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Please see the following excerpts from the IE Campus Life Guide, containing details on how students may

acquire an official Campus Life Coordinator Acknowledgement Diploma. For additional information, please contact Campus Life

21 ANEX 2 - CAMPUS LIFE CLUB COORDINATOR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT DIPLOMA The acquisitions of management abilities are not only learned during program classes, managing a Club, students have a unique opportunity to develop their skills in leadership, management of persons, time and creativity! The success of a Club depends on students but mainly on their leader. The Coordinators should be engaged representatives and with high doses of energy and motivation. The leadership of a Club requires time and dedication to organize and promote with success a wide variety of attractive activities for students and alumni. At the Campus Life office we know that combining personal and academic life with leading or managing a club is a difficult task. The Coordinators deserve official acknowledgement by IE for their role in building the IE experience and a sense of belonging to IE community, which will remain in the hearts of our future alumni. Therefore, Campus Life will grant an acknowledgement diploma for the commitment with the IE Community to club Coordinators at their respective graduation ceremonies (in May, July and December), as a token of gratitude for their work. The diplomas will not be granted automatically, but will depend on the level of commitment shown by the coordinators in carrying out their tasks and will be based on the following point system.

Campus Life acknowledgment diploma: point system

Event organization: one of the main objectives and responsibilities of the clubs is to become a platform for organizing interesting activities where students can share their knowledge, passions and hobbies, and strengthen their contact networks. Therefore, 2 points will be granted to each Coordinator for every event organized by the Board of a Club, always given that the event was coordinated with the team of Campus Life. No activities organized without informing Campus Life will count as valid for obtaining points. 3 points will be granted to each Coordinator for every outstanding event because of its impact in the media and the number of people registered to the event (more than 60), always given that the event was coordinated with Campus Life. In order to discourage the Coordinators to organize the event and not attend it, 2 points will be deducted in such event. Points for organizing the event in coordination with Campus Life Points for outstanding events in coordination with Campus Life Minimum number of points required Deduction for not attending the event

3 8 -2

IE CAMPUS LIFE Maria de Molina, 31. Madrid 28006

22 Community leadership: In order to reward the students who take on positions of leadership at IE, 1 point will be granted to all of the coordinators elected, always given that the information was official communicated to the Campus Life after the celebration of the club elections and that they maintained their roles throughout the duration of their term of office. 1 additional point will be granted to the coordinator elected as a President of the Board, always given the information was officially communicated to Campus Life and the role was maintained throughout the duration of the term of office. Club Coordinator Club President (additional point) 1 1

Publications in Campus Life Blog: all the Club Coordinators are invited to become coauthors of the Campus Life Blog. For each post published in the Blog as a press release about an event organized by the Club and coordinated with Campus Life, all the Coordinators who are members of the Board will be granted 1 point. It is mandatory for the Clubs to publish a press release after an event organized by the Club. If a press release is not published after an event, 1 point will be deducted per event without a press release. A Club Coordinator who posts individual publications related to the Clubs area of interest will be granted 2 points for each publication, as a reward for his/her role in enriching the contents of the Blog. Points per press release about the event/activity of the club Points per individual post as a co-author of the Blog Minimum number of points for press releases Deduction for not publishing a press release related to an event organized by the Club 1 2 4 -1

Obtaining sponsorship: Getting sponsorship is a difficult task and it deserves acknowledgment. For each sponsor obtained for an event, each of the Coordinators of the Club will be granted 3 points. Points per sponsor obtained per event 3

IE CAMPUS LIFE Maria de Molina, 31. Madrid 28006

23 Summary: MINIMUM REQUIRED POINTS 8 1 4 13 Example of points obtained by a coordinator 8 1 1 4 2 0 -2 14


Events organized by the Club and coordinated with Campus Life** Club President Club Coordinator** Press release publications in Campus Life Blog** Individual publications in Campus Life Blog Obtaining sponsorship Deductions

**Mandatory minimal requirements that have to be fulfilled by the IE Club in order to obtain the acknowledgement diploma. The point system provided was prepared in using as a framework a 1-year academic year. If the term of office of a Club Coordinator lasts for a shorter period of time, the point system will be applied proportionally to the duration of the term of office of the Coordinator or to the time of existence of the Club. Example of points obtained by a coordinator X A coordinator can obtain 14 points if the following is fulfilled: The club organized 4 events in coordination with Campus Life per year (8 points) The coordinator was elected the President of the Club (2 points) The Club posts 4 press releases about the events organized in coordination with Campus Life and the Coordinator posts 2 individual publications in Campus Life Blog (6 points) Deduction for organizing an event in coordination with Campus Life and not attending it/not participating in its celebration (-2 points)

Campus Life acknowledgement diploma: evaluation of the results and the obtaining of the diploma
The obtaining of the acknowledgement diploma by each Coordinator will depend on the total points accumulated during his/her term of office in the Club or during the existence of the

IE CAMPUS LIFE Maria de Molina, 31. Madrid 28006

24 Club. The Diploma will be given to the Coordinator at his/her graduation date by the Campus Life team. ACCUMULATED POINTS 0 -11 13** >13 Diploma The Coordinator will not receive the acknowledgment diploma Acknowledgement diploma Acknowledgement diploma with a special mention

** Always given that the mandatory minimal requirements for a Club to obtain an acknowledgement diploma were fulfilled. The point system provided was prepared in using as a framework a 1-year academic year. If the term of office of a Club Coordinator lasts for a shorter period of time, the point system will be applied proportionally to the duration of the term of office of the Coordinator or to the time of existence of the Club.

IE CAMPUS LIFE Maria de Molina, 31. Madrid 28006

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