adidas group Adidas has an entire team dedicated to innovation Employees have the flexibility to dress casually, work flexible hours, and the flat hierarchies support various stages of their lives. Adidas seeks to hire open-minded, naturally curious, accepting and tolerant people. They pride themselves on teamwork. They went as a team through open communication, collaboration and shared values found in sport. Employee empowerment and participation plan important role in managing employee relations within the Adidas group. Employees are free to join organizations of their choice and represent them. They are convinced the a strong highly motivated and engaged workforce is dependent upon a strong commitment of group leadership. To support leadership excellence they conduct regular pulse checks and employee engagement surveys to identify, monitor and track employee opinions of their work environment. This feedback is reviewed regularly by senior management in order to address key issues. Senior leaders are responsible for increasing engagement scores. Managers evaluate their engagement scores and work with employees in "results to action" teams to improving gauge met within their teams. In a group global, focus is placed on environment, collaboration and knowledge management, employee careers and workplace integration. Internal communication activities to drive employee engagement. Actively encourage employees to share knowledge, collaborate and discuss current topics. Group Internet has been used for blogs and wikis, allowing departments and teams to build and edit their own country communication platforms. This also allows employees to address questions to senior leaders and receive answers promptly. The score is ideas groups global performance management approach. A consistent of online tools designs to be the cornerstone of performance culture. Employees receive regular feedback based on individual business targets, job tasks and further expectations in line with the key principles about how we work in the group building on defined development goals, we offer and support employees with targeted development activities both on and off the job. Ensure business continuity through go global succession planning for director level positions and above. Senior management regularly discuss the physicians and their

respective successors. Succession management information provides a clear picture of successor readiness and development needs several may is used to draft an individual development plan and prepare for the success or for their potential and the task but also use successor information to create dynamic talent pools provide additional flexibility in succession management. The Adidas group wants all employees to achieve their personal best. For this reason they have a wide variety of learning and development opportunities that build on the strengths, grow skills and hope to overcome individual challenges our highest priority is to match individual employee aspirations with our organizational needs.

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