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Guess the Place or Situation
In pairs, write five sentences using modal verbs of ability and possibility to describe
the place or situation on your card.
You may...
You might...
You can...
You could...
Example on a plane

You cannot walk around.

You may have something to eat or drink
You might fall asleep.
You could take a small bag with you.
You cannot change your seat.

Dont make your sentences too easy to guess and try not to use words that relate to
the place.
Keep your card and sentences secret.
Each pair will present their sentences to the class.
The class will try to guess the place.


Written by Paul Adams for 2013

Guess the Place or Situation
Place and Situation Cards

1. on a bus

2. lost in a city

3. in a classroom

4. at a museum

5. at a petrol station

6. in a library

7. at a wedding ceremony

8. in a car accident

9. at a bank

10. at a temple

11. in an exam

12. at a funeral

13. on a beach

14. in a pub

15. at a football game

16. in a cinema

Written by Paul Adams for 2013

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