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About Fly Gosh

Hi and welcome to Fly Gosh. Thank You for downloading this Ebook. What you are about to read is the result of years of flying and hands-on experience.

Fly Gosh is a website where you will get the latest updates about the Airline industry, news, tips and jobs especially for those who intend to start a career as a Flight Attendant or a Pilot.

Most people lack the right mindset and the necessary mental throughput to make it through successfully in an airline interview. Without congruency between hard work and strategy, no amount of good advice, tips, techniques, case studies will get you there. You will be hitting your head against a wall or sitting in a corner paralyzed and over-stimulated. That is why I have created Fly Gosh to help each and every one of you.

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As every airline is different, it can never be possible for me to answer the entire question being thrown to you during the interview on your behalf. Same as those on personal questions as everyone has their own experience and background. What I can do is to give you a general idea and some favorite questions that you will most likely be asked.

I believe that you have an interview coming up or just to prepare yourself for future interview by reading this Ebook. Whatever it is, I hope that I could help you be a better candidate and wish you the best of luck in pursuing your dreams.

If you have any question that you would like to ask me regarding cabin crew or pursuing your pilot license, you are more than welcome to add me in Facebook ( ) and I shall respond/chat with you live via facebook chat. If I am offline, you can always send your question to the same email add above or post it at Fly Gosh Forum. Well, feel free to browse through the blog for information as much as I enjoyed posting them.

Your Friend,


More tips, news for pilot and cabin crew at FLY GOSH


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More tips, news for pilot and cabin crew at FLY GOSH

Table of Contents

How to become a Cabin crew/Flight attendant/Air hostess...............6

Life as a Cabin Crew.....7 Cabin Crew Interview Tips.....11 How to become a Pilot....14 Pilot Job for Private cadet pilot / CPL /Low timers 200-250 hors........17 Check airport arrival& departure ...18 Being a Cabin Crew , is it a good career ? .18 Salary for Air Asia Cabin Crew - New pay scale.....21 Singapore Airlines ( SIA) cabin crew interview and stages ..23 Cathay Pacific (CX) - Interview questions for Cadet Pilot , DESO and DEFO.26 Cathay Pacific - Flight Attendant Salary & Benefits...29

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Air Asia Cabin Crew Interview Process 32 Cathay Pacific Flight Attendant - Assessment & Interview stages ...35 Emirates Airline - Cabin Crew Salary & Benefits.40 Interview Tips for Cabin Crew 42 The "Dark Side" of being a cabin crew .44 Emirates Cabin Crew Interview Process & Stages .53 Experience as a cabin crew - Part 1 .57 Malaysian Airlines ( MH ) cabin crew interview and stages ..61 Silk Air Cabin Crew Interview Process and Stages.67 Latest update at Fly Gosh ..71 Benefits/Perks for being an airline crew ( Cabin Crew and Pilots ) .....75 Flight Attendant/Cabin Crew Training ..79 Pilot/Cabin Crew Roster ..84

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How to become a Cabin crew/Flight attendant/Air hostess/Flight stewardess

Whenever people know that I used to be a Flight Steward before, I am often being asked "How do I apply to be a cabin crew ".Got this question a million times. So I thought why not I just write it here so that I don't have to repeat all over again. Notice that I put various names as the title. Many are often confuse as it is called differently in different region of the world. For instance, in Asia, you are normally known as flight stewardess, in India as air hostess, in Europe and USA, as flight attendant and cabin crew in the Middle East. But it is actually all the SAME.

First, you need to check the recruitment ad either through your local newspaper or the airline's website for the requirement. Some airlines hire both male and female but some only female for example Silk Air Singapore. Generally airlines recruit candidates

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at 18 all the way up till 35.Some airlines like Emirates hire cabin crew from nationality around the world while majority only if you have the right to live in that particular country. Why is that you may ask? Well, when you work for an airline, cabin crews are normally seen as a representative and ambassador not only to the airline but to the country of origin. I am sure when you fly Singapore Airlines, you can see that they promote heavily on the "Singapore Girl". However there are cases where other nationalities being recruited as well for their ability to speak in their mother tongue such as Japanese and Korean crew.

Life as a Cabin Crew Being a cabin crew is a dream job for many people. The chance to earn good salary, meeting people, experience different cultures and travel around the world for free attracts many applicant. It is being viewed as a glamorous job .Well, it is true to a certain extend depending on which airline you wish to join. If you fly for a premium and legacy long haul airlines, yes , you get to see the world. However as the aviation industry evolve, more and more low cost airline (LCA ) becomes available. As the name suggests, to cut cost, if you fly for a LCA, normally there are no Nightstop or layover, which means that you do not get to travel.

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This kind of flight is called turnaround flight whereby you fly from your base to a particular destination only to return to your base. For example, Bangkok to hong kong and back to Bangkok again on the same day.

What is a job role as a cabin crew. Many people have the misconception that a cabin crews job is mainly to serve passengers only and do not realize that their main priority is the safety of the aircraft, crew members and the plane itself. Apart from being trained on services, they also have training on first aid as well as safety and emergency procedures (sep) . During emergency, their role is to reassure passengers, opening doors and inflating emergency slides for evacuation.

Depending on which airline you join , the training duration range from 5 weeks up to 4 months. Airline such as Emirates has a 5 weeks training schedule while Malaysian airlines is 4 months. You are being train on communication, grooming, first aid, sep, crew resource management, the aircraft that you will operate and finally the airlines standard operating procedure ( SOP ). I really did enjoy my training very much and my batchmates hails from different parts of the world. I am still in touch with some of them, thanks to facebook :)

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Lets start with the glamorous part of the job. As mention earlier if you fly for a legacy carrier, you get to travel around the world for free. That is the part that I love most as I have the opportunity to see at my last count 70% of the world. That is something I could not afford to pay for myself if its not for this job. I have make friends from everywhere and taste all kind of exotic food. My favorite destination are normally European destination such as Paris, Rome, Frankfurt , London to name a few. Besides I have the opportunity to fly with movie stars , celebrities and VIP personal.

The job as a cabin crew is very demanding and tiring. You do not have a fixed working schedule as every month, you have a roster working different kind of shift from morning to afternoon to midnight with a couple of standby. My roster consist of mix pattern which normally has 1 long haul flight,3 medium haul and 2-3 turnaround flight. Long haul is classified as 11 hours and above and medium as 5-11h hours. Even though the working hours are long, you have to look at your best especially the ladies with full make up on. In addition as crew, we suffer jetlag ,eat and sleep at crazy timing and have to be away from families or the inability to attend important function such as Christmas, Chinese new year and etc etc.

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A normal typical day for a crew during duty start off with you getting ready from home and be at the airport at least an hour and half before the standard time departure ( STD). Once there, you will have briefing among the crew on topic such as first aid, passengers that we normally experience in that particular sector, things to watch out and what not to bring to that destination. The captain will normally brief you on the weather condition and the flight time duration for that flight. Once that is done, you will proceed to the aircraft checking for any dangerous item on board and make sure that all stock and supplies are correct. Next, the boarding of passenger begins. Make sure all correct passengers are boarded, safety demo being shown and be prepared for takeoff. Once airborne, meal is served and to attend to every passenger's request with the goal of making sure everyone have a safe and pleasant flight.

Nothing beats the satisfaction when a passenger comes up to me and tells me that they have one of the best flights of their life.


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Cabin Crew Interview Tips As I have mention earlier, a cabin crew job attracts thousands of applicants throughout the world. You WILL be competing among the best candidates from freshies, current and ex cabin crew and those with high academic qualification. Though you can join at the minimum age of 18 with a high school certificate, due to demand, airline is increasingly being choosy and give preference to university graduates. A check with Thai airways or Singapore airlines (especially foreign candidate) requires the minimum qualification of a degree holder.

Most people have the impression that by having good looks(though it is a plus point ), you will definitely get the job. Well I can tell you how wrong you are .If you have that impression, you will definitely fail. When airlines recruit, they are looking for someone who can embrace and propel the corporate image of their airline. So you need to be an all rounder especially your communication skills, your grooming, how well you work in a team and your passion towards flying.

So how do you make yourself stand out during the interview itself? The very first thing you have to do is to look presentable. When the interviewers look at you, first impression counts and it is

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extremely important. So make sure you dress up appropriately. Business attire would be advisable and please,no jeans, miniskirts and etc. For male applicant, wear a suit ( well I did that though I was look at being overdress and a laughing stock among the rest ).

Trust me from the moment you are there, you are being observed all the time. The way you speak, how you interact with others and how you carry yourself. Dont be over confident as that can leave the impression that you are being arrogant. Be friendly, polite and courteous to both your interviewer and fellow candidates.

Your knowledge of the airline and that of the flight attendant job role will provide a great reference base upon which to be able to naturally answer any questions. By answering the question base on your experience, youll be able to provide consistency and accuracy in your answers without fabrication.

Key thing is to do your homework and read up as much as possible about the airline that you are applying such as their history, the planes they fly and their destinations. Below are samples of question you maybe ask :-


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Why do you want to become a cabin crew?

Why should we hire you over other candidates?

What is your weakness ? To download the complete Cabin Crew Question and Answers, click here


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How to become a Pilot

There are basically 3 main ways to become a pilot. You can go via the self sponsor route, airline sponsor cadet or government sponsor via the military, air ambulance, police wings and etc etc. You can start your flying lessons at 17 all the way till as old as you want if you just want to fly for leisure. But I am pretty sure most of you would love to become a pilot as a life long career rather than for leisure. To do that, you need to enroll yourself in a flying school that provides you up till a commercial pilot license.

Once you start your training, you have to apply for a student pilot license. Depending on which country you take up your flying, you will fly up till generally 50 hours in a single engine to obtain your

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Private pilot license (PPL). With a PPL, you can only fly small planes and can fetch people up the sky but you cant charge them any money. Basically with a PPL, the intention is to fly for leisure. To fly and earn a living, after your PPL, you will continue to take up a Commercial Pilot License ( CPL ). In Asia, to get into the airlines, you will need to have a CPL with 165 hours in a single engine, 35 hours in a multi engine aircraft with a total of 200 hours. In addition you need to have an instrument rating and complete all ground exams to obtain a Frozen Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL ). I know all these jargon sounds alien to you, but I will explain more in detail in my future post as I just want to keep it simple for now on how to become a Pilot.

Self Sponsor Route If you chose this route, you will have to pay your own flight training ( which cost a bomb ) with no guarantee of job after you graduate. Among the 3, this route is deem to be very risky. However, if you think about it, if you study for a diploma/degree, since when the university or any employer guarantee you a job. There is no age limit if you want to do the self sponsor way.


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Airline Sponsor Route This is the best route as you do not need to pay a single cent and you are guaranteed a job with that particular airline after you graduate. To cover back the huge cost invested in you by the airline, you are normally bonded between 7 to 15 years. According to Cathay pacific, their total cost for their cadet pilot is a cool HKD 1 million. Not a small sum of money. Majority of airlines have a age limit of between 26-30.For example, Malaysian Airlines has a age limit of 26 while Air Asia at 28.

Government/Military For those of you who like to fly fast and feel the adrenaline rush such as flying fighter jets with speeds faster than the speed of sound , you will have to apply with the air force which is normally being paid by the government. Though it is a common belief that those who are extremely good will be selected to fly fighter jets , some will be selected to fly transport aircraft or helicopter. As for non military, you may serve the air ambulance, police air wing unit, search and rescue and etc etc. Most air force pilots do not stay with the government for life as majority will join commercial airlines after their contract is up. In Singapore, the Singapore Air force (SAF ) retirement age is 45 and most will join Singapore Airlines after that.


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Pilot Job for Private cadet pilot / Fresh CPL / Low timers 200250 hour Congratulations. After all your hard work, the enormous stress, huge sacrifices and what ever challenges that you may have face during your pilot training, you finally graduate. You cant wait to join the airlines and start flying. Well I how it feels because that is exactly how I feel last time and no words can describe the satisfaction when I obtained my wings and my Commercial Pilot License.I have compile a list of airlines taking low time hours and wish you all the best in your flying career.The journey begins..........

To download the list of jobs for low timers, click here


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Check airport arrival and departure time,delay or track flight status real time Recently, I have a friend who ask me about the arrival time of Cathay pacific flying from Hong Kong to Los Angeles.Do you know that you can actually check the arrival and departure time from the comfort of your home.Just go to this website .I find it extremely useful as it provides the flight time and status in real time whether they are on time or there is a delay. All you have to do is key in the airport information and viola, all the flight details being displayed. And for those aviation enthusiast , they even have the aircraft type and terminating destinations.

Being a Cabin Crew , is it a good career ? Most people have the impression that being a cabin crew is just a high class waiter and nothing more. So I am not surprise that I get the above question the most when they intend to apply as one. There are actually career progressions when you join as a junior crew whether you chose to fly or prefer a management position on ground.


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Lets start with the bottom position all the way to the top if you chose to be a cabin crew as a lifelong career. Different airlines have different rank for example in MAS/SQ, there are four ranking from a normal Flight stewardess to leading stewardess, chief stewardess and finally In flight supervisor.

As for emirates you start off as a grade 2 ( economy), then to Grade 1 (Business) , Fg1(First class ), SFS( Senior Flight Stewardess) , Purser and finally to the highest which is the SFP ( Senior flight purser ).

As a FP or IFS, you are in charge of the overall cabin which may have as many as 400 to 850 passengers depending on which aircraft you operate. That is a huge responsibility and though it is a plane , that is like a restaurant with 80 tables assuming 10 people to 1 table.


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After the role as a FP or IFS, you can chose to become a cabin crew manager who is in charge of the overall welfare, performance and promotion of the cabin crew. Besides, you can also apply as a cabin crew recruitment manager. So as you can see from the above, there is a steady progression in your career and promotion normally depends on how well you perform in your job.

I have known people who flew for their entire life and they enjoy every single minute of it. I guess in whatever career you chose, you need to have a passion and interest for it and if you do, I can tell you that you will not feel like dragging yourself to work each time and in fact look forward to it. As for me, I really do enjoy flying and each month I look forward to my roster, getting ready to experience and explore whatever destination that I have been rostered.


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Salary for Air Asia Cabin Crew - New pay scale

For those of you who wish to join Air Asia as a cabin crew,good news as they have recently increase their salary scheme.Below is the old and new pay scale :-

Old Scheme Basic Pay : MYR1000 Flying Per hour : MYR 20 Incentive : MYR 500 extra per month ( for example if you do not call in sick )


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New scheme Basic Pay : MYR 1000 Flying Per hour : MYR 10 Sector allowance : MYR 20 Incentive : MYR 10 per hour

So let's say for example, for a particular working day you fly 4 sector and clock 6 hours, you will get MYR80 for sector allowance, MYR60 for flying hours and additional MYR60 if performance incentive is met for a total of MYR200 per day On top of the above you will get 6 free tickets per year and sales commission from food, beverages, merchandise and duty free.


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Singapore Airlines ( SIA) cabin crew interview and stages

First Stage- Ten of us went into a room. There were 2 interviewers. We were asked to introduce ourselves with two sentences and "If you could be one thing in this world, what would it be". One by one stood up to answer the questions. Well, most of us answered Cabin crew. If possible, give answers based on the question "Why would you wanna be a Cabin Crew" in Questions and Answers in Fly Gosh.Click here

Second Stage- Four of those who successfully went through the First stage went into a room. Played Uno cards. All the cards were closed. We were divided into two groups. We had to get two cards of the same number and color and then put it aside. Each group had to find three pairs. This is to test our memory and teamwork. So communicate with your partner.


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Third Stage- One on one interview. An interviewer asked me to pick a passage out of the three which were closed upside down and asked me to read the passage. It was some kind of case study. Then he asked me question based on the case study. The case that I had was "A passenger asked for a cup of cappuccino, before the drink is served, He fell asleep. Will you serve him still or wait till he's awake? (I shorten the case study, couldn't remember much)

Fourth Stage- Trying on the Singapore Airline Kebaya. A lady asked me to stand under sun light. Checked if there's any scars on face , hands and body. She then asked me to walk with the Kebaya too.

Fifth Stage- This is the last stage. There were 2 higher level interviewers. 4 of those who successfully go through all the previous stages went inside a room. There were 3 rounds in the Fifth stages. In the First round, We were divided into two groups again. We were asked "Will you say No or Yes to Plastic Surgery?". My group got the No plastic surgery. So me and my partner explained the reasons why we think it is bad, for example, Natural beauty is always the best/ God's given and etc.In Second

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round, each of us had to pick a passage and read it out. This is to test our pronunciation. Third round was to introduce our partner beside us.

Good Luck to those who are going for the interview. No matter what happens or how nervous you are in the interview, remember to SMILE! Be confident ! :)


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Cathay Pacific (CX) - Interview questions for Cadet Pilot , DESO and DEFO

There are basically 4 stages for the Cadet Pilot recruitment process. Stage 1 will be held at your country or nearest port and if you pass, you will be invited to Hong Kong (all paid by them) for stage 2 and stage 3.Finally if you pass, you will be send over to FTA ( Flight Training Adelaide ) in Adelaide, Australia for flight grading. The stages are: -

Stage 1 They will send you a booklet called JKI (job knowledge test).For this stage you will be tested on Reasoning Test which is base on the raven's progressive matrix test as well as questions base on JKI. You will also have an interview with a Captain and the HR.


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Stage 2 This will be a full day event in Hong Kong. You will have a Psychology test which consist of more than 180 questions and Math test which consist of 33 math question. Apart from that, you will have an aptitude test such as quick subtraction, approach and landing, parallel line chase and etc. You will also have a flight planning exercise to see how well you work and communicate as a team. There will also be an interview at this stage but this time with two pilots.

Stage 3 At this stage you will have a medical test as well as ICAO English test and finally the Management Interview. If you pass all the above, you then proceed to Adelaide for 2 weeks (all expenses paid) to do your flight grading. If you have zero hours, you will do basic flight grading for 10 hours. You will learn how to do a take-off, straight and level, rate 1 turn, steep turn, climb, descent, wing-over, unusual attitude recovery, circuits and landing. The last flight will be a flight test.


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If you have hours, you will be on the advance flight grading. You will do exactly the same as basic flight grading but only within 4 flights. Besides that, you will also have simulator sessions on IF (instrument flying) and ILS (Instrument Landing System).They do not expect you to have perfect flying but to see whether you are a fast learner and how well will you retain what you have been taught. Finally if you pass, they will offer you the job.

To download the complete Cathay Pacific interview questions for Cadet Pilot, DESO and DEFO click here

Sample psychometric test - To download click here

Sample Aptitude Test

- To download click here


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Cathay Pacific - Flight Attendant Salary & Benefits

Finally I have obtained the official pay structure for Cathay Pacific Cabin Crew. Tons of request about the salary.So ladies and gentleman, here we go...........

Basically your pay will be divided into two parts which is your overseas/outport allowance and per hour flying/ground duty pay.You will be guaranteed a minimum of 70 hours per month. What this means is let's say you fly for 50 hours,you will be paid 70 hours of work. In other words, you can actually treat this as your basic salary. All in expect average of HKD16000 per month. It could be more or even lesser depending on your monthly roster and which route that you operate in that particular month.


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During training you will be paid HKD7000 per month. There will be a probation period of 6 months and during this time your flying pay is HKD108 and your Ground Duty Allowance will be HKD54 per hour. After probation, the payment rate will be adjusted to HKD129.90 and HKD64.95 for flying pay per hour and Ground Duty Allowance respectively.

On top of the above, we all know that accommodation in Hong Kong is expensive. To help the new joiners, Cathay Pacific will offer free housing for the first 8 years of service. Form what I understand, it is Gold Coast apartment which is located in Tuen Muen. Pretty near to the airport I would say. By the way, transport will not be provided unless in overseas station. Benefit wise, you will enjoy the usual perks as an airline crew such as staff and family concessional travel, 21 daysof annual leave , medical coverage and comprehensive Insurance Scheme


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Bear in mind that the above is your starting pay and as you progress further in your career, obviously you will have an increase in salary. Besides, there are no domestic flight in CX and you will be flying to international destinations. Below are the progression process :-


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Air Asia Cabin Crew Interview Process

First Round There were more than 100 candidates.3 candidates went into a room and there were 2 interviewers for each table. Right from the door, you will have to do a catwalk until you reach the table youre assigned to. The interviewers ask me to turn around, pull up my sleeves to show them my hands front and back. Then they gave me an announcement script to read which were in BM and English. They ask me to read it in English but some of my friends were asked to read in BM so it depends on the interviewers. This is to test on your pronunciation.

My front teeth is a bit crooked and they mention that if they were to hire me,am I willing to pull it out and put a crown on it? They want their CC to have a perfect smile.

Im very skinny and they felt that Im underweight and asked me, am I willing to put on weight? They are worried that I might not be able to carry heavy luggage and need me to look good in their uniform.


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Why apply now since Im only graduating in August. Will I give up my studies for the job?

Then the interviewer said that she like to put me through the first round and see what other interviewers think about me for the subsequent round.

Second Round 21 candidates successfully got through the first round.This round is the grammar test. We were given a test paper with 25 questions and were given half an hour to complete the test. All questions were multiple choice format. After you have complete and submitted the answers, we were given forms to fill up for the position of a of flight attendant.

Third Round/ Last Round 17 candidates successfully passed the second round and went to a room for the third round and final round. There were 3 stages for this session.


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Stage 1: Ice Breaking You were given 5 minutes to get to know the person next to you. Then you are given 1 minute and a half to introduce your partner to the interviewers. There were 6 interviewers.

Stage 2: Group Performance All candidates were randomly group into a group of 4 and were given 15 minutes to discuss on a performance, any performance they want to do. When we finish discussing, we were given 5 minutes to perform. A group perform short stories like Cinderella, some perform airplane on-board scene. My group perform singing by changing the lyrics of the song related to Air Asia airline.

Stage 3: One-on-one Interview 2 interviewers to one. They ask me to introduce myself, then ask me questions like: Who inspire you to become CC? Do your family agree with you becoming a CC? After that, they thank me and tell me result will be out 2 weeks later informed by email/call.


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Cathay Pacific Flight Attendant - Assessment and Interview stages

Application Stage: Submit resume through online application before a given deadline. Wait for invitation email to attend for career talk, and to know things to bring (such as original an and d copies of resume, identity card, passport, and print out of invitation email).

First visit

Career Talk Session: Registration, complete the application form, after that documents verification.


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Career talk, introduction on Cathay Pacifics background, products & services, sharing/testimonial from current crews, useful information for Cathay Pacific flight attendant applicants, and et cetera.

208 cm arm reach test.

Remaining candidates will be divided into groups (10-15 people per group, I cant remember the actual number) for group interview.

Group Interview 1: Enter a room, a group will be subdivided into smaller group of 3-4 people for a discussion on a topic given. For example, each small group will discuss the importance of A, B, or C. Every candidates in the small group are given chance to present the points for the topic. At the end, all candidates take turn give opinion on the topic. Two outcomes at the end of Group Interview 1: Whether they give you yellow card which shows wait for the news from CX within 4 weeks at home (I cant remember is 2 or 4 weeks because I never get this card), or the yellow card to ask you come for second round Group Interview in afternoon session.

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Group Interview 2: Remaining candidates will be divided into groups (about 10 people per group).

Enter a room, the group will be subdivided into 2 groups for debate.

After debate, individual presentation for the points mentioned in the debate topic as a whole group. Two outcomes at the end of Group Interview 2: Whether they give you yellow card which shows wait for the news from CX within 2 weeks at home (I cant remember is 2 or 4 weeks because I never get this card), or the yellow card to ask you come for Final Interview in a given date (The card stated we have to bring the required documents for final interview such as original and copies of resume, reference/testimonial, school certificates, birth certificate, passport, identity card, passport photo.

English e-Assessment: Consists of 2 parts: Comprehensive and Audio test. Inclusive of multiple choice and fill in the blank questions.


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Second visit

Harrison Assessment: Computer base Harrison Assessment (Employment Testing) in a room.

Documents checking: Documents checking and language test (read a passage and talk to the checker with your 2nd and/or 3rd language.

Final Interview: Interviewer will call a candidate for 1 to 1 interview. During interview, the interviewer will ask questions on your resume, and standard interview questions. At the end of the interview, you are required to read and explain an English passage, and interpret a picture (what you see in the picture/story). At the end of the interview, everyone will receive the same green card, which stated we have to wait for the application status for 6 weeks. Interviewer will bring you to a room to fill in HK employment visa, receive a pre-employment check form, and choose a medical check up appointment date (Some candidates never being asked for this stage).

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Third visit Attend medical check up at a schedule time and venue. Wait for the GOLDEN EMAIL from CX. Once we received the email, the email stated some information about the contract. There is another email sent by CX for documents required to bring on the Pre-Employment Briefing date (Original and copies of passport, identity card, resume, pre-employment check form, and passport photo).

Forth visit Attend Pre-Employment Briefing and Contract Signing at a hotel ballroom. PowerPoint presentation by CX person on information on the contract, and we have some Q&A during the session.

Once we signed the contract, we need to submit it with the required documents.


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Emirates Airline - Cabin Crew Salary & Benefits

Basically, your salary consists of three parts which is your basic, flying per hour pay and overseas nightstop/layover allowance. Most airlines (eg. Singapore and Malaysian Airlines) pay the overseas allowance in your local currency and bank it into your account.You have to change to the foreign currency to whichever nightstop that you have.EK (Emirates) will pay you cash instead in the local currency of that particular country. So your monthly salary defers and it depends on how many hours you are flying in that month and which nightstops you have.Certain countries have a better allowance and some lesser. For example, if I can recall correctly, station such as Paris you are being paid about 90Euros per night. Anyway, your basic and flying pay per hour (tax free) are : -

USD1 = 3.67Dhs Grade CC.06 : ( Pursur )

Basic pay

Flying Pay




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Grade CC.05: ( Senior steward/stewardess ) 4,825Dhs 81Dhs -

Grade CC.04: ( first class ) 4,225Dhs 65.5Dhs

Grade CC.03: ( business ) 4,225Dhs 59.5Dhs

Grade CC.02 : ( economy ) 3,915 Dhs 53.5Dhs

When you join, you start off as a Grade2 operating in the economy class section. As you fly and gain more experience, you will be promoted to the list of grades above. Promotion is generally fast as Ek is getting plenty of new aircraft each month for the next few years. The fastest I know to promote from a Grade2 to Pursur is 5 years. I think to be a pursur or IFS in SIA,you need to fly 15 years or more. If you want to bring your career to a higher level, you can actually apply as a Senior Flight Pursur, Cabin Crew Instructor or a Cabin Crew manager.


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You will be provided with free accommodation, utility bills and transport. For SFS and above, you have a studio apartment for yourself while generally for the normal crew it's two to three sharing per apartment. If you opt to stay outside company provided accommodation, you will be given an accommodation allowance.The last 2008 accommodation allowance are 63000Dhs PA for Pursur, 61000 Dhs for SFS and 42700Dhs for normal crew.

Interview Tips for Cabin Crew This year has been a great year so far for those who want to start a career in the aviation industry as almost every month, there are airlines hiring. Further to what I have posted in Cabin Crew tips, here are some extra tips and pointers for you. First of all you must have the right mindset which means you must believe that you can be successful in the interview. Positive attitude attract positive results. For example, if you feel that you are not confident about yourself, automatically the way you speak and your body language will show the negative side.


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First impression is the best impression in any airline interview. You will be judged by the way you dress, your educational qualification, work experience, body language, manners, and ability to absorb the information and interpret it intelligently and clearly. Always be polite and friendly to everyone that you meet. Greet the interviewers as soon as you enter and say 'please and thank you' whenever required.

Some of you have told me that its not fair as during the interview there are current and ex crew who have the edge and experience. When I was hired, I did not have any airline experience as well. Becoming an airline crew is as much about attitude as experience. In fact, many airlines will advertise cabin crew jobs that do not need previous experience. If you have good customer service experience, then make sure this is clear in your CV. But otherwise, a positive attitude, energy and friendliness will get you a long way, experience is not crucial.

Remember, when you go to an airline interview, its not about you, you and you but how you sell yourself and compete with other candidates. Therefore how you present yourself and how you answer the questions thrown to you are extremely important to make yourself stand out. You dont want to say things which the

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interviewers keep hearing over and over again. Also, it is important that you do not memorize any question or answers because as mention earlier in my post, everyone have different background and you can never know what question they will ask you. So how do I answer confidently you may ask? Well the only way to answer and speak well is through preparation. One extra point to note that its not how many questions that you can answer correctly but its the way you answer it.

If you dont fully understand a question, ask for it to be repeated. If you cant answer a question because you dont have the relevant experience, try to give an answer that is as close as you can to what they are looking for. Keep to the point and answer the question that has been asked. Dont get sidetracked and go off the point. If you really cant answer that question, take a note pad and write it down and say that you will get back to them. It is better to admit if you don't know something and remember to say 'sorry' if your opinions or answers are rejected.


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Some of my readers who fail the interview told me that it is because they are being unlucky. While I dont deny that luck is important, those of my readers who pass and got the job are those who put in a great deal of effort by studying and preparing themselves well before the interview. Some to the extent that they can tell me which post in my blog they got the info. I guess you all have heard about the saying NO PAIN, NO GAIN.

The "Dark Side" of being a cabin crew Below is the experience of one of my readers who was an ex cabin crew with a major airline.

Hello everyone,

Im here to share my flying experience. I did not want to mention my name as well as which airline I was flying with previously.

Im here to share my experience so that you guys have a bit of idea how flying life is. I never regret joining the airline and Im just like you, to be a cabin crew is always my dream since Im young and started when i was 6 years old. When I was young, my mum always said wait till she KENA lottery and she will buy an air

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ticket for me. It never came true; my era AIR ASIA doesnt exist so theres no such thing as EVERYONE CAN FLY.

I love meeting people, I love to travel and I love the MONEY too...but trust me being a cabin crew is not as easy as you think though. Is very glamorous but not so glamour behind the curtain I would say. The first 6 months is the hardest time because you are new and when you are a junior, everyone will know that you are new because theres a P beside your name and P means under probation and Im not under any other airline that is no bond. This means that the contract offered was 5 years bond 2 years. No matter what, you cant leave the company within the first 2 years. You can leave only after 2 years even you didnt complete the 5 years contract.

The first 4 months during your training, you get to learn a lot of things about the operation, service, first aid and SEP. This is very useful and is a good knowledge even though you quit as a cabin crew but you know where to go if TOUCH WOOD anything happened in your flight. You get to know how to save peoples life and not even that if anything happened to your love ones you may save their life too.


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My advice is when you just started flying try to be humble and try to learn from the senior as much as you can. Any airline you go, is a culture that you need greet everyone with a smile. Be there early to prepare yourself on the first flight. Always double check if you bring your tokens to check pax load and most important thing is your CREW PASS and PASSPORT. Without that, you cant fly.

Ok, enough of the things you need to know. Now, lets talk about my bad experience. On my very first flight as a trainee I met a zappy fat crew and shes a leading. Trust me, theres a lot of bitchy crew especially the ranking crew. I wont say all are like that, some only and some are the bad ones. Depends on your luck and also their mood very much. If your set of crew are having mood swing, GOOD LUCK to u but then to make you feel more comfortable maybe because they dont have enough LOVE thats why they behave as such. So, what happened to my first flight? She was picking about everything I did. She yelled at me for no reason, and I really broke down. My set of crew, no one likes her even the IFS knows about that and everyone came to tell me Im just the unlucky ones and is not that Im not good enough. I mean I know Im not good enough of cause as this is my first flight and how good you expect me to be? I didnt even have my meal and I was working all the time. She even scolded me for wasting my

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time talking to passenger for too long during laul period. Laul period means that when meal service is done and theres when you interact with your passenger if you have the time. Do I ignore the passenger if the passenger wants to talk to me? Moreover theres nothing to do after meal service. SHE IS JUST BEING BITCHY. After that flight, I cant seem to understand why she did that to me. But anyway, I really feel regretted and wanted to quit this job and go HOME. I called my mum and told her what happened. But I know that I cannot quit my job at that point of time. If I quit I will have to pay back RM30k to the company.

I dragged myself to work everyday because I got phobia and I dont know who I am going tol fly with on the next flight. Whether they are the TOP 10 TOP 10 means they are those whom are very well known ranking crew that are bitchy, NASTY and CRAZY!I felt so lonely and I hate to fly. Is so tiring, you dont get to eat your meal on time sometimes you dont get to eat the whole flight also when it is a full flight. Your body needs time to get used to it and it takes time to adapt.


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You get very clumsy when you are still very new but never stop learning and ask for help from your senior. My batch mate encounter a ranking crew asking him if he knows how to check the toilet. He said he knows but this leading is treating him like hes an idiot. How hard it is to check a toilet? Make sure the sink is clean, make sure theres paper towel and toilet roll. Put toothbrush and combs inside the drawer and display cologne, lotion and hand liquid without the cap on. Actually, I really want to say that cabin work is not hard as long as u know the procedure and where things kept and done. The senior always think they are smarter but actually this kind of work everyone also can do. Is just that they have more experience in the airline so close one eyes also can get things done because youve been doing the same thing every flight. Is the same thing, but they make it as if they are smarter and make you look like an idiot. Lets continue the story, so he did everything that I had mention earlier and he asked him how many peanuts are there in a packet. Do you have to know how many are there? Passenger wont ask you how many peanuts in a packet right? So, again because we are junior the senior just want you to look stupid and there are the smartest.


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Everyone goes through that, they are new before also but some people just want to make your life so miserable. Why? Because if they are so smart they wont be here still flying as a crew. They will be some CEO or DIRECTOR if they think they are so intelligent. I had a flight to shanghai and it is a night flight. I met an IFS who asked us to stand at the cabin after meal service with lights off. She doesnt want the passenger in business class to press the call light. The thing is all the passengers were sleeping and is only 4 of them in business class. OH MY GOD! Again, fly too longshes out of her mind. The call light is made for a purpose and how can you not let the passenger press the call light and eventually we standing there like an idiot.

There are also nasty passengers who make your life so miserable because they paid for the fare and you just have to suck it up. Also you are paid to suck up all this nonsense. You will meet different kind of weird people on board that you will never get to meet them if you are not a cabin crew. Funny request, horny passenger and crew, crazy passenger and crew and all sorts. BE PREPARED !


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It is a very good experience. Trust me, all these people make a stronger you and after at least 2 years of flying you will get immune with nasty passenger and bitchy ranking crew. My advice is SAVE as much as you can if you hate the job but also spend some money to see the world, explore yourself out there. Meet as many friends as you can because you will never know one day they are the one who with be offering you a job. BE NICE also because you will never know if you will meet them onboard again in future.

When you become senior, be nice to the junior crew also and try to recall when you just started flying. They are nervous, panic and have fear with unfamiliar working environment and unsure how things are done. Junior crew be humble, be nice and hardworking so that the senior will feel that you are willing to learn and they will love to guide you when you are lost. Let the senior have their meal first, offer them a drink sometimes. Some senior are very particular with that and let them have their choice of meal first. Try to forget the bad ones after the flight and dont let it affect your next flight. Learned from the mistakes and move on. No one is perfect; we are all here to learn from each other.


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Before I forget, it takes 2 hands to clap. If you do not want to do certain thing, no one can force you. Be discipline and know your limit, know how to protect yourself. Theres a lot of wolves out there, the single one, married one and etc. They are just trying their luck sometimes but learn how to say NO in a nice way. Dont be fear, when necessary report to the office and he will lose his job because of that. For the guys, if the girl say NO then dont try anymore. Is not worth to lose your job because you are lonely for just one night. Think TWICE!

Alright, thats all for now I guess. Go and chase your dream and make it come true. You never try you never know. If you fall its ok to stand up be strong and face it and you will be fine. Talk to your friend if you have a bad flight, dont keep inside your heart because is not healthy. Cry it out loud if you need so and then move on already. All the best and best of luck, I hope you guys have good flight every day and be happy. Enjoy every moment and capture it. It is just the beginning of the learning stage. GOOD LUCK people!


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Emirates Cabin Crew Interview Process & Stages

Open Day - submit your CV and photo ( full length must be in white back ground and passport size photo) .If your photo did not meet their requirement, they will ask you to retake it on the spot which is more expensive and cost about RM28 for only one full length and 1 passport size photo. After you submit your CV and photos, you will have to do the arm reach test.

For those who pass the arm reach rest, you will be divided into a group of 15 people each and have a group discussion. The selected question are given by the interviewer ( eg. Would you prefer to be a female or male?) They gave us about half an hour for the discussion and will announce the result once it is finished. There are only 5 people in my group who manage to pass. For those who pass this round, you will be ask to come back for a

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briefing in the evening which will take about 3 hours. There are only about 50 people who pass during the day and were invited to proceed for the assessment day.

Assessment day (after 2 weeks) starts at 8.00am and everyone will gather in the function room. The interviewer will do a simple presentation about the company and the country.

Stage 1 : You will be divided into 3 groups and each group will have an hour for discussion. We were asked to sit in a circle and start to discuss with the rest about the topic given (introduce your friend). At the same time during the discussion, the interviewer will give us a simple 1 to 1 interview about our name, age, hobby and perform another arm reach test. After finishing the 1 to 1 interview, every group will have to do a presentation to introduce our chosen friend to everyone. After that, as usual they will announce the result.

Stage 2 : English Test You will be given 45 minutes and there are 3 categories in this test which are MCQ , vocabulary and essay test. It takes about 30minute for them to correct the paper and only those who pass the exam are able to proceed to the next stage.

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Stage 3: Group discussion again. The number of candidate left at this stage is only 15 people as the rest has been eliminated. We are then divided into 2 groups and each group discussion will take about an hour as well. This is the most challenging and hardest stage. We were given a topic about a situation where u as a cabin crew, when you face problems and difficulty, how will you solve it. As a tip for this round, all the group members will have to cooperate and help each other and never ever try do dominate. Whatever answers which is presented to them, the interviewer will then ask a lot of question to see whether you really know your stuff. For those who are not so outspoken, they will pinpoint you and probe you with deeper questions. Basically just be yourself and be truthful and honest.

If you are the first group to complete this process, you will have to wait for the other 2 group to finish. The interviewer will announce the result once every group is done. As this stage, only 8 candidate have passed and were invited to proceed to the final interview. You will also be given a briefing about the document that you have to bring for the final round.After that we need to do a psychology test online at home which they will send us the link to our email.

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Final Interview (Next Day) : One to one interview is more relax and all the question thrown to you is base on the psychology test result. They ask us about and told us to give some experience in our working life,background and etc and how does it relate to a cabin crew. I personally find that Emirates is very professional when they conduct the test and interview as every sentence you say, they will write it down in black and white. Apparently to be selected, they need to show the report and go through 6 levels of management approval and consultation. After finishing the interview, we were ask to do a simple question about element matching which is some kind of a psychology test I think. But some candidate did not have to do it. Not sure why though.

After the end of the final interview, they told us that we have to wait for 2 to 6 week for their call to see whether we are successful or not. Those who get a call means that you have pass and those who fail will get a rejection email. Tiring but it was indeed a really good experience for me.


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Experience as a cabin crew - Part 1 Below is the experience of one of my readers who was an ex cabin crew with a major airline.

Is me againWhat do you think about the dark side of being a cabin crew? I can see theres a good response from the first post so I guess I should tell you guys more. Hows that? Well, there is a good side and a bad side. Not just cabin crew actually, anything you do theres a pro and cons its all depends which path you are choosing to be your career. Everyone got his or her own preference and no one can make the decision for you.

Well, let me tell you a little bit of the good side. If you hate 9am to 5pm job and you hate to be stuck in the traffic jam, you will love this job. In a nutshell, if you like flexibility then you will enjoy cabin crew lifestyle. Cabin crew doesnt have to work everyday and you get off days after every flight. Short flights within 7 hours like Sydney, Melbourne, shanghai and etc, you land about evening time and you fly back the next day late evening with a minimum crew rest of 24 hours. Not very long but you get some time to do some sight seeing. On Long haul flights, you will get 3 days 2 nights at the station for example European sor USA flight that are more than 13hours of flight time. Now, if you are a person who

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has to sleep before 10am then, forget about being a cabin crew. You will have to sleep at odd hours, when people are enjoying their beauty sleep, you have to stay awake and sometimes you cant sleep due to Jet lag. You are so tired but you cant sleep. For the girls, because of the lack of sleep, your skin become very dry and your body get dehydrated, so you need to drink plenty of water. Oh ya, MASK & LOTION are a MUST .If you cant work under stress, your hormone will change and your face will pop out pimples. I suggest you invest in a good facial product and make up. Your face is very important for this job.

If all these are not your concern, then you will enjoy your shopping without any heavy traffic. You get to shop and eat what you like most of the time. You get to have your meals in different countries, whichever suits your preference. How COOL is that? When your friend call you and ask you for lunch or dinner, you tell them you cant make it cause you having tea at PARIS. You dont have to queue to pay to eat or to try your clothes in the fitting room. You get to buy cheaper branded bag after tax.

Moreover, you get to go anywhere you want without paying air ticket once a year. Thats the best privilege for being cabin crew. If you are married, your spouse gets free tickets. If you are single,

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bring your parents because they get discounted ticket as well. You are entitle for 24 days of annual leave, think about it , which company give you 24 days of annual leave? Plus you are off after your flights, so basically you get this much of salary but you only work one third in a year. One month plus and minus off days, you only work 2 weeks or more in a month. COOL huh? But then you wont want to go out during your off days as most of the time, your legs and body will be numb and you need to rest as much as you can to catch up on your sleep. Im sure you dont want to look like late 30s when you are only like early 20s. Maintain your body, some people tend to eat a lot when they are stress. Aircraft food is very fattening ok?

Oh yeayour hair. You can see most of the crew are getting bold especially the guys as some people said that it is because of the high altitude pressure. We fly too much and excessive use of gel and hairspray which leads to hair falls. It happened to everyone including myself. My hairstylist said that it is because I used too much hair spray. But you just have to use it all the time for this job although you know it is bad for your scalp and it causes dandruff and hair fall. I personally have the same problem. My hairGOSH! So if you love your hair u just have to do something about it.

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Flying life, you dont get to celebrate Valentines Day, Chinese New Year, Hari Raya, Christmas and special occasion with your love ones. Those are the peak period and most of the time you will be flying unless you are lucky enough to get someone to swap flights with you. Sometimes, they will ask for TOP UP and how much they ask for is all depends how shitty your flight is. If its long flight of cause they will love to swap with you and give you shitty flight like 3 TURNS in a row. TURN TURN TURN TURN.Turn means Turn around and turn around means go and come back. Basically you smell airport air only and normally crew will hate turnaround flights.

You get home sick, you miss the food in MALAYSIA so much and you cant wait to go home. When you have to head back to work, you wish you get stay a little longer. You drag yourself to work the next day with a heavy heart. You miss your boyfriend/girlfriend, your parents, your brothers /sister and your lovely friends. Trust me, you will tend to appreciate them more. You became more independent eventually. You feel lonely and you get frustrated sometimes with your set of crew or your passenger. If you know how to work under pressure then its good, if you cant the best way to release your stress in the aircraft. Go check toilet! It helps.

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Malaysian Airlines ( MH ) cabin crew interview and stages

Hey guys, just wanna share my interview experience with you guys and share the stages of the recent MAS interview in MAA. I think there were almost 2000 people who attended the interview as I spoke to someone who just arrived during lunch and her number was around 1500-ish.

Hopefully you all have better luck than me as I did not get the job. I made it until the interactive stage only and was not selected for some reason =(.Anyway without further ado, here is my experience with MAS.

Day 1 I suggest everyone to go as early as possible. The interview states it begins at 8.30am. I arrived at 8.30 sharp and there was already a line queuing to gain permission from the guard to enter the academy. By the time you get inside, you will get a form with a

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number on it. That number is the number of applicants currently waiting. My friend arrived 10 minutes earlier than me and her number was 200-ish. Mine was 449. The wait took about an hour. We then proceeded for the first part which is height check.

After you pass the height check, you will need to proceed to the counter to register your documents. You will then get a more detailed form which you have to fill up. Everyone is then required to proceed to the auditorium where you submit your form and wait for your name to be called. Around 6 people will be called at a time for the first part of the interview.

Interview 1 (Pre Screening Stage) 2 interviewers, 6 interviewees. We were required to introduce ourselves and talk a little about ourselves. For some reason, the self introduction part for MAS interview is way longer than others as we go on and on about our family and experiences. We were then given a scenario where we had to assume the interviewers just landed in KL from London and we had to suggest to them places for shopping and food and how to get there from PJ Hilton. Everyone was given a lot of time to speak and the interviewers kept prompting us with questions which was really helpful.


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Alternative scenarios (from other people): Another group I met there was asked if RM1200 basic salary was enough for them. Another group was asked to talk about the World in general. Results: 2/6 of us passed this stage

Alternative Results: One of the other groups only had 1 person pass in that group Tips: Try to be more elaborate on your answers and just talk as much as you can as they don't limit you to any time frame to finish your topic. Be confident, speak clearly and don't forget to smile at all times. Oh and remember to greet the interviewers when you enter the room and when you leave the room. TRY TO BE THE FIRST ONE TO GREET THEM ;)

After the interview is done, everyone was told to proceed to the auditorium again to wait for the results. There is a big a4 paper and a small lettersize paper they hold. The lettersize paper is usually the ones that passed and the a4 paper is the ones that failed. After you pass, you will then wait for the grooming stage. According to the slides shown in the auditorium, there is no elimination for the grooming stage.


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Interview 2 (Grooming Stage) We had to remove all our jackets, shoes, socks and roll up our sleeves. They checked our height, weight, scars on neck, leg, hands, fingers, face and feet. After that we were required to smile and catwalk back and forth while they observe. The turns are usually in sequence of 5 guys and 5 girls per rotation to enter the room for grooming. I talked to a girl and she said they even check their chest near their breasts for scars.

Results: No Elimination Tips: One of the guy in my group was really nervous and he had to do the catwalk repeatedly 3 times as he first time he was doing a march (kawad), 2nd time he was too stiff but he nailed it the 3rd time. Just relax here and make sure you put up a good posture and smile while walking.

- End of Day 1 -

Day 2 My session was at 9.30. There were other sessions at 10 and 10.30 also according to the people I talked to. We registered our invitation slip and waited in the auditorium for our names to be called for the interview.

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Interview 3 (Interactive Stage) 6 people per session. We were divided into 2 groups (3 person each). We had to discuss and debate about the differences of Male and Female stewardess. After that we had to roleplay a scenario where 3 of us were flight attendants while the other 3 were difficult passengers. After that we were asked to answer why we want to be a cabin crew. Finally, we were done but before going out the interviewers wanted us to catwalk in front of them before going out of the room. For some reason, we had ALOT more going on in our session than the others.

PS: This is the stage I really dislike as everyone have to fight to get a chance to talk. Alternative Scenarios: Another group I talked to after the interview had to talk about Beggars and they were done. My session really had a lot goin on. No idea why. Results: 3/6 were selected

Tips:I did not pass this stage but the reasons I think I failed is because I did not remain poise while speaking and I kept moving my hands to describe something. Another reason will be because I spoke too much as I was pretty sure I was the most talkative for

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this session and my groupmates said I was talking a lot the entire time. The ones that passed were talking quite a lot too but I think the reason I failed is because they remain poised and leave their body properly postured while talking while I was being very elaborated on my body movement. That is all I can think of. =)

I did not make it pass this stage but basically if you pass Interview 3 you will be qualified for the final 1 to 1 interview. After the final interview you will be notified if you successfully get the job via phone call in 1 weeks time. Feel a little sad that I didn't make it pass the 3rd interview but good luck to the rest of you and I really hope my post helps =).


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Silk Air Cabin Crew Interview Process and Stages

Hello there, firstly I would like to thank Fly Gosh for sharing so much of airlines, cabin crew tips, that leads my aspiring to become a flight stewardess dream came true.

So, I would love to share my experience of going through Silkair interview process & all the stages during the recent interview in last February. A rough estimation of approximately 600 hopefuls came for the two days. Of course, it was quite a small amount if were to be compared with those big airlines recruitment drive.


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As for myself, I went for the first day interview and arrived pretty early. My advice to all is to be at the venue earlier, even before the interview starts. This is to avoid huge crowd, and hey it's somehow a way to show that you're punctual for any job. It's always a courtesy of being early.

Anyhow, here are some of the stages that I've been through..

Stage 1 2 interviewers VS 10 hopefuls

Firstly, the interviewers ask us to reach a certain arm-reach length, we must take off our heels and we can't tip toe. Then we sat in row and we're asked to introduce ourselves. From there, the interviewer will elaborate on asking us some questions. Some questions may be simple like how many siblings you've, what is your hobby, what are you currently doing.. and some can be the popular ones like why do you want to be a cabin crew, what are some of the things cabin crew does, and why must we hire you.. After that, we're asked to wait outside for a couple of minutes for the interviewers to consider our applicants. Then, we're being asked into the room again and this is when they announce those that got through.

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For my group, 5 of us got through out of 10. I heard some of the groups, mostly less than 4 got through out of 10.

Stage 2 1 to 1 interview 1) Once again, I've to introduce myself. But this time, the question session is way longer. If I'm not wrong, the interviewer will evaluate on the way you speak, how you carry yourself and are you physically and mentally ready to be based overseas, being far away from your family and loved ones. This session may takes up 10-15 minutes. 2) For those that passed the round above, will receive a passage and we've to recite and read out the passage given. I guess this is to evaluate on the way we speak, and communicate with others. Of course, also the pronunciation of the word itself. 3) Proceeding to the following round, I was given a set of uniform to change. This round is basically uniform fitting and skin check. I was asked to do a short catwalk and the interviewer check my hands, arms, neck, legs and thigh to see whether there are scars or visible acne.


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4) Lastly, after getting through the uniform fitting and skin check round, I receive some forms that need to be filled up, and a letter regarding the date of the final interview session with the management which dated on the following week.

Final Interview with The Management 1) Only 24 was chosen overall. But 2 of them did not show up for this last round of interview, so its only 22 of us. 2) We've to introduce and talk a little about ourselves, and our background in front of 5 interviewers (Management Team) & the other hopefuls. 3) The management team will then proceed with a couple of questions for us, basically just a fun chit-chat session not so much of the tense or serious interview mood. 4) We're all told to wait for news via email for further notice.

To sum up, for those that got in, received the comfirmation email the following day.


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Some little advice: For long hair girls, do tie your hair up in a bun. During the interview, there are some interviewers will go around and check on the hair. On the other hand, if you were given any forms that need to be filled up before the dateline, you should do so too.

I hope by sharing this, it would help (at least a little) for those that are interested for the next recruitment drive. All the best!

Latest update at Fly Gosh

Hello everyone, all I can say is WOW! Fly Gosh is only 5 months old and there are already more than 60000 hits and growing. When I first started this blog, I have no idea that it will actually grow so fast and able to gain popularity. Thanks to all my readers (whom I regard as Fly Goshers) for all your support. I am not blowing my horn here, but as of now I have gotten 100% positive feedback so far and your encouragement is what really keeps me going.


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I guess it has grown so rapidly that it is almost impossible for me to handle one to one coaching anymore. Therefore I have decided to start Fly Gosh forum which I am sure most of you are aware of. For those who are new, you can actually access the forum here. To participate, you need to register an account and post your question there. Instead of answering individual question and repeating, I only need to reply once in the forum and share it to the rest. As time goes on, I guess the forum will be a useful platform for anyone to find valuable questions and answers, news and anything related to a career in the aviation industry.

Lately for the past few months, there have been many airline interview and open days going on. Quite a number of fly gosh readers have succeeded in the interviews but there are also equal number and in fact more failures compared to the successful ones. One thing I realize that when I say to you not to give up and try again, it doesnt mean you just keep going to more and more interviews and do the same thing. You need to reflect and ask yourself what happen and identify what are your mistakes. You see, if you do not know which area you need to improve on, how can you perform better in the next round? Also, a lot of you ask me why did you fail and I guess no one including myself can possibly know why except yourself as we were not there during

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the interview. If you have difficulty recalling, you can actually write it down in a piece of paper on what you think you did right or wrong. It will be a clearer picture and you will be surprise with the outcome. I know it is full of disappointment and frustration to go all the way to the final round and fail it. So make sure you perform better next time and nail it instead of just going to more and more interviews blindly. Remember, Quality vs Quantity!

I also have readers who ask me when or where is the next round of interview is or where to find info regarding that particular airline. Everything has been posted in Fly Gosh blog and also the forum and obviously to get to know more about the airline, you can get all the info at their official website or google it. I guess it all boils down to being lazy and expect everything to be shown and given to you and be spoon feed. With this kind of attitude, how do you expect yourself to pass and beat the thousands of candidate vying for the job? As I have mentioned before, my readers who pass are extremely hardworking and have put in a great deal of effort. Some to the extent that they can tell me which post in my blog they got the info. They make use of every opportunity to ask questions to better prepare themselves and have an edge over other candidate. To get you started, make full use of fly gosh forum to post your question as I have invited several experience

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flying crew who are willing to use their time and share their knowledge and experience to help you.

Some of you also ask me whether you should go to an interview or not? Well, no harm trying right? Gain all the knowledge in Fly gosh and be more proactive. Being knowledgeable itself is not enough and as the saying goes, knowledge + ACTION = Results!

For those of you who are new, Fly gosh is my personal blog and it is not a recruitment agency and there is no money or charges involve. Many have also asked me why am I doing this for free? I dont deny that it is hard work to set up Fly Gosh but then flying and aviation is my passion and to me its not work. I enjoy what I do and noting beats the satisfaction to see all my happy readers (you know who you are :) ) when they say thank you to me and are ready to start their exciting journey to see the world. Hope to fly with some of you one day.


More tips, news for pilot and cabin crew at FLY GOSH

Finally, there will be a new Fly Gosh website coming up soon. Its still in the designing and development stages and I will update you all when it is ready. Meantime, check Fly gosh blog and forum for the latest update and tips. Great to see that my fan base have grown to the thousands and lets make Fly Gosh the number 1 aviation website. Cheers!

Benefits/Perks for being an airline crew ( Cabin Crew and Pilots ) So what are the perks of being an airline crew? Again this is one of the top 10 questions that I am often being asked. Different airline have different perks and benefits but I am going to stick to Emirates since I was flying with them to give you all a general idea.


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Do we have time to explore a particular country during nightstops and do sightseeing? The answer is yes. It depends on the frequency of the flight to that particular destination and whether it is short, medium or long haul. For short haul ( 5 hours and below) , we normally do the flight as a turnaround flight which means there are no nightstop as you fly there and return to base on the same day. For medium haul flights ( 9 hours and below) ,we get to stay in that country for between 24 hours up till 100 hours. If we have daily flights, which means we fly to that country every single day, the stay is normally 24 hours, for example, you arrive 8am today and leave at 8am the following day.

I use to do 3days/2 night ( 72 hours) in Hong Kong , Kuala Lumpur ( get to go home for free) , Malta and etc etc. Plenty of time to do sightseeing and to travel around. Sometimes the trip can be very long and the longest one I had was Dubai-SingaporeMelbourne-Auckland and back. Can you imagine travelling in between 4 countries in a span of 12 days with different time zones? This is where jetlags comes in and honestly, sometimes when I wake up, I dont even know which country I am in! For this trip we will fly from Dubai to Singapore and stay there for 2 nights ( 48 hours) and then 7 nights in Melbourne then back to SIN for another 2 nights before we fly back to Dubai. During our stay in

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Melbourne, we will do turnaround flights to Auckland. There are many kinds of trip but the idea here is to let you know as an airline crew, we do get free travel and free holiday and to me that is the best part of the job. And mind you most of the hotels we stay during nightstop are five stars hotel !

If you want to travel on yourself and not during duty period, we get perks such discounted airfare from Ek and only pay 10% of the flight ticket. Besides, we also get discounted airfare from other airlines as well even though we are not their staff. For example, I can buy Malaysian or Singapore airlines tickets with a 90% discount. The only drawback with ID90 ( 90% discounted fare), we are on standby, which means that if the flight is full, we will be bump off. You will have plenty of time to travel as your annual leave is 30 days for cabin crew and 48 days for pilots.

As a junior crew, you will be provided with free accommodation in an apartment usually 3 or 2 sharing. When you are promoted to senior crew member, you get a single studio apartment all for yourself. They are fully furnished and your telephone line,uniform laundry and utility bills are all paid by the company. For pilots, you get a villa/bungalow for you and your family free of charge. Transport wise, its also free and will be a small bus for cabin

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crew while the pilots get an audi car to chauffer them to work. I stayed in pink building, an apartment with a huge size of about 2000sqft and located in the hottest place in dubai which is sheikh zayed road. Most of the clubs, trendy cafes and posh restaurant are located here. You will also get a crew card which entitles you for discounts at cafes, restaurant, free entry to selected nightclubs, shopping and etc etc.

Apart from the above, you will get medical coverage, dental and comprehensive insurance scheme. The company will give you an end of service gratuity payment once you finish your contract and also the yearly profit sharing bonus besides your monthly salary.


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Flight Attendant/Cabin Crew Training

Guess this month has been a busy month for most of you as some of you have already reported to the airline. Congratulations for passing all those daunting interview process and stages and welcome to the exciting career in the high mile club. For those who are yet to report to the airlines, I am sure you are looking forward to it. . So now you have successfully got a job as a cabin crew, whats next? Obviously before you get to fly on board, you have to undergo training which you will be overloaded with huge amount of information, tons of studies and homework, exams and stress.

Training differs from airline to airline but in Emirates, our training is only 5 weeks compared to Singapore Airlines which can be as long as 4 months. Many have asked why the difference and I personally think that in Emirates, the company wants us to learn from on the job training while SIA prefer to prepare the new joiners as much as possible before they allow them to serve on board. For your info, Cathay pacifics flight attendant training is 6 weeks. It can be good or bad, depending on how you look at it. The positive side is you get to finish fast and start flying and earn

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full salary, but on the other hand, that means the 5 weeks will be intense and everything is jam pack. This is the time where you hardly get any sleep as almost daily you have exams and class test which you cannot fail. I remember there was this Australian guy from another batch, who was send back home because he did not pass the exams.

For this 5 weeks of training, it will be divided into 3 parts which are safety and emergency procedures ( 2 weeks), followed by first aid( 1 week) and finally service.

Safety and Emergency Procedures ( SEP)

I was told that I would be rated on Boeing 777, Airbus 330 as well as Airbus 340, therefore most of my SEP training are base on these aircraft. During this phase, you will learn everything regarding the aircraft type such as the location of the emergency equipment, how to operate the aircraft door, the difference between Boeing and Airbus and fire fighting in case of fire in the cabin or lavatories . Besides, you will also learn on how to deal with hijackers or to pin and tie down aggressive passengers on board.


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This is the best part of the training as they actually put us in a full motion airbus simulator whereby you will be train and experience on situation such as turbulence, decompression, evacuation, takeoff and crash landing, arming/disarming door and pretend service.

There are also slides attached to it and we get to practice jumping down the slides which is really fun. Many of you have asked whether you need to know how to swim. The answer is yes, you have to as one of the training is on the slide/raft which is being used just in case of ditching ( crashing on water ). We had to jump into the swimming pool with our life vests, learned about surviving out in the ocean and how to climb into the raft. You need to know how to float and some basic swimming skills or able to swim some distances. If you cant save yourself, how do the company expect you to save other passengers ?

First Aid

During this phase, you will learn everything on how to try and save lives, treat those with medical conditions, delivering babies and dealing with a death situation on board. You are also being taught on how to use the defibrillator, how to perform CPR, all the

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different kinds of medical sickness and symptoms such as choking, hyperventilation, hypoxia and how to or what medication to treat it. During the flight, we will be lucky if there is a doctor onboard, if not, the cabin crew will have to try their best to do the job. From my experience, emergency situations normally happened on long haul flights especially elderly passengers. Heart attack is quite common but rest assured we are all well trained.


This is where you will be trained on how to deliver the exceptional Emirates service experience to the passengers. You will learn on the products such as duty free onboard, IFE (in flight entertainment) and the food and beverages available. They will teach you how to do cocktails, learn about wines and champagnes and the correct way to serve it.

There are many role playing sessions during this phase to simulate difficult and demanding passengers and how to deal with them. You will also learn communication skills, Arabic and basic foreign languages, grooming and how to stay healthy with proper food/diet and exercise.

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After all the hard work, finally, GRADUATIONS!! This is the most exciting part as we will be given our first roster and start flying. My first supernumeray (training flight) was a turnaround to Karachi and my first layover was KUL(Kuala Lumpur)/CGK(Jakarta). For that month I also have Frankfurt ( my first time to Europe ) and Bangkok/Hong Kong flight.

So as you can see, being a cabin crew is not only about serving but your primary job role is SAFETY. Training is one of the best times in my life which I will remember forever. Me and all my batchmates are like a family as we are always together during the training, but unfortunately, once we are operational, we hardly get to meet each other as everyone have separate roster and different destinations. Anyway, for those of you who are undergoing training now, I wish you all the best.


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Pilot/Cabin Crew Roster What are the working schedules of an airline crew? Each month, you will be issued a roster detailing your flying timetable. This is what most crew look forward to including myself as we get to see which exciting destinations we get to visit. Normally in a month, you will have an average of 4 layovers/nighstop and 3 turnaround. For some airlines, you may have 2-3 days of standby in a particular month. For those who wonder what standby means, it is a day when for example a crew call in sick for the flight and you as the standby crew will be called up to replace and operate the flight. There is no fixed working schedule for an airline crew compared to a normal office 9-5pm Monday to Friday job. Your flight may be a night flight departing between 2-4am, afternoon flight from 1pm to 6pm and early morning flight from 4am to 11am. Delays and cancellations could mean hours are disrupted. As you can see, your roster is round the clock and sometimes I had a hard time sleeping to prepare for the flight as its not easy to adjust. Moreover, in a span of few days, you can be in different countries and time zone and experience jetlags, which is a killer for every crew.


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Whether you are tired or have insufficient sleep, you are expected to perform your job well by the company. Remember, each flight is different and you may encounter demanding passengers, medical emergencies and etc etc. You have to smile and be alert all the time whether you like it or not. Some flights such as the direct flight from Singapore to Los Angeles by Singapore Airlines, your working hours can be as long as 22 hours. For those wannabes, you may have to ask yourself whether are you afraid of staying up to 20+ hours straight with make-up, shoes and customers to please in an aircraft. Besides, you will be on the move 24/7 and may miss Christmas, New Year eve, birthdays and other important functions. So now you know that being a crew is not that easy after all huh.

Typically in a working day, your transport will pick you up from your accommodation 2 hours and 15 min before STD( standard time departure) and reporting time is normally an hour before that. Airlines are very strict on being late or you missing the flight for whatever reasons. Discipline action will be taken which will affect your promotion or in a worst case scenario, getting fired. In my years of flying, I have never been late for any of my flights before.


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I guess by now you will have an idea what is takes to be a crew in the airline industry and what will be expected from you by the company. What are the requirements, lifestyle, roster and etc etc has been explain in detail in this ebook and all you need to do now is take action and give your best shot!

Will post more updates at Fly Gosh blog and forum so, stay tune.more to come!!

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