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Workow Flowchart

Business Design Workshops

1-2 DAYS

Lean Canvas, Business Model Canvas, Value Proposition Canvas, Minimum Viable Segment

DLabs Business Developer and Product Manager

You and your core team All the research, brief, knowledge and energy

Developing a Solution Hypothesis generaly takes 2 workshops spread over 1-2 weeks. The workshop team usualy consists of 2 business specialists and the product owner.

User Discovery Workshops & Sessions

3-5 DAYS*

User Interviews, Stakeholder Interviews, Competition Research, User Journeys, Personas, Co-design, Design Principles

DLabs Product Manager and UX consultant

You and your core team Submit existing research, Access to stakeholders and users

User Discovery Workshops generally take 1-2 consequtive workshops. The workshops should comprise discussions with actual potential users.
*Lenght is on a case-by-case basis and can vary greatly if more indepth research needs exist.

Minimum Viable Product Design Sessions


Mockups, Wireframes, Prototypes, Visual Design

We provide A UX Team

You provide Lots of feedback and Dry cake

These sessions are mostly carried out internally within DLabs with daily feedback sessions. Its a product of close relationship between a UX specialist and the product owner.

System Design Sessions


Epic Workshop Technical Architecture 3rd party services Programming Language Infrastructure Demands

We provide A Team of Dev Experts

You provide Detailed insight for Devs

These sessions are hosted by one of DLabs CTOs and comprise a focused dev team. Typically they consist of two workshops and a write-up of documentation.

Setup & Due Dilligence Sessions


Time&cost Estimations, Roadmapping, Team structure, JIRA setup

We provide A Team of Experts

You provide your Business Roadmap

The DLabs team goes through all the features and estimates them individually in terms of time / cost and in terms of technical uncertainty.

MVP Development

UX Sprints, Dev Sprints, Cont. estimations, Usability testing QA

We provide Development team, Product Manager

You provide Feedback, guidance and support

An MVP usualy takes between 2 and 6 months of lean development. The team size is dynamic, usualy between 2 and 5 people.

Lean Continuous Development


We Continue together

After the MVP you have an active team capable of handling the maintenance and ongoing development on your product. The team is never spread more then 3 products at a time and usually less.

Transition to Inhouse Team


We Train your Team And you can grow your company independently

A transition usualy takes between 3 and 6 months and consists of pair-programming between your new developers and individuals from your DLabs team.

Business design

Product design

MVP development

Go-To-Market & Pivoting

Build your own team


Validation & Ecency


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