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Ryan Sue

Risk Assessment No. 1 $ * 0 Hazard Other People %et Conditions +alling ,reen S'reen Hit . 'ar on /ourne &rip on .ran'hes and other materials Existing Control Measure Sta a!a " go out !ith groups &ake 'are(ul steps and make sure shoes ha)e good grip Make sure it is )er se'ure &ake extra 'are 'rossing roads Ha)e a 'lean !orking spa'e Risk Rating #o! Medium #o! high lo!

Risk rating1 High1 Current 'ontrols totall inade2uate !ith serious 'onse2uen'es" death3s4" serious in/ur " long term illness" health. Or there is a )er high pro.a.ilit o( the hazard o''urring. Medium1 Current 'ontrols still poor .ut 'onse2uen'es less serious1 Minor in/ur " short term ill health !ith no lasting e((e'ts. Low1 Current 'ontrols are ade2uate to minimise the risk so (ar as reasona.l pra'ti'a.le.

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