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Vale Individual Lesson Plan

Subject Year/Class PSHEE 7AP Teacher Time Helen Palmer 8:50 Date Number on Role 02/11/13 4 Learning Intention: o To realise that stereotypes exist in the wider world Introduction: Time: 10/15 mins (depending on engagement) show slide what it means to be British ask pupils to discuss in pairs what they think about it. As a class brain storm stereotypes of Britain. o Tea drinkers o Bad weather o Royal family Key Questions: o Do you think these stereotypes are fair? o Does anyone know the difference between English and British I am English because I was born in England. I am British because I live in one of the countries which form Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales)? Core Activity: Time:30 mins o Discuss the idea that stereotypes affect the way how people interact with each other. o Re-cap the idea that stereotypes can cause conflict (it damages community cohesion). Use playground disagreements between Y6 and Y7 as an example. o Introduce the term cohesion: the action or fact of forming a united whole. o Can anybody give example of cohesion in school? o Do you think the world would be any different if cohesion was common practice? o How can you achieve it? o What issues do we encounter in terms of cohesion? Assessment for Learning:
Areas to consider: (highlight relevant areas) VAK Multiple Intelligence Differentiation Health & Safety Risk Assessment SMSC Choice Prior Learning Next Steps

Use of other Adults: n/a

Plenary: Time: o As a class find 5 ways that pupils can avoid stereotypes o Record on power point slide Home Learning: N/A Resources: Whiteboard, tv screen, powerpoint Assessment: Most children will: (level 4 ) Some children will have not made as much progress and will: (level 3) Some children will have made more progress and will: (level 5)

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