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Food Log Reflective Paper Unit- Fast Food: Whos to Blame? 1.

Create a Food Log For one week, students are to log all the food and drink they consume Students will create a health goal that they will commit to everyday for one week o Examples Drink 6-8 glasses of water daily No consumption of junk food for one week Exercise 3 times a week for 20+ minutes Eat 4+ servings of fruits and/or vegetables daily Reduce portion sizes of meals At the end of each day reflect on how well you have achieved your goal Submit typed food log 2. 2-page typed reflection paper After monitoring food and drink for one week, students are to evaluate their eating habits and overall health Write a 1-2 page reflective paper, self evaluating your eating habits Questions to answer o Did you stay consistent with your goals? o What did you notice about your eating habits? o How will your health habits today affect you in the future? o Will you continue to self improve? Submit a typed, MLA paper

English 11 StandardsWriting Strategies 1.5- Use language in natural, fresh, and vivid ways to establish a specific tone. Writing 1.7 - Use systematic strategies to organize and record information (Food Log) Writing 2.3- Writing reflective compositions

English 11/ ERWC Fast Food/ Mrs. Riturban

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