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Focus: Theme: Topic: Introduction:

Content Standard:

Learning Standard:


Time: Teaching Aids:

Listening and Speaking World of Knowledge Unit 8: Stay Clean, Be Happy This lesson foc ses on listening and speaking! "cti#ities are teacher$led where teacher elicits words with the phone%e &o& and &g&! There sho ld 'e a lot of enco rage%ent for p pils to speak and share! Teacher(s role is to facilitate and pro#ide a good en#iron%ent for listening and speaking to happen in the classroo%! )!) "'le to listen prono nce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhyth% and intonation! *!) "'le to for% letters and words in ne+t legi'le print incl ding c rsi#e writing! )!)!* "'le to listen to say alo d and recite rhy%es or sing songs with g idance! *!)!, "'le to copy and write in neat and legi'le print! -c. / %eral By the end of the lesson, p pils sho ld 'e a'le to: a! Talk a'o t a sti% l s with g idance e!g! soap! '! Sing songs with g idance! 01 %in tes & 21 %in tes! 3anila cards, pict re cards, soap!

Activity 1. Teacher puts a bar of soap in a box and asks the pupils to guess. 2. Teacher shows picture cards to the pupils and asks questions about the pictures. . Teacher guides the pupils to sing the song with action in the textbook page . #. The pupils sing the song with action

Teaching & Learning Strategy Listening Making interpretations Listening and Speaking Sing a song !ocabular" Pronunciation !ocabular"

Notes A bar of soap.

Picture cards. Pupils sing a song Pa"ing attention $ wash% hands% oranges% girl% scrub Phone(e) o% g words) wash% hands% orange% girls% wet% rinse% wipe

&. 'et pupils to sa" the words Pronunciation aloud while one of the pupils points to the words !ocabular" *. The teacher asks the pupils Sing a song to sing the song again with other actions i.e. wet% rinse% wipe

Assessment: Able to identif" and pronounce words correctl" Remedial: 1. Teacher reads the words. 2. Pupils read after the teacher. . ,u(ber the pictures correctl". Enrichment: 'et pupils to talk about cleanliness

+dentif" and pronounce words correctl"

Acti-it" book page &

.uild confidence in public speaking

/ncourage pupils to talk

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