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DIY Ayurvedic Turmeric Facial Mask

Posted on July 6, 2012 by Dawn Michelle in Beauty, DIY, Skin With the chan e in seasons !y skin was in des"e#ate need $o# a #e%u&enatin $acial !ask' I ca!e ac#oss a $ew si!"le #eci"es $o# (yu#&edic !asks containin tu#!e#ic that ha&e been used $o# centu#ies es"ecially $o# b#ides be$o#e thei# weddin $o# s!ooth lowin skin' )he in #edients a#e easily $ound at an Indian #oce# and e*t#e!ely a$$o#dable'

What You Will Need:

Besan +lou# ,-hick"ea +lou#. )u#!e#ic Powde# /oney Yo u#t, -oconut Milk, o# Wate# Mi* 2 Tablespoons o !esan Flour, 2 Teaspoons o "oney ,use #aw o# anic honey "#e$e#ably., #$% teaspoon o Turmeric &o'der, and slowly add Yo u#t, -oconut Milk, o# wate# to c#eate a s!ooth "aste' (""ly to clean d#y skin and lea&e on $o# 10120 !inutes' 2inse tho#ou hly and tone and !oistu#i3e you# skin as usual' It is ha#d to desc#ibe e*actly how a!a3in !y skin $elt a$te# usin this !ask, yet it was s!ooth, lowy, and #e$#eshed' ($te# a $ew uses !y skin a""ea#ed b#i hte#, da#k s"ots we#e si ni$icantly li hte#, and !y tan $aded so!e as well' I ca!e ac#oss usin tu#!e#ic in skin ca#e last yea# when lookin $o# solutions $o# ec3e!a' )u#!e#ic has "owe#$ul antio*idant and antibacte#ial "#o"e#ties that hel" heal acne, blackheads, hy"e#"i !entation, ec3e!a, and "so#iasis' It has also been known to slow down the a in "#ocess by i!"#o&in skin4s elasticity' 5ook $o# kastu#i tu#!e#ic instead o$ "lain tu#!e#ic "owde# to a&oid the stainin "#o"e#ties that "lain tu#!e#ic i&es' I ha&e been usin "lain tu#!e#ic "owde#, yet "lan to $ind kastu#i tu#!e#ic ne*t ti!e I a! at the Indian #oce#' 6astu#i tu!e#ic contains the sa!e "#o"e#ties as the tu#!e#ic that is used $o# cookin yet it is not edible'

This mask can be used 'eekly or as needed( )ome 'omen use turmeric in their daily skin care( For more on turmeric ace masks *o here( "ave a beauti ul 'eekend+

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