Hungarian Army

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HUNGARIAN ARMY INFANTRY WEAPONS TABLE Target: Infantry & Unarmoured Vehicles Range Type Femaru 37M pistol

Mannlicher 43M rifle Danuvia 43M sub-machine gun Solothurn 43M light machine gun Schwarzlose M07/31 medium machine gun 36M Kzigrnt Vecsey grenade Close 20 cm +1d6 +2d6 +2d6 +2d6 +2d6 +1d6 Normal 40 cm NE +1d6 +1d6 +1d6 +1d6 NE Long 60 cm NE +1d6 NE +1d6 +1d6 NE Extreme 80 cm NE +1d6 NE +1d6 +1d6 NE Rate of Fire 2 1 3 4 7 1 (A5) support weapon ammunition belt, cumbersome, support weapon indirect fire, minimum range 10, single shot melee Characteristics

SPECIAL RULES: Local knowledge: when a model with this characteristic moves through wooded or overgrown areas (woods, jungle, cultivated fields) he does not apply the penalties shown on the Terrain Table.


HUNGARIAN ARMY Schwarzlose Medium Machine Gun Section Value: 140 points Movement: 10 - 15 - 20 Characteristics: section No. Model VT Weapon 1 Machine gunner (section leader) 3 Schwarzlose M07/31 medium machine gun, Femaru 37M pistol 2 Machine gunners 3 Mannlicher 43M rifle VARIANTS: The Section can buy the resolute characteristic for +10 points.

Characteristics local knowledge, support assistant local knowledge, support assistant

Squad Value: 285 points Breakpoint: 4 N. 1 1 7 Model Rifleman Sergeant Machine gunner Riflemen VT 4 4 3 Weapons Femaru 37M pistol, Danuvia 43M submachine gun, 36M Kzigrnt Vecsey grenades Femaru 37M pistol, Solothurn 43M light machine gun, 36M Kzigrnt Vecsey grenades Mannlicher 43M rifle, 36M Kzigrnt Vecsey grenades Characteristics leader, local knowledge local knowledge local knowledge


VARIANTS: The Squad can become Veteran by removing a rifleman. You can add a Sniper for +100 points. You can add a Medic for +40 points. You can add a Schwarzlose Medium Machine Gun Section (see Support Sections). Up to two riflemen per Squad can become Assistants to the Solothurn 43M light machine gun for +10 points each. One leader per Squad can buy Binoculars for +10 points. You can buy up to 3 Wait Actions for +40 points each. SNIPER N. 1 Sniper Model VT 4 Weapon Mannlicher 43M rifle, 36M Kzigrnt Vecsey grenades Weapon Femaru 37M pistol Characteristics infiltrator, local knowledge, marksman, sight, silent weapon, sniper Characteristics local knowledge, medic

MEDIC N. 1 Medic Model VT 4

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