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Managing Interprocesses in Industrial Companies 2013-2014 Collective Assignment (by group) Didier Miraton

The CEO of an industrial corporation comes to the conclusion that he is losing competitiveness because his company is too slow and too weak in its ability to bring innovation to market: research, development and market introduction of new products and services take years and correction plans need to be implemented at launch already. In addition the industrial definition is inadequate for mass production, derogations need to be given, the number of new parts and sku's explode, all together hampering quality, productivity, stock management and customer lead-time. The CEO sets the following goal: divide by 2 the time to market of new solutions, while enhancing the innovation content. No launch without industrial efficiency achieved. These goals seem impossible to reach by management. You are a consultant recruited to help: From your experience, what questions will guide your understanding of the situation? What principles, work methods and tools do you intend to propose to the CEO to succeed in such a bold transformation? What specific results should be expected through their introduction?

IMPORTANT Your answer should not exceed 2 sides of A4 paper Deadline : February 28th, 2014 to Reference book : Operations Management Sixth Edition by Nigel Slack, Stuart Chambers, Robert Johnston (at your disposal at the CDI)

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