Tom Hill: Year 13 Leavers' Prom

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Fiddlers .

ood @ane Bradley Sto:e South Aloucestershire BS32 7BS Tel5 014,4 6"6640 Fax5 014,4 6"6641 8mail5 admin9bradleysto:ecs(or$(u: .ebsite5 ###(bradleysto:ecs(or$(u:

03 February 2014 Dear Year 13 Students, Year 13 Leavers Prom To celebrate the end of exams and your time at BS S !ost 1" #e are holdin$ a !rom at The Bristol %oo on Friday 2&th 'une 2014( The )rice for the e*ent #ill be +4,- this includes a three course meal, room hire, )ri*ate bar, D', and decorations for the e*enin$( .e #ill issue full menu details to$ether #ith confirmation of times nearer the date( /n order for you to attend, #e re0uire a non1refundable de)osit of +1, )er )erson by Tuesday 4 th February( This is re0uired as a security de)osit #hich has to be )aid to the hotel before #e $o ahead #ith the or$anisin$ of the e*enin$( The remainin$ balance of +30 )er )erson #ill need to be )aid by 2onday 1st 3)ril( .e belie*e that this #ill be a lo*ely o))ortunity to say $oodbye at the end of your time at !ost 1" and to un#ind after the stress of exams( Yours sincerely,

Tom Hill
Tom 4ill Assistant Director of Post 16 Tel5 014,4 6"& 740 81mail5 tom(hill9bradleysto:ecs(or$(u: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Please return to the post box by Post 16 Reception

<ame5 =========================(
The >lym)us 3cademy Trust5 a com)any limited by $uarantee ?e$istered in 8n$land5 om)any <umber5 0&644&71 ?e$istered >ffice5 Bradley Sto:e ommunity School, Fiddlers .ood @ane, Bradley Sto:e, South Aloucestershire, BS32 7BS

/ #ould li:e to attend the !rom on 2& th 'une 2014 at The Bristol %oo( / enclose a de)osit of +1, Bche0ues to be made )ayable to The >lym)us 3cademy TrustC and understand that this is non1refundable(

Si$ned ==========================(( Dated ===========(

The >lym)us 3cademy Trust5 a com)any limited by $uarantee ?e$istered in 8n$land5 om)any <umber5 0&644&71 ?e$istered >ffice5 Bradley Sto:e ommunity School, Fiddlers .ood @ane, Bradley Sto:e, South Aloucestershire, BS32 7BS

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