Earth Science Syllabus

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Earth and Space Science

Mr. Pittman Science Teacher Phone: (248)745-9420 Email:

COURSE OBJECTIVES In this course we will examine environmental issues from a geological perspective. That is, through a series of lectures on subjects either historical or contemporary and at local, regional, or global scales, you will become acquainted with the 21st century environmental issuesand the earth science behind themof which every citizen of this planet needs a working knowledge. You will learn the geological principles that affect the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and rock sphere. Also, you will come to understand that a little bit of knowledge about how the earth works can go a long way towards formulating sensible environmental policies and responses to natural hazards. Upon completing the course you should be able to judge for yourselves the presence or absence of geological common sense behind human actions on this planet and to use your new knowledge to influence future land-use decisions.

COURSE STRUCTURE In general, I will cover a new topic each class session. Often there will be a video at the beginning of class followed by lecture, questions, or discussion. I expect that the reading for each class will be done before the class for which it is assigned. On Thursday I will take a few moments of class time to review answers to the weekly

homework. Course information including syllabus, reading assignments, links to websites, week-by-week guide to the course, and review questions for class sessions are available on our Blackboard internet site. Please note that our Blackboard course site also contains a discussion board on which you can post thoughts about the readings or subjects raised in class.

Student Assessment will be based on the following components:

Bell Work/Journal Entries Exams Individual Assignments Group Projects Class Participation

Grading Scale:
100-95 = A 94-90 = A89-87 = B+ 86-83 = B 82-80 = B70-77 = C+ 76-73 = C 72-70 = C69-67 = D+ 66-63 = D+ 62-60 = D59-0 = F

Class Expectations: BE ON TIME! Come to class prepared with appropriate classroom behaviors Respect yourselves, teachers, and your fellow classmates Always do your best!
Follow all school policies

Absences/Make-up Work/Missing Assignments:

If a student is absent from class it is their responsibility to collect all missing assignments upon returning to class. They will have the number of days they were absent plus one extra day to get their assignments turned in. If their assignments are not turned in on the appropriate day, the assignments will be accepted as late. This policy will also be enforced if a student has missed a test except they will only get two days maximum to complete a test upon their return to school knowing this prior to being absent.

Tardy Policy:
Students are expected to be in their designated classed once the bell rings. If they are not in the classroom once the bell rings then they are considered tardy unless they have a written pass from a

parent/guardian, teacher, or someone o authority. Excessive tardiness will result in further consequences as mandated by Pontiac Academy for Excellence middle school.

Cell Phone/Electronic Devices Policy

Cell phones and other electronic devices are not permitted in class for any reason unless specified by the teacher. If a student is caught with an open cell phone the phone will confiscated and submitted to principal.

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