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Warehouse HSE Policy

We believe a safe, orderly, efficient warehouse and storage is a key to a successful business operation. The warehouse and storage plays an essential role in the way products are received, stored, sent, and circulated throughout the customer facilities. We follow the international safety practices, national regulations and even go beyond these to ensure absolute safety at out warehouse sites. We have incorporated latest codes, standards and best practices in our warehouses to ensure: Elimination and prevention of accidents and injuries. Institution of adequate procedures to protect all property from loss and damage due to accidents. Clear understanding by all employees the risks that directly affect them in the performance of their respective responsibilities. Requiring all employees to be in compliance with all safety regulations, legal and other requirements. Reducing, controlling, or avoiding employees exposure to all occupational health and safety risks. Establishing and maintaining communication with all customers to keep them aware of the safety and health factors related to urea storage, handling and use. Maintaining an effective emergency preparedness and response procedures. We expressively state that we do not store any material which in any way is detrimental to Environment. We are a caring organisation give top most priory to Health, Safety and Environment.

Indorama Premier Fertilizer and Polymers Limited. 20th January 2014

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