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BIOL 2464 Tutorial 1 exercise: Report Writing.

The details below give the title, author, reference and abstract of a related paper:

Lepidoptera outbreaks in response to successional changes after the passage of Hurricane Hugo in Puerto Rico
Juan A. Torresa1
Institute of Tropical Forestry, USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Call Box 25000, Ro Piedras, PR 00928-2500 and Department of Biology, Colegio Universitario Tecnolgico de Bayamn, Bayamn, PR 00959-1919

Journal of Tropical Ecology (1992), 8: 285-298.

Fifteen species of Lepidoptera occurred in large numbers in spring and early summer after the passage of Hurricane Hugo over the north-east of Puerto Rico. Spodoptera eridania (Noctuidae) was the most common of the larvae and fed on 56 plant species belonging to 31 families. All the Lepidoptera fed on early successional vegetation. Some of the plants represent new host plants for these species. The outbreaks appeared to be based on the flush of new foliage that developed in the Luquillo Mountains after the passage of the hurricane. The end of the S. eridania outbreak was concurrent with the consumption of its preferred host plants and to an apparent increment in parasitism by ichneumonids (Hymenoptera). Parasitism by tachinids (Diptera) may have contributed to the reduction in abundance of other Lepidoptera species that were temporarily very abundant. Natural enemies of S. eridania were recorded for the first time in Puerto Rico.

The text of a different paper is given below, for you to analyze and prepare your own abstract:

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