Paper Vending Machine Survey Form

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Paper Vending Machine Survey Form 1. Please specify your college department.

(check from list)

College of Business Administration College of Arts and Science College of Computer Studies and System College of Engineering College of Education College of La !raduate School pad) at school&

". #o many times per eek do you $uy paper (e.g. %ello (check from list) Less than once per eek 1'" times per eek (') times per eek *'+ times per eek , or more times per eek

(. -here do you usually $uy paper& (C#EC. ALL B/0ES 1#A1 APPL%) 2 3ational Book Store 2 Conanan Book Store 2 4ary 5o Book Store 2 School Canteen

). 6f there is a paper 7ending machine inside the campus8 6t9ll $e more con7enient for the student. Strongly disagree *. Are you Strongly disagree :isagree 3either agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree

illing to purchase paper through 7ending machine& :isagree 3either agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree

+. !i7e at least t o desired locations for paper 7ending machines. (check from list)

Campus !ate (!astam$ide8 Lepanto8 ;ecto) Admin E7ery floor of the campus Canteen Comfort rooms

,. -hat si<e of paper do you often use in =ui<<es and in e>ams& (check from list)

? @ length ise @ cross ise 1 hole

A. #o much do you spend in $uying a paper in a eek& (check from list)

1 php ' *php + php ' 1B php 11 php ' 1* php 1+ php ' "B php "B php ' "* php

C. -hat forms of payment do you prefer for the paper 7ending machine& (check from list)

Paper Bills Coins

1B. #o fre=uently do you carry cash around ith you on'campus& (check from list)

Al ays Almost al ays Sometimes Almost ne7er 3e7er

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