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APPENDIX 28 (Section 161) Rules for use and maintenance of o!

ernment "e#icles$

The rules governing the use of staff cars and other Government Vehicles are contained in G.O. Ms. No. 875 and 876, G.A. !stt, "# $e%artment, dated &8'5'()57 and the amendments issued to them. *nstructions have also +een issued from time to time ,ith a vie, to facilitate %ro%er control over the use of the official Vehicles. The- have +een carefull- e.amined in the light of the similar rules issued +- the Government of *ndia. *n su%ercession of the %revious rules, the follo,ing consolidated rules are issued for regulating the use of Government o,ned vehicles. These rules a%%l- to all %assenger vehicles including staff cars, station ,agons, /ee%s, land rovers, %ic0'u%s and utilit- vans and shall come into force ,ith immediate effect. *t is not intended that these general rules should a%%l- at %resent ,here the- are in conflict ,ith relevant %rovisions in the s%ecial rules or orders issued or the staff cars under the control of the "oard of 1evenue, %u+lic ,or0s, %olice, %lanning $e%artments etc. The $e%artments of the 2ecretariat concerned are, ho,ever, re3uested to consider revising the s%ecial rules so as to +ring them, ,here necessar-, inconformit- ,ith the general rules +elo,. I$ 4ontrol of Government Vehicles and res%onsi+ilities or 4ontrolling Officer5' (. The staff cars and other motor vehicles maintained +- the General Administration $e%artment ,ill +e under administrative control of the $e%ut- 2ecretar- to Government incharge of 2taff cars and those maintained +- the $e%artments of the 2ecretariat and the 6eads of $e%artments ,ill +e under the control of the 2ecretar- to Government or the 6ead of the $e%artment concerned, as the case ma- +e. The- ,ill act as controlling officers in res%ect of the vehicles under their charge. &. 2u+/ect to the orders of the 4ontrolling Officer, the Assistant 2ecretar- incharge of motor vehicles in the General Administration $e%artment or the other de%artments of the 2ecretariat, the 7.A. or $e%ut- to the 6ead of the $e%artment or the 6ead of the 2u+ordinate office ,ill +e res%onsi+le for the %ro%er use, care and da-'to'damaintenance of the vehicles and for regulating the /ourne-s generall- in accordance ,ith these rules. 8. a# The follo,ing records shall +e maintained for each vehicles in the revised forms sho,n in the Anne.ure. i# A log +oo0 in 9orm :A; ii# A register sho,ing the re%airs, re%lacements, etc, in 9orm :"; iii# A register sho,ing the cost of %etrol, oil, etc, in 9orm :4; iv# A register of inventor- of e3ui%ment in 9orm :$; v# 6ire charges %a-ments 1egister in 9orm :!;

vi# 1ecei%t +oo0 in 9orm :9; +# The follo,ing 1egisters shall also +e maintained in suita+le form to +e devised +- the 4ontrolling Officers of vehicles for the %ur%ose indicated<

:1egister of old %arts; indicating inventories of all the %arts collected after re%lacements are carried out, stoc0 ta0ing, dates of dis%osal +- %u+lic auction of the old %arts +- the a%%ro%riate authorities and the reference of Treasur- recei%t=challan through ,hich sale %roceeds of the old %arts are credited< :1egister of accidents to Vehicles; indicting full %articulars of vehicles and the $rive=%erson involved in accident cause of he accident, estimated cost of re%airs of re%lacements and action ta0en for loss, if an-, to Government vehicle< :1egister of vehicles; sho,ing cost of %urchase, model, etc, of each of the vehicles ,here a $e%artment=office has more than one vehicle attached to it. The log +oo0 is res%ect of each vehicle shall +e closed at the end of the month and summar- %re%ared in the log +oo0 sho,ing details of dut- and non'dut- /ourne-s, %erformed during the month as in the %roforma %rescri+ed in 9orm :G; anne.ed. The log +oo0 ,ill +e scrutini>ed %ersonall- +- the 2ecretar- or the concerned Ga>etted Officer once in a month to ensure that there is no misuse of the vehicles and that all officers ,ho use them ma0e entries as re3uired +- these rules, and other registers once a 3uarter. The log +oo0 shall +e su+mitted to the controlling Officer once a month and other registers once a 3uarter for scrutin-. The log +oo0 should +e ,ritten in in0 and %reserved for a %eriod of five -ears rec0oned from the date is earlier, %rovided ho,ever that no log +oo0 less +ecoming due for destruction after the sti%ulated %eriod should +e destro-ed until the settlement of all audit o+/ections relating to an- entr- therein. The Assistant 2ecretar- or Ga>etted or the Ga>etted Officer concerned shall %ersonall- chec0 the inventorof e3ui%ment ever- month and arrange to recover an- loss arising out or negligence or fault from the %ersons res%onsi+le. The Assistant 2ecretar- or the Ga>etted Officer concerned ,ill have the vehicles tested ever- si. months for fitness for /ourne-s and su+mit a re%ort to the 4ontrolling officer. this re%ort should also indicate the e.%enditure incurred on he maintenance of the vehicle. o!ernment "e#icles for &fficial 'ur'ose(

II$ %se of

). Government vehicles are essentiall- meant to +e engaged to +onafide official dut- and use for %rivate %ur%ose, even against %a-ment, should +e avoided as far as %ossi+le. Note5' (# ?ourne- %erformed in the staff cars, vans, /ee%s, etc., on the follo,ing occasions ma- +e treated as official.

?ourne- %erformed +- an officer to attend an Official rece%tion, etc., ,here the Officer is re3uired to +e %resent in connection ,ith his official duties, e.g., an official lunch given to distinguished visitors. @here A4ourtes-B invitations are received and Official eti3uette re3uires the acce%tance of such invitations, the use of staff car for such /ourne-s ma- +e authorised at the discretion of the controlling officer. ?ourne-s %erformed +- non'officials ,ho are as0ed to attend an official meeting in %u+lic interest and ,ho,

after the meeting is over, have to +e conve-ed +ac0 to their res%ective %laces of +usiness or residence. ?ourne-s %erformed ,hen officers have to +e conve-ed from or to them residence in cases ,here the- are re3uired to attend meetings held in a +uilding other than their normal %lace of dut- and outside normal ,or0ing hours e.ce%t ,hen the meeting is conve-ed +- the officer using the staff car. ?ourne-s %erformed for carr-ing +ul0- +undies of files to the residence of officers and +ac0 to offices, %rovided a Ga>etted Officer 4ertificates thatC o The num+er of files ,ere too man- to +e sent through a c-cle %eon, or o There ,as urgenc- and he had to ta0e it %ersonall- for orders, and attests the entries in the log +oo0 of the vehicle. ?ourne-s %erformed in cases a emergenc- ,hen an officer on +eing suddenl- ta0en ill or on meeting an accident, is removed from office either to hos%ital or to his residence. The 4ontrolling Officer should %lace on record a certificate indicating the circumstances necessitating such /ourne-s.

Note5' &# 2taff cars ma- +e used +- mem+ers of the non'ga>etted staff also for +onafide official %ur%oses ,ith the %rior a%%roval of the controlling Officer. Note5' 8# ?ourne-s from residence to office and vice versa are not official and use of staff cars for such %ur%oses is %rohi+ited. (. The staff cars of the General Administration $e%artment ma- also +e used +- the Ministers, the 2%ea0er of the Andhra 7radesh Degislative Assem+l- and the 4hairman, Andhra 7radesh Degislative 4ouncil ,hen the cars allotted to them +rea0do,n and ,hen the General 2u%erintendent, 7.@. @or0sho% or the Assistant 4om%toller, Government 6ouse $e%artment, is una+le to %rovide su+stitute cars. &. The 4ontrolling Officer ma-, at his discretion, %lace an- of the staff vehicles at the dis%osal of andistinguished guest of the 2tate Government or 4entral Government or an- Officer ,ho visits this 2tate on Official +usiness. 8. The $istrict 4ollector is authorised to indent on the vehicles of the officers of other de%artments in the district during the visits of the Ministers and ver- im%ortant %ersons. E. @here a $e%artment re3uisitions of +orro,s vehicles of other de%artments=Offices for an- reason, the $e%artment ,hich re3uisitions or +orro,s the vehicles shall meet the cost of %etrol and oil for the vehicles in its use. 5. @hen a Minister or the 2%ea0er, A.7. Degislative Assem+l-, or the 4hairman, A.7. Degislative 4ouncil, uses a de%artmental vehicle for an- %ur%ose including tours in the district, in addition to the one Government car %laced at his dis%osal, he ,ill.
o o

7a- the normal hire charges %rescri+ed for the use of the vehicle for /ourne-s in the 4it-. 7a- onl- the cost of %ro%ulsion, namel-, %etrol and oil charges for the use of the vehicle on tours in the mofussil and claim the full milage admissi+le under the rules

(. @here a Government vehicle is used +- a Government 2ervant for official %ur%ose an no T.A. is claimed, no 4harges shall +e levied. @here the cost of %ro%ulsion is met +- the Government, no milage should +e claimed +- the Officer using the car +ut $.A. if an-, admissi+le under the rules ma- +e claimed. *n the cases ,here an officer su%%lies %etrol and oil, milage can +e claimed su+/ect to a deductions of (=8 of the total milage admissi+le under the rules * order to cover the de%reciation of the car and the salar- of the driver, etc.

III$ %se of

o!ernment "e#icles for Non)Dut* Pur'oses(

(. The Government vehicles ma- +e %ermitted to +e used in non'dut- /ourne-s to a limited e.tent +- Officers and staff %rovided official re3uirements are not interfered ,ith in an- ,a-, and dut- /ourne-s al,a-s ta0e %recedence over non'dut- /ourne-s. 7rior %ermission should +e o+tained from the com%etent authorit- for ma0ing non'dut- /ourne-s. &. The follo,ing classes of /ourne-s on non'dut- %ur%oses are %ermissi+le.
o o o

Occasional /ourne-s %erformed +- officers from their residence to office and vise versa ,hen their cars +rea0do,n and other arrangements cannot +e made ,ithout undue loss of time. 9or urgent visits to hos%itals ,hen the Government 2ervant concerned is not a+le to ma0e immediate trans%ort arrangements. *n s%ecial cases, for short /ourne-s ,ithin the head'3uarters +- staff Associations, etc., in connection ,ith their ,or0.

Note5' Government vehicles should not +e %ermitted to +e used +- officers on leave under an- circumstances. This a%%lies to casual leave also. (. a# The 4ontrolling Officer ma- %ermit the staff of the General Administration $e%artment to +e used +%a-ing 3uests and other visiting officers on %a-ment or %rescri+ed charges and +- 2tate Guests and their families free of charge ,hen the Assistant controller Government 6ouse $e%artment, or the General 2u%erintendent, 7.@. @or0sho%, is una+le to %rovide necessar- trans%ort. +# The Government ma-, in s%ecial cases, direct the collection of %etrol charges alone or ,alve the collection of %ro%ulsion charges for the use of staff cars +- %a-ing guests, visiting officers or an- official of the 2tate Government. (). The use of Government vehicles for ti%s to %laces of entertainment, %u+lic amusements, %icnic %arties, %leasure tri%s, etc., is strictl- for+idden.

I"$ +ollection of +#ar,es( (. A rate of 1s. F.87 %. %er mile ,ill +e charged for the use of Government vehicles on non'dut- /ourne-s. The 4harges at the said rate are recovera+le for the distances covered +- the Vehicle from the time it leaves office= garage till it returns to the office=garage. &. $etention charges shall +e collected at the follo,ing rates ,hen official vehicles are hired5'

9or %eriod e.ceeding 6 6rs. u%to (& 6rs. 1s. (.FF 9or %eriod e.ceeding (& 6rs. u%to (8 6rs. 1s. (.5F

9or %eriod e.ceeding () 6rs. u%to &E 6rs. 1s. &.FF The detention charges need not +e collected if the %eriod of use is less than 6 hrs. A da- means a duration of &E hrs. and the %eriod of detention shall +e calculated ,ith reference to the time at ,hich the vehicle leaves the Office=garage and returns to the office=garage. (. 9or the use of the staff vehicles +efore 6 A.M. and after ) 7.M. at %laces outside the head'3uarters, the follo,ing +atta charges ,ill +e collected in addition to milage charges5' 9or dut- +efore 6 A.M. 1e. F.87 for tiffin charges#. 9or dut- after ) 7.M. 1e. F.75 9or meals charges#. To %laces outside the head3uarters 1e. & +atta charges#. The a+ove charges ,ill +e %aid to the drivers concerned as overtime allo,ance. (. The charges levied for the use of Government vehicles for non'dut- %ur%oses should +e collected not later than the date on ,hich the %a- of the officer for the month is dis+ursed and %aid to the driver concerned after ma0ing necessar- entries in the log +oo0. The driver should hand it over to the office ,ho should credit it immediatel- in to Government account either to the recei%t head of the $e%artment or to GDV*' M*24!DDAN!OH2 I Miscellaneous, in the a+sence of a se%arate recei%t head of that $e%artment and ma0e necessar- entries in the 6ire 4harges %a-ment 1egister and in the concerned log +oo0. The challan recei%ts should +e %asted against the relevant +ill of the 1ecei%t "oo0. *f, in an- event, the Government servant concerned fails to %a- the milage and other charges, he should +e allo,ed further use of the vehicle until the amount due is %aid full- and the- should +e recovered from his %a-, if necessar-. &. The dra,ing and distur+ing Officers shall record the follo,ing certificate on the contingent +ills in su%%ort of the e.%enditure on consum%tion of %etrol on the +asis of similar certificates given +- the 4ontrolling Officers on the res%ective +ills.
o o

4ertified that the 3uantit- of %etrol %urchased has +een entered in the log +oo0 of the res%ective Government vehicles. 4ertified that necessar- recoveries under 1ules have +een made from the %arties concerned using the staff cars for non'dut- /ourne-s and the amounts credited to Government account.

"$ -o, .oo/(

(. *t is the dut- of the drivers attached to the Government vehicles to get the entries in the log +oo0s filled in. Officers of all ran0s using Government vehicle should not in the log +oo0 in their o,n hand ,riting the milage at the start and at the com%letion of their tri%s after verif-ing milometer and give sufficient %articulars regarding movements and %ur%ose to indicate that the /ourne-s ,ere on official +usiness. Vague entries such as ADocal tri%sB, AOfficial @or0B should not +e made. The /ourne- ,ill +e tested as 7rivate, if the

officer does not fill the relevant columns %ro%erl- and sign the log +oo0. *n the case of Ministries, 4hief 2ecretarand guests of high status, the entries relating to milage, etc., in the case of %rivate /ourne- on %a-ment +asis, the entries ,ith regard to milometer reading at the starting %oint etc., should +e made +efore the car is occu%ied and at the commencement of the /ourne-.

"i$ 0andlin, of t#e "e#icles(

(. a# Government vehicles shall +e driven onl- +- the drivers attached to them and under no circumstances theshall +e driven +- Officers using them %rovided that in the a+sence of a driver for an- car and in an emergenc-, the Officer'in'charge ma- nominate a mem+er of the 2taff to drive the vehicle. The Official so nominated should %ossess a valid driving licence. +# @here a Government vehicle allotted to an Officer and driven +- such officer or an- other than the authorised driver, meets ,ith an accident and is conse3uentl- damaged, the Officer shall +e ,holl- res%onsi+le for ma0ing good the damage and also lia+le for severe disci%linar- action. c# No driver should unnecessaril- +e transferred from vehicle to vehicle and as far as %ossi+le, each driver should +e made to handle %articular vehicle so that res%onsi+ilit- for its %ro%er u%'0ee% and maintenance is fi.ed on him. &7. Motor drivers shall on no account drive the vehicle at a s%eed of more than 8F miles %er hour or at the notified milage, ,hich ever is less. *n the cit- and munici%al limits and +uilt'u% areas in a heav- traffic, the- should invaria+l- drive much slo,er. The vehicle should never +e over loaded. &8. Government vehicles should +e garaged in the Officer 7remises out of office hours and on holida-s and in no 4ircumstances should the- +e garaged else,here.

"II$ %'/ee' and 1aintenance(

(. a# The life of a motor vehicle de%ends on the regular s-stematic attention +eing given to it. The driver should see that the vehicle allotted to him is %ro%ert- cleaned dail-. 6e should e.amine dail- the ,ater level in the radiator, oil level in the cran0case, t-%e %ressures and chec0 u% %etrol and distilled ,ater levels. The driver concerned ,ill +e %rimaril- res%onsi+le for an- damage that ma- +e causes to a vehicle and its cost ,ill +e recovered from him unless he is a+le to give satisfactor- e.%lanations for it. +# T-%es should +e retreated as the- go +ald and re3uire re%lacement.

"III$ 1iscellaneous(

(. The use of Government vehicles +- mem+ers of the famil- of an officer is %rohi+ited, it is, ho,ever, %ermissi+le on a Government servant ,hile on tour in a Government vehicle to ta0e ,ith him ,ife, relative, %rivate servant or coo0 free of charge %rovided that the num+er of %ersons so accom%an-ing him does not e.ceed t,o. &. The %ractice %revalent in some de%artments, of going in Government vehicles to the residence of Officers for holding discussions and ta0ing instructions should +e sto%%ed e.ce%t for reasons for e.treme urgenc- ,hich should +e clearl- s%ecified. 8. Officers should not generall- use Government Vehicles outside the normal hours of dut- of the driver e.ce%t in e.ce%tional circumstances. E. Ordinaril- no Government vehicle shall +e diverted from the normal route ,hen %l-ing on Government dut-, +ut if a diversion is made on certain occasions, the e.tra milage done on account of such diversion should +e chargea+le to the officer at ,hose instance the diversion has done made. 5. 4hec0s of Government vehicles ,ill +e arranged +- su%eriors to enforce adherence to these rules. 6. All Government vehicles should carr- %rominentl- at the rear and on the sides the ins%ection +earing the ,ords :OV!1NM!NT V!6*4D!; %ainted in ,hite. 7. All $e%artments 2ecretarial and 6ead of $e%artments, including 4ollectors, are re3uested to ac0no,ledge the recei%t of these rules. The- should see that all su+ordinate officers to ,hom Government vehicles have +een allotted are in %ossession of these rules strictl- follo, them . As %er G.O. Ms. No. (886, dated 8( st Octo+er, ()6(#. ANNEX%RE A''endi2 No 1 (a) 3&R1 4A5 -& .&&6

Petrol Account

2taff 4ar=Van No


Milometer = Jilometer 7etrol dra,n *nitial of reading litres Officer *=4 of 4ar Milometer Miles Jilometer Jilometers 7eriod of detention Name and designation

Time $ate 9rom To



included in 4olms &K8# for non'dut/ourne-s onl6.

of officer using staff car

(. 7laces visited






7ur%ose of 2ignature of No of hrs. after *nitials of officer /ourne-, if official officer using car' normal dut- hrs. *=4, of vehicle his full details his remar0s, if or on 2unda-s remar0s if anan). (F. ((. (&.


A''endi2 No 1 (7) 3&R1 4.5 Re,ister s#o8in, t#e Re'airs9 Re'lacements9 S'are)'arts etc$9

"ill No $ate Nature of re%airs 8.

7articulars of items of re%airs etc., 1ene,als 1s. Amount Total







A''endi2 No 1 (c) 3&R1 4+5 Re,ister s#o8in, t#e cost of 'etrol9 oil9 etc9 consumed and of Incidental Recei'ts and E2'enditure

Nature of !.%enditure

1egistration *nsurance *ncidental

Nature of recei%ts





9rom ,hom 7.









A''endi2 No 1 (d) 3&R1 4D5 Re,ister of In!entor* of E:ui'ment$

Nature of e3ui%ment or tolls (.


$ate of %urchase





A''endi2 No 1 (e) 3&R1 4D5 0ire +#ar,es Pa*ment Re,ister$

2lLNo Name of 4ar No $ate of No of Amount $ate of $ate of 4hallan 1emar0s the use miles due recei%t remittance No and %erson traveled of the in to date using amount Treasur4ar (. &. 8. E. 5. 6. 7. 8. ). (F.

A''endi2 No 1 (f) 3&R1 435





(. &. Name and designation of the officer using the staff car. 4ar No. 7eriod of use $ate and Time#. Num+er of miles covered. Amount collected. $ate of recei%t of the amount. 2ignature of the Officer %a-ing the amount. 2ignature of $river.

8. E. Name and designation of the officer using the car. 4ar No. 7eriod of use $ate and Time#. Num+er of miles covered. Amount collected. Ate of recei%t of the amount. 2ignature of the Officer %a-ing the amount. 2ignature of $river.

A''endi2 No 1 (,) 3&R1 4 5 Summar* of -o, .oo/ 3or t#e mont# of;;;;;;;;


Num+er of staff car

Miles = Jms. 4over for.




Time s%ent on non' Amount dut- /ourne-s due to non' dut@ithin Outside /ourne-s incld. normal normal dutdut- hrs. $etention charges if hours. or on an-. 2unda-s K closed holida-s. 6. 7. 8.

$etails of +ill and amount reali>ed +- cash che3ue#







1eading of Milometer = Jms. 7articulars of Total Muantitcredit to Govt. of %etrol account consumed 4hallan No litres#. and date#. (F. ((. On ( st da- On last daAverage miles = Jms. 7er litres 4ol. 5# N ((#. 1emar0s





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