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Tuberculosis & related Mediastinum

Tuberculosis & related

Cause infections : Virus, bacterias, fungus, Bacterias : spesific & aspesific Spesific : M.Tuberculosis ( usual ) Mycobacterium lainnya, M. Kansasii, Bovinedan lainnya (unusual )


Pneumonia / Br. Pneumonia ( spec/aspec )

secunder infection

Haemodynamic Aspirations Others ( DM, keln. Systemic, Baring, Immun / HIV )

I. Primary ( TB anak )

Gohn Complex ( microscopic )

II. Reinfection ( TB dewasa ) Unmanifest Fibrotic process Fibrocalsification Schwarte , Fibroretractive Manifest : Infiltrat KGB enlarge Cavitas Tuberculoma Lymphatic Spread Effusion, etc.

Manifest : KGB enlarge Infiltrat Tuberculoma Effusion, etc. Lymphatic Spread ( cavitas jarang )

Tuberculosis & related

Infection lung tissue : Pneumonitis, Lymphangitis, Bronchitis (airway), alveolitis and affected to vascular beds. Infiltrasion infection & inflamation reaction to all lung tissue & connectives Obstruction airways with all consequences According to X-ray findings to D/

TB &related
TB devided : inactive & active TB Active TB as The ATA Classifications Examinations & laboratory Standart Resistence & Sensitivity test 15% TB could be Malignant Differentiation 15% TB non lung tissue.

Lung maligancy
Lung Tissue : Lung cells, vascular, lymphatic duct, airways alveolar, pleural layers, diafragma & mm. Intercostal.

Malignancy originated from THE ORIGIN CELL Surrounding organ : Mediastinum, great vascular, chest wall, collumna vertebralis, etc. Malignancy lesion must be STAGING EXAMINATION / TNM system. ( WHO standart )

Lung tumour (benign-malignant) Malignant must be Discreption into PRIMARY TUMOUR or SECONDARY with characteristics appearance ( radiological ) Some appearance malignant processes SIMILAR with other diseases esp. Infections. See the Pathology Anatomy WHO standart classification Secondary process as spreading Primary process ( ajacent or far by HAEMATOGENIC, PERCONTUITATUM, LYMPHOGENIC routes.

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