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Camel Audio

CamelPhat 3
Version 3.1

User manual

Table of Contents
User License Agreement.................................................................................................... 3 Welcome.............................................................................................................................4 Highlights........................................................................................................................ 4 System requirements.......................................................................................................... 5 Demo Version Restrictions................................................................................................. 5 Why buy ............................................................................................................................5 !nst"ll"tion...........................................................................................................................# $otes% Win&o's.............................................................................................................. # $otes% ("c )S *............................................................................................................ # St"rt here+........................................................................................................................... , -ry the .resets................................................................................................................, -hin/ mo&ul"r................................................................................................................. , R"n&omi0e+....................................................................................................................., S"1e .resets..................................................................................................................., -ry (!D! Le"rn................................................................................................................ 2 3ome b"c/ soon............................................................................................................. 2 User inter4"ce 4e"tures........................................................................................................5
3"mel.h"t logo......................................................................................................................... 5 ("in &is6l"y.............................................................................................................................. 5 7nobs...................................................................................................................................... 18

944ect mo&ules.................................................................................................................. 11 )n:o44 s'itches............................................................................................................. 11

;. <ilter................................................................................................................................... 11 Distortion................................................................................................................................. 1= (( <ilter................................................................................................................................. 1= <l"nger.................................................................................................................................... 13 ("gic 9>................................................................................................................................. 14 3om6ressor............................................................................................................................. 14

)ther (o&ules.................................................................................................................. 14
("ster..................................................................................................................................... 15 L<)......................................................................................................................................... 15

<requently As/e& >uestions.............................................................................................1, 3re&its...............................................................................................................................15


User License Agreement

-his User License Agreement is " leg"l "greement bet'een you "n& 3"mel Au&io 4or the 6ro&uct "ccom6"nying this &ocument? 'hich inclu&es so4t'"re "n& "ll "ssoci"te& me&i" @AS)<-WAR9AB. ;y inst"lling? co6ying or using the S)<-WAR9? you "gree to be boun& by the terms o4 this license. !4 you &o not "gree 'ith the terms o4 this license? you m"y not use the S)<-WAR9. -he S)<-WAR9 is 6rotecte& by co6yright l"'s "n& intern"tion"l co6yright tre"ties. -he S)<-WAR9 is license&? not sol&. Cou m"y not tr"ns4er? mo&i4y? rent? le"se resell? &istribute? net'or/ or tr"nsmit the S)<-WAR9. Cou m"y not re1erse engineer? &ecom6ile or &is"ssemble the S)<-WAR9. Cou "re not 6ermitte& to co6y the S)<-WAR9. All title "n& co6yrights in "n& to the S)<-WAR9 "n& "ny co6ies o4 the S)<-WAR9 "re o'ne& by 3"mel Au&io. -he S)<-WAR9 is 6rotecte& by co6yright l"'s "n& intern"tion"l tre"ty 6ro1isions. Un"uthorise& re6ro&uction or &istribution o4 the S)<-WAR9 or &ocument"tion is subDect to ci1il "n& crimin"l 6en"lties. -he S)<-WAR9 is 6ro1i&e& A"s isA "n& 'ithout '"rr"nty o4 "ny /in&. -he entire ris/ "rising out o4 the use o4 the S)<-WAR9 rem"ins 'ith the user. 3"mel Au&io &iscl"ims "ll '"rr"nties? either eE6ress or im6lie&? inclu&ing? but not limite& to? im6lie& '"rr"nties o4 merch"nt"bility "n& 4itness 4or " 6"rticul"r 6ur6ose? 'ith reg"r& to the S)<-WAR9. !n no e1ent sh"ll 3"mel Au&io be li"ble 4or "ny consequenti"l or other &"m"ges 'h"tsoe1er "rising out o4 the use o4 or in"bility to use the S)<-WAR9. A3"mel Au&ioA "n& A3"mel.h"tA "re tr"&em"r/s o4 3"mel Au&io. AVS-A is " tr"&em"r/ o4 Steinberg So4t F un& H"r&'"re GmbH. All other tr"&em"r/s "re the 6ro6erty o4 their res6ecti1e o'ners. H =885 3"mel Au&io. All rights reser1e&.

Welcome to CamelPhat 3+

3"mel.h"t is the ultim"te 6h"ttening 6rocessor+ A 6o'er4ul AcolouringA multiIe44ect th"tAs been s6eci"lly engineere& to 'or/ 'on&ers on guit"r? b"ss "n& &rums? "&&ing '"rmth? 6unch "n& 6resence 'here1er theyAre require&. <our ch"r"cteristic"lly &i44erent &istortion e44ects "re inclu&e&? 'hich c"n be use& se6"r"tely or blen&e& together to cre"te "n en&less 1"riety o4 tones. -he unique A("gic 9>A enh"nces the lo' en& li/e nothing else F itAs the 6er4ect /ic/ &rum s'eetener+ A&& to th"t "n e"syItoIuse "n"logueImo&elle& com6ressor? three reson"nt 4ilters? t'o L<)s "n& "n en1elo6e 4ollo'er? "n& youA1e got one seriously 6h"t 6"c/"ge+ A stunning gr"6hic"l user inter4"ce 6uts "ll the controls "t your 4ingerti6s? 'hile the *:C 6"& "llo's e"sy re"lItime m"ni6ul"tion o4 the most im6ort"nt 6"r"meters. With the intelligent AR"n&omi0eA button? ne' soun&s "n& ins6ir"tion "re Dust " clic/ "'"y. 1=2 "ttentionIgr"bbing .resets? org"nise& by c"tegory? "re "lso inclu&e&. Highlights

A.h"tteningA multiIe44ect? gre"t 4or 6unchy &rums? b"ss "n& lots more. <our &istortion mo&ulesJ '"rm "n& so4t to crunchy "n& 4"t. ("gic 9>? com6ressor? three 4ilters? t'o L<)s? en1elo6e 4ollo'er. 9"syItoIuse? 'ith *:C 6"& "n& intelligent R"n&omi0e. 1=2 c"tegorise& .resets.

System requirements
.3% .entium !!! 1GH0? 1=2 (; RA(? Win&o's 52:(9:=888:*.? VS- host. ("c% G4 ,33 (H0? 1=2 (; RA(? ("c )S *? VS-:Au&io Units host. @3"mel.h"t is one o4 m"ny VS- 6lugins "&hering to the VS- st"n&"r& &e1elo6e& by Steinberg. -he Au&io Unit st"n&"r& '"s &e1elo6e& by A66le.B

Demo ersion !estrictions

-he 4ollo'ing restrictions "66ly to the &emo 1ersion o4 3"mel.h"t%

Soun& is interru6te& by one secon& o4 silence e1ery thirty secon&s. Lo"&ing is &is"ble&. )nly " sm"ll selection 4rom the .reset libr"ry is "1"il"ble. Sto6s out6utting soun& "4ter 4i4teen minutes. Does not require " seri"l number.

Why buy"
When you buy 3"mel.h"t 3? in "&&ition to getting " gre"t 6lugin? youAll "lso get "ccess to the l"test u6&"tes? technic"l su66ort? tutori"ls "n& eEtr" .resets I "s 'ell "s &iscounts on ne' 3"mel Au&io 6ro&ucts+

!nst"lling 3"mel.h"t is " quic/ "n& e"sy 6rocess. Sim6ly &oubleIclic/ the inst"ller 6rogr"m? "n& 4ollo' the onIscreen instructions. )nce inst"ll"tion is com6lete? 3"mel.h"t 'ill be "1"il"ble 4rom 'ithin your host "66lic"tion the s"me "s "ny other e44ect 6lugin. @-he 4irst time the 6lugin is o6ene& you 'ill be "s/e& to su66ly your registr"tion &"t"? 'hich shoul& "lre"&y h"1e been em"ile& to you.B $otes% Windo&s Cou 'ill be "s/e& to choose " &estin"tion &irectory. Cou shoul& choose the VS- 6lugins 4ol&er belonging to your 6re4erre& host "66lic"tion. !4 you '"nt to inst"ll the 6lugin 4or more th"n one host? you c"n run the inst"ller "g"in. $otes% 'ac (S ) -he inst"ller 'ill "utom"tic"lly 6ut the 6lugins "n& su66ort 4iles in their 6ro6er 6l"ces. ;oth the VS- "n& Au&io Units 1ersions o4 the 6lugin "re cont"ine& in the inst"ller. Cou c"n choose not to inst"ll one or the other by clic/ing the A3ustomi0eA button "t the rele1"nt 6oint &uring inst"ll"tion.

Start here*
So4t'"re m"nu"ls "re boring? "n& nobo&y li/es re"&ing them. We /no' this. WeA1e &one our best to m"/e this shorter "n& less boring th"n the "1er"ge so4t'"re m"nu"l... but 4r"n/ly itAs still 6retty boring F "n& itAs cert"inly " lot less 4un th"n using 3"mel.h"t. 91en so? 6le"se /ee6 re"&ing 4or "t le"st " cou6le more 6"ges+ We h"1e " 4e' ti6s th"tAll re"lly hel6 you get the most out o4 3"mel.h"t. Try the Presets 3"mel.h"t comes 'ith " l"rge collection o4 .resets. -hese "re " gre"t '"y to 4in& out 'h"t itAs c"6"ble o4. Cou c"n 'or/ your '"y through the .resets using your hostAs norm"l selector? or the u6:&o'n "rro' buttons in the AV"lue Re"&outA &is6l"y? or by clic/ing the current .reset n"me "n& choosing " ne' .reset 4rom the 6o6Iu6 menu th"t "66e"rs. Thin+ modular 3"mel.h"t is " multi,effect. -h"t me"ns itAs se1er"l &i44erent e44ects 6rocessors in one. !4 you loo/ "t the 4ront 6"nel youAll see th"t itAs &i1i&e& into " number o4 &i44erent sections? e"ch 'ith " sm"ll blue A)nA button in its u66er corner. Cou c"n get " 'i&e 1"riety o4 soun&s out o4 3"mel.h"t sim6ly by toggling &i44erent mo&ules on "n& o44? "n& trying out &i44erent combin"tions. !andomi-e* Cou see th"t big button "t the to6 "n& in the mi&&le -he one m"r/e& AR"n&omi0eA -h"tAs the R"n&omi0e button? "n& itAs one o4 3"mel.h"tAs best 4e"tures+ 3lic/ing R"n&omi0e inst"ntly "ssigns " ne' 1"lue to e1ery 6"r"meter in e1ery "cti1e mo&ule @mo&ules th"t "re s'itche& o44 "renAt "44ecte&B. !n short? itAs " gre"t '"y to m"/e interesting things h"66en quic/ly+ R"n&omi0e is "ctu"lly not com6letely r"n&omJ itAs &esigne& to be AintelligentA so th"t it 'onAt 6ro&uce settings th"t m"/e no soun&? or soun&s th"t "renAt "ny use. Sa.e Presets A4ter " 4e' clic/s o4 the R"n&omi0e button? youAll 6rob"bly h"1e come u6 'ith " soun& you '"nt to /ee6 "n& use "g"in. Cour host "66lic"tion 'ill s"1e "ll your 6lugin settings e"ch time you s"1e " song? but you c"n "lso s"1e 3"mel.h"tAs settings in " se6"r"te 4ile @e.g. to use in " &i44erent song? or host? or to sh"re 'ith other 3"mel.h"t usersB. 3"mel.h"t "llo's you to s"1e .resets @.<*. 4ilesB "n& ;"n/s @.<*; 4ilesB. A .reset is " recor& o4 "ll the settings require& to m"/e u6 " single soun&. A ;"n/ is " recor& o4 "ll the settings th"t m"/e u6 " set o4 #4 &i44erent soun&s. -o s"1e " .reset @or ;"n/B? clic/ on the .reset n"me in the V"lue Re"&out &is6l"y? choose AS"1e .resetA @or AS"1e ;"n/AB 4rom the 6o6Iu6 menu? then choose " n"me "n& loc"tion 4or the .reset 4ile in the &i"log boE th"t "66e"rs.

Hint% .resets "n& ;"n/s s"1e& 4rom 'ithin 3"mel.h"t "re "l'"ys s"1e& in st"n&"r& .<*. "n& .<*; 4orm"ts. -hese "re the s"me reg"r&less o4 6l"t4orm "n& host "66lic"tion? "n& 4iles s"1e& in this '"y c"n e"sily be sh"re& 'ith other 3"mel.h"t users. !4 your host "66lic"tion uses " &i44erent 4orm"t 4or s"1ing e44ects settings the 4iles 'ill be " bit less A6ort"bleA. S"1ing .<*; "n& .<*. 4iles 4rom 'ithin 3"mel.h"t is there4ore the 6re4erre& o6tion. Try '#D# Learn (ost o4 3"mel.h"tAs 6"r"meters c"n be controlle& 1i" (!D!. -o &o this? youAll 4irst nee& to set u6 your host "66lic"tion to sen& (!D! &"t" to the 6lugin @this 1"ries 4rom host to hostB. -hen sim6ly rightIclic/ @3trlIclic/ i4 youAre " ("c userB on "ny o4 3"mel.h"tAs /nobs? select A(!D! Le"rnA 4rom the menu th"t "66e"rs? then sen& " controller mess"ge 4rom your 6re4erre& (!D! controller @e.g. mo1e your /eybo"r&As (o& WheelB. 3"mel.h"t 'ill recognise the controller "n& "utom"tic"lly "ssign it to your chosen 6"r"meter+ Come bac+ soon -h"tAs enough to get you st"rte&. )nce youA1e 6l"ye& "roun& 4or " 'hile? 6le"se come b"c/ "n& re"& the rest o4 this m"nu"l. !t 'onAt t"/e long+

User interface features

3"mel.h"tAs user inter4"ce is quite str"ight4or'"r&? "n& to " l"rge eEtent 'h"t you see is 'h"t you get.

91en so? there "re one or t'o &et"ils th"t 6erh"6s "renAt "66"rent "t 4irst gl"nce? "n& "re 'orth /no'ing "bout.

CamelPhat logo
!n the to6 le4t corner o4 the 3"mel.h"t 'in&o' is 3"mel.h"tAs logo? "long 'ith the current 1ersion number @e.g. A11.88AB.

'ain dis/lay
3"mel.h"tAs m"in &is6l"y is &i1i&e& into se1er"l sections%

alue !eadout is 'here the n"me o4 the currentlyI"cti1e .reset is &is6l"ye&. Whene1er you "&Dust " /nob? its 1"lue @e.g. A,5 KA or A1.3 H0AB 'ill "66e"r? re6l"cing the .reset n"me. A4ter "bout three secon&s the .reset n"me re"66e"rs. 3lic/ing in the V"lue Re"&out &is6l"y o6ens " 6o6Iu6 menu? 4rom 'hich you c"n choose to lo"& or s"1e ;"n/s "n& .resets. ALo"& ;"n/ AA "n& ALo"& ;"n/ ;A "llo' you to lo"& the t'o &e4"ult ;"n/s inclu&e& 'ith 3"mel.h"t. A3le"r .resetA sets "ll 6"r"meters to their &e4"ult 1"lues. -he )01 Controller 6ro1i&es "n e"sy '"y to &yn"mic"lly control "ny t'o o4 3"mel.h"tAs 6"r"meters simult"neously. Dr"gging the *:C 3ursor @the sm"ll A&otAB "roun& in the *:C 3ontroller squ"re ch"nges the 1"lues o4 the chosen t'o 6"r"meters @youAll see the rele1"nt /nobs turning "s you &r"gB. -he ) "n& 1 6"r"meter 4iel&s

bene"th the *:C 3ontroller squ"re "llo' you to choose 'hich 6"r"meter is "ssigne& to the * "Eis @i.e. is "44ecte& by hori0ont"l mo1ementsB "n& 'hich to the C "Eis @i.e. is "44ecte& by 1ertic"l mo1ementsB. RightIclic/ing on the *:C 3ursor "llo's you to use 3"mel.h"tAs (!D! Le"rn 4unction to "ssign (!D! continuous controllers to both the * "n& C "Eis.

(ut/ut Le.el is " sim6le AVUA meter 'hich gr"6hic"lly &is6l"ys 3"mel.h"tAs out6ut le1el. -his is s'itche& o44 by &e4"ultJ clic/ on it to "cti1"te the &is6l"y. !4 the out6ut cli6s @i.e. i4 the to6most AL9DA lights u6B? try re&ucing 3"mel.h"tAs ("ster Volume slightly.

RightIclic/ing @3trlIclic/ing on " ("cB "ny o4 3"mel.h"tAs /nobs o6ens " 6o6Iu6 menu cont"ining 4our o6tions%

Dis/lay alue c"uses the /nobAs current 1"lue @e.g. A,1., H0A or AI48 &;AB to "66e"r in the AV"lue Re"&outA section o4 3"mel.h"tAs m"in &is6l"y. A4ter "bout three secon&s? the current .reset n"me 'ill re"66e"r in its 6l"ce. '#D# Learn "llo's " (!D! continuous controller to be "ssigne& to the /nob. @$ote% your host "66lic"tion must 4irst be set u6 to sen& (!D! &"t" to the 6lugin. Di44erent hosts &o this in &i44erent '"ys. .le"se see your hostAs m"nu"l 4or more &et"ils+B Sim6ly rightI clic/ @3trlIclic/ on " ("cB " /nob? choose A(!D! Le"rnA 4rom the menu? then sen& " mess"ge 4rom your h"r&'"re controller @e.g. by mo1ing your /eybo"r&As (o& 'heel? or some other "ssign"ble controlB. 3"mel.h"t 'ill Ale"rnA the controller? "n& "utom"tic"lly "ssign it to the rele1"nt 6"r"meter. Linear "n& Circular tell 3"mel.h"tAs /nobs ho' to res6on& to mouse mo1ements. Line"r mo&e is the &e4"ult. !n Line"r mo&e? you c"n "&Dust " /nobAs 1"lue by clic/ing it "n& &r"gging 1ertic"lly u6'"r&s @to incre"se the 1"lueB or &o'n'"r&s @to &ecre"se itB. !n 3ircul"r mo&e? you inste"& use the mouse 6ointer "s i4 you 'ere turning " re"l /nob on " h"r&'"re &e1ice. A cloc/'ise turn incre"ses the 6"r"meter 1"lue? 'hile "n "ntiI cloc/'ise turn &ecre"ses it. 3h"nging 4rom Line"r to 3ircul"r mo&e "44ects all o4 3"mel.h"tAs /nobs. Hint% Hol&ing &o'n the Shi4t /ey 'hile &r"gging 'ill result in " slo'er? more 6recise /nob mo1ement.


3ffect modules
3"mel.h"t 4e"tures # &i44erent e44ect mo&ules. -he incoming sign"l 4lo's through them "s sho'n belo'%

(n0off s&itches )ne 4e"ture th"t "ll the e44ect mo&ules h"1e in common is " sm"ll? blue A)nA s'itch? 'hich c"n be use& to toggle the mo&ule on or o44. When the A)nA button is illumin"te&? the mo&ule is "cti1e. When the A)nA button is &imme&? the mo&ule is s'itche& o44? "n& h"s no e44ect on the soun&.

4P 5ilter
<irst in the ch"in is " 4leEible Ab"n&I6"ssA 4ilter mo&ule? 'ith se1er"l 6"r"meters. A b"n&I6"ss 4ilter is " 4ilter th"t "llo's soun& 'ithin " cert"in 4requency b"n& to 6"ss through it? 'hile other 4requencies "re AreDecte&A. -he Lo& "n& High sli&ers "re use& to set the lo' "n& high 4ilter cutIo44 6oints? i.e. the lo'er "n& u66er limits o4 the &esire& 4requency b"n&. <requencies "bo1e or belo' these limits 'ill be reDecte&. ;oth sli&ers h"1e "n e44ecti1e r"nge o4 4rom =8 H0 "t the lo' en& u6 to =8888 H0 "t the high en&. Hint% 'ith the Lo' "n& High sli&ers set to their o66osite eEtremes? "ll "u&ible 4requencies 6"ss through the 4ilter @none "re reDecte&B. -he Lo' "n& High sli&ers e"ch h"1e " !eson"nce control? 'hich c"n be use& to boost or "ccentu"te 4requencies "roun& the cutIo44 6oints. Acti1"ting the Lin/ A)nA button lin/s the sli&ers together so th"t they c"n be "&Duste& "s " 6"ir? 'ith their 6ositions 4iEe& rel"ti1e to one "nother F i&e"l 4or 4ilter s'ee6s+ -he 4! 'i6 /nob is use& to "&Dust the le1el o4 the A4"n& !eDectA sign"l. With ;R (iE turne& "ll the '"y to the le4t? youAll only he"r the soun& 6"ssing through the 4ilter @i.e. only the 4requencies bet'een the Lo' "n& High sli&er cutIo44 6oints 'ill be he"r&B. Hint% rightIclic/ @3trlIclic/ 4or ("c usersB on either o4 the sli&ers "n& choose ADis6l"y V"lueA to see the eE"ct cutIo44 6oint @in H0B &is6l"ye& in the V"lue Re"&out section o4 the m"in &is6l"y. As ;R (iE is turne& to the right? the ;"n& ReDect sign"l is 6rogressi1ely miEe& b"c/ in 'ith the soun& "t 3"mel.h"tAs out6ut. $ote th"t the ;"n& ReDect sign"l is not 6rocesse&

by 3"mel .h"t 3As other e44ect mo&ulesJ itAs sim6ly 6"sse& str"ight to the out6ut @see &i"gr"m "bo1eB. -urn ;R (iE "ll the '"y &o'n 'hen you '"nt to 4ilter out "n& com6letely remo1e some 4requencies 4rom the incoming soun&. -urn ;R (iE u6 'hen you '"nt to use 3"mel.h"tAs 4ilters "n& other mo&ules to em6h"sise or 6rocess some 4requencies 'ithin the soun&? 'hile le"1ing the other 4requencies un"44ecte&.

-here "re 4our &i44erent &istortion ty6es? "n& e"ch h"s its o'n A"mountA /nob. -he &i44erent ty6es "re not eEclusi1e? so you c"n use 1"rying "mounts o4 "ll 4our "t once. -he 'ech "n& Tube &istortion ty6es use the 'ellI/no'n "n& 'ellIlo1e& "lgorithms 4rom 3"mel.h"t =. -ube 6ro1i&es " '"rm "n& music"l? "n"logueIstyle o1er&ri1e? 'hile (ech is " bit n"stier @hint% itAs gre"t 4or booming /ic/ &rumsB. 4it Crusher "n& )cita "re t'o ne' &istortion ty6es. ;it 3rusher 6ro&uces "n eEtremely gritty? &egr"&e& A&igit"lA soun&. *cit" is " lot less &estructi1e? "n& intro&uces " bright? h"rmonic &istortion in the higher 4requencies? enh"ncing the A6resenceA o4 the soun&. Hint% using " lot o4 &istortion ten&s to "m6li4y the sign"l? so you might nee& to use the ("ster Volume /nob @see belo'B to /ee6 your le1els un&er control.

'' 5ilter
-he '' 5ilter mo&ule 6ro1i&es " 6o'er4ul multiImo&e 4ilter c"6"ble o4 tr"ns4orming the soun& in " number o4 &i44erent '"ys. Cou c"n choose 4rom se1er"l &i44erent 4ilter ty6es? either by clic/ing on the le4t "n& right "rro' buttons besi&e the A-y6eA 4iel&? or by clic/ing the n"me o4 the currentlyIselecte& ty6e "n& choosing 4rom the 6o6Iu6 menu th"t "66e"rs. -he "1"il"ble 4ilter ty6es "re%

Lo&Pass% " lo'I6"ss 4ilterJ it "llo's 4requencies belo' the A3uto44A 6oint @see belo'B to 6"ss? 'hile reDecting other 4requencies. 4andPass% " b"n&I6"ss 4ilter. Li/e " sim6li4ie& 1ersion o4 the ;. <ilter mo&ule? it "llo's " b"n& o4 4requencies "roun& the 3uto44 6oint to 6"ss? 'hile reDecting other 4requencies. HighPass% " highI6"ss 4ilter. !t "llo's 4requencies "bo1e the 3uto44 6oint to 6"ss? 'hile reDecting other 4requencies. Lo&Pass 5at% simil"r to ALo'."ssA @see "bo1eB? but 6ro&uces "n Ae&gierA? more AbitingA soun&? es6eci"lly 'ith the Reson"nce @see belo'B turne& u6. 4andPass 5at% simil"r to A;"n&."ssA @see "bo1eB? but 6ro&uces "n Ae&gierA? more AbitingA soun&? es6eci"lly 'ith the Reson"nce turne& u6. HighPass 5at% simil"r to AHigh."ssA @see "bo1eB? but 6ro&uces "n Ae&gierA? more AbitingA soun&? es6eci"lly 'ith the Reson"nce turne& u6.

Pea+ing: " bit li/e "n in1erte& notch 4ilter @see belo'B or " 1"ri"tion on " b"n&I6"ss 4ilter @see "bo1eB. -he .e"/ing 4ilter ty6e em6h"sises " n"rro' b"n& o4 4requencies "roun& the 3uto44 6oint. -he e44ect is 6"rticul"rly 6ronounce& 'ith the Reson"nce turne& u6. $otch% " notch 4ilter. Sometimes c"lle& " Ab"n&Isto6A or Ab"n&IreDectA 4ilter? " notch 4ilter essenti"lly 'or/s li/e " b"n&I6"ss 4ilter in re1erse. !t AreDectsA " n"rro' b"n& o4 4requencies "roun& the 3uto44 6oint? 'hile "llo'ing other 4requencies to 6"ss. Comb% " comb 4ilter. A comb 4ilter 6ro&uces "n e44ect c"lle& A6h"se c"ncell"tionA? resulting in " As6i/yA 4requency s6ectrum @'hich might be s"i& to resemble " combB. !n 6r"ctise? comb 4iltering 6ro&uces " ch"r"cteristic"lly bright? li1ely? met"llic soun&? es6eci"lly 'ith the Reson"nce turne& u6. !ing 'od% " ring mo&ul"tor. Ring mo&ul"tion @sometimes c"lle& "m6litu&e mo&ul"tionB in1ol1es multi6lying the incoming sign"l together 'ith " sine '"1e mo&ul"tor? 6ro&ucing " soun& 'ith un6re&ict"ble? o4ten met"llicIsoun&ing o1ertones. Att"c/? !ele"se "n& 3n.elo6e "mount. -hese "ll rel"te to 3"mel.h"tAs Aen1elo6e 4ollo'erA. An en1elo6e 4ollo'er res6on&s to the ch"nging "m6litu&e o4 "n incoming "u&io sign"l "n& cre"tes " &yn"mic control sign"l th"t loosely mimics it. -he AAtt"c/A "n& A!ele"seA controls "llo' you to 4ineItune the res6onsi1eness o4 the en1elo6e 4ollo'er. -he A9n1elo6e AmountA control &etermines the intensity o4 the e44ect? i.e. the eEtent to 'hich the control sign"l mo&ul"tes @i.e. "ltersB the 4ilterAs 3uto44 6oint. Cutoff sets the 4ilter 3uto44 6oint @in H0B. 9E"ctly 'h"t e44ect this h"s 1"ries &e6en&ing on the selecte& 4ilter ty6e @see "bo1eB. !eson"nce is "n e44ect 'here the 4requencies imme&i"tely surroun&ing the 4ilter 3uto44 6oint @see "bo1eB "re em6h"sise& or booste&. -his is 6"rticul"rly e44ecti1e 'hen the 3uto44 6oint is mo&ul"te& or As'e6tA @e.g. by the en1elo6e 4ollo'er? "n L<) or " (!D! continuous controllerB? "s it em6h"sises the Amo1ementA in the soun&. 'i6 controls the 'et:&ry b"l"nce o4 the 4ilter e44ect. With the /nob turne& "ll the '"y to the right? youAll he"r only the 4iltere& soun&. -urne& the other '"y? youAll he"r the A&ryA un4iltere& soun&.

(( <ilterAs other 6"r"meters "re%

<l"nging is "n e44ect 6ro&uce& 'hen " slightly &el"ye& co6y o4 " sign"l is miEe& together 'ith the origin"l. -he length o4 the &el"y is 1"rie& o1er time? but is usu"lly ne1er longer th"n " cou6le o4 &o0en millisecon&s. <l"nging cre"tes " ch"r"cteristic As'ee6ingA or A'hooshingA e44ect. 3"mel.h"tAs <l"nger is 1ery e"sy to use? "n& h"s Dust t'o 6"r"meters%

Amount controls the 'et:&ry miE o4 the e44ect. -urn the /nob to the right to incre"se the le1el o4 the 6rocesse& soun&. !ate controls the r"te "t 'hich the length o4 the <l"ngerAs &el"y ch"nges. !n other 'or&s? it ch"nges the s6ee& o4 the As'ee6ingA e44ect.


'agic 37
-he 'agic 37 is " s6eci"llyI&esigne& equ"li0er? 'ith "n"logueImo&elle& Aso4t s"tur"tionA "n& " custom highIen& Ashel4A. !t gi1es eEtr" A'eightA "n& A6unchA to the lo' en& in the 6rocesse& soun&. Use& in mo&er"tion? the e44ect is quite subtle. Use& to the eEtreme? it coul& c"use 4riction 'ith your neighbours+ !tAs "t its best 'hen use& on in&i1i&u"l elements in " miE? es6eci"lly soun&s li/e /ic/ &rums? toms? or b"ss lines. ("gic 9> h"s three 6"r"meters%

Amount controls the intensity o4 the e44ect. Tune "llo's you to AtuneA the e44ect to em6h"sise or enh"nce 6"rticul"r 4requencies. -he P @4or A.h"tAB button "cti1"tes " s6eci"l A.h"tA mo&e? 'hich is gre"t 4or &rums but c"n occ"sion"lly c"use un'"nte& &istortion on other soun&s. When .h"t mo&e is o44? ("gic 9> o6er"tes in " AsmootherA mo&e? 'ith " slightly Ac"lmerA soun& better suite& to Acle"nA sign"ls @e.g. cle"n guit"r soun&sB th"t might other'ise su44er un'"nte& &istortion @es6eci"lly "t higher le1elsB.

3om6ression 'or/s by &ecre"sing " sign"lAs &yn"mic r"nge @the &i44erence bet'een the highestI1olume "n& lo'estI1olume 6"rts o4 the soun&B? thereby &eli1ering more 6ercei1e& Alou&nessA "t the s"me rel"ti1e 1olume. 3"mel.h"tAs com6ressor is &ece6ti1ely sim6leJ behin& the scenes lies " so6histic"te& "n& res6onsi1e Aso4tIlimitingA com6ressor "lgorithm? mo&elle& "4ter the cl"ssic "n"logue com6ressor &esigns reno'ne& in stu&io 4ol/lore. -here "re three 6"r"meters%

Amount controls the "mount o4 com6ression "66lie& to the soun&? "n& thus the "66"rent Alou&nessA. !elease "44ects ho' quic/ly the com6ression e44ect subsi&es? "n& the &yn"mics o4 the incoming sign"l return to their norm"l Auncom6resse&A le1els. Hint% Longer rele"se times c"n be use4ul 4or em6h"sising sust"in? e.g. on guit"r soun&s. Shorter rele"se times c"n 6ro&uce &yn"mic A6um6ingA e44ects th"t 'or/ 'ell 'ith &rum loo6s. -here "re no h"r& "n& 4"st rules though. Al'"ys trust your e"rs+

-he P @4or A.h"tAB button is simil"r to th"t 4oun& in the ("gic 9> mo&ule @see "bo1eB. -urn it o44 4or AsmootherA results 'hen 'or/ing 'ith Acle"nA sign"ls @e.g. cle"n guit"r soun&sB 'hich might other'ise su44er occ"sion"l Acr"c/lesA "t high le1els.

(ther 'odules
!n "&&ition to the siE e44ect mo&ules &escribe& "bo1e? 3"mel.h"t 4e"tures t'o other mo&ules.


-he 'aster mo&ule h"s three 6"r"meters%

(n is " toggle s'itch much li/e the on:o44 s'itches in the e44ects mo&ules. Ho'e1er? s'itching the ("ster mo&ule o44 h"s the e44ect o4 com6letely by6"ssing 3"mel.h"t? so th"t only the A&ryA? un6rocesse& sign"l is he"r&. olume "llo's you to "&Dust the o1er"ll le1el o4 3"mel.h"tAs out6ut. !4 the )ut6ut Le1el meter in the m"in &is6l"y sho's the sign"l Acli66ingA? you c"n re&uce the Volume slightly until it sto6s. 'i6 "llo's you to "&Dust the 'et:&ry b"l"nce o4 3"mel.h"tAs out6ut. CouAll 6rob"bly most o4ten '"nt to he"r Dust the A'etA? 6rocesse& out6ut? "n& so shoul& set the (iE /nob "ll the '"y to the right. Sometimes? ho'e1er? it c"n use4ul to miE in " little o4 the &ry? untre"te& sign"l. -urn the (iE /nob to the le4t to "&Dust the b"l"nce in 4"1our o4 the &ry sign"l.

-he L5( @ALo' <requency )scill"torAB mo&ule is not strictly s6e"/ing "n e44ect mo&ule. !t &oesnAt &irectly "lter the soun& itsel4. !nste"&? it 6ro&uces " const"ntlyIch"nging control sign"l 'hich c"n be use& to mo&ul"te @i.e. "lterB m"ny o4 3"mel.h"tAs other 6"r"meters. Hint% thin/ o4 "n L<) "s " /in& o4 in1isible robot h"n& 'hich c"n smoothly "n& const"ntly turn /nobs 4or you? in re"l time. @Cou 'onAt "ctu"lly see the /nobs mo1e? but youAll he"r the e44ect.B -he L<) mo&ule "ctu"lly 6ro1i&es not one? but t'o in&e6en&ent L<)s? "llo'ing t'o &i44erent 6"r"meters to be mo&ul"te& simult"neously. -he buttons m"r/e& 8 "n& 9 "re use& to s'itch bet'een the t'o L<)s. When button 1 is illumin"te&? the L<) mo&ule sho's the 6"r"meter settings 4or the 4irst o4 the t'o L<)s. When button = is illumin"te&? it ch"nges to &is6l"y the 6"r"meter settings 4or the other L<). ;oth L<)s h"1e the s"me b"sic 6"r"meters%

(n sim6ly toggles the L<) on or o44. When itAs o44? it h"s no e44ect @ob1iouslyB. -he Target 4iel& is 'here you c"n choose the @slightly "bbre1i"te&B n"me o4 the 6"r"meter you '"nt the L<) to "44ect. A("gic9>AmntA? 4or eE"m6le? re4ers to the AAmountA 6"r"meter 4or the ("gic 9> e44ect. -he le4t "n& right "rro' buttons "llo' you to bro'se through the "1"il"ble -"rget n"mes one "t " time. 3lic/ing in the -"rget 4iel& o6ens " 6o6Iu6 menu 'here you c"n choose 4rom " com6lete list o4 "1"il"ble -"rgets. -he Sha/e 4iel& "llo's you to choose the '"1e4orm sh"6e use& by the L<). Di44erent '"1e4orm sh"6es 6ro&uce ch"r"cteristic"lly &i44erent /in&s o4 mo&ul"tion. ASineA? 4or eE"m6le? 6ro&uces " smooth "n& e1en s'ee6 4rom one eEtreme o4 the 6"r"meter r"nge to the other? then b"c/. AR"n&om Squ"reA? on the other h"n&? 6ro&uces " series o4 un6re&ict"ble Dum6s 4rom one 1"lue to "nother. -here "re se1en &i44erent

'"1e4orms in tot"l to choose 4rom. As 'ith the -"rget 4iel& @"bo1eB? you c"n either use the le4t "n& right "rro' buttons to s'itch '"1e4orms? or you c"n clic/ the 4iel& 4or " 6o6Iu6 menu.

De/th controls the eEtent or "mount o4 L<) mo&ul"tion. With De6th turne& "ll the '"y u6 @to A188 KAB? the L<) 'ill s'ee6 @or other'ise mo&ul"teB "n e44ect 6"r"meter throughout its entire r"nge. Lo'er settings result in less &r"stic mo&ul"tion. !ate controls the r"te "t 'hich the L<) runs. -urn it u6 4or 4"ster? Aner1ierA e44ects. -urn it &o'n 4or slo'er? smoother mo&ul"tion. -he R"te control is c"libr"te& in H0 @cycles 6er secon&B F unless the R"te Sync button is "cti1"te& @see belo'B. Hint% R"te Sync relies u6on your host "66lic"tion to 6ro1i&e tem6o in4orm"tion to the 6lugin. (ost hosts 'ill &o this "utom"tic"lly? but " 4e' m"y nee& to be tol& eE6licitly to con4igure 3"mel.h"t "s " Atem6oIb"se& e44ectA @or something simil"rB. !4 in &oubt? consult your host "66lic"tionAs m"nu"l 4or more &et"ils+

When the !ate Sync @)nB button is "cti1"te&? the R"te control /nob is rec"libr"te& in more music"llyIme"ning4ul units o4 time? e.g. A1:4 b"rsA @me"ning th"t the L<) 'ill com6lete one 4ull cycle 6er qu"rter note? or 4our 6er b"rB. Hint% R"te Sync "lso "llo's Atri6letA @e.g. A=:1-AB "n& A&otte&A @e.g. A1:4LAB rhythmic 1"lues to be set? to cre"te more com6lic"te& "n& interesting e44ects. A tri6let is 'here three notes "re 6l"ye& in the s"me "mount o4 time "s t'o or&in"ry notes. A &otte& note is " note th"t l"sts oneI"n&I"Ih"l4 times "s long "s "n or&in"ry note.


5requently As+ed 7uestions

Why doesn:t the /lugin sync to host tem/o /ro/erly" Son"r:.roDect5 users% -he 3"/e'"l/ A&"6ter &oesnAt "utom"tic"lly i&enti4y e44ect 6lugins 'hich "re tem6oIsynce&. When you run the "&"6ter? m"/e sure you chec/ the A-em6o ;"se& 944ectA tic/ boE. -he 6lugin 'ill no' sync correctly. @3"/e'"l/ "re "'"re o4 the issue "n& "re 6l"nning to "utom"tic"lly chec/ the boE in 4utureB. Why aren:t Preset names sho&ing u/ correctly &hen # load a 4an+" !4 you lo"& " ;"n/ using 3"mel.h"tAs intern"l .reset system the host 'onAt /no' "bout the ch"nge? "n& it 'onAt &is6l"y the right .reset n"mes. Use your hostAs o'n ;"n/ lo"&ing 4e"ture @see the hostAs m"nu"l 4or &et"ilsB "n& the n"mes 'ill be right. Why doesn:t '#D# learn &or+" (!D! le"rn relies on you setting u6 your host to tr"nsmit (!D! to the 6lugin. Ho' eE"ctly this is "chie1e& 1"ries 4rom host to host F 6le"se re"& your hostAs m"nu"l 4or &et"ils. @Some hosts &o not su66ort this 4e"ture. We recommen& you em"il the &e1elo6ers "n& "s/ them to inclu&e it in " 4uture u6&"te.B Why doesn:t the )01 controller dot mo.e &hen # /lay bac+ automation" When you recor& "utom"tion 'hile mo1ing the &ot in the *:C controller? the 1"lues o4 the un&erlying 6"r"meters "re recor&e&? but the 6osition o4 the &ot is not. -his is by &esign? r"ther th"n " bug. Why doesn:t modifying :'or/h)Param: and :'or/h1Param: from outside the /lugin result in the e6/ected beha.iour" -hese t'o 6"r"meters control the selecte& mo&ul"tion &estin"tions 4or the *:C controller. !4 you '"nt to "utom"te 6"rticul"r 6"r"meters? select them &irectly? r"ther th"n 1i" the *:C controller. Dis/laying the interface really slo&s do&n my com/uter; Ho& can # fi6 it" .le"se ensure your gr"6hics c"r& &ri1ers "n& o6er"ting system "re u6 to &"te @i.e. the most recent u6&"tes h"1e been inst"lle&B. !4 this &oes not sol1e the 6roblem? see i4 there is "n o6tion to turn on Abus m"steringA 4or your gr"6hics c"r&? "n& i4 so? en"ble it. !n ne"rly "ll c"ses this sol1es the 6roblem. Win&o's 52 users% 'e "re not o44ici"lly su66orting Win&o's 52? &ue to some 6roblems it h"s 'ith A"l6h"Iblen&ingA F " 6rocess use& by our gr"6hics libr"ry. !4 you h"1e trie& u6&"ting your system "n& the 6lugin still 6er4orms uns"tis4"ctorily? then 'e regret th"t 'e c"nAt hel6 you "ny 4urther. !4 you h"1e " more recent o6er"ting system? "n& u6&"ting your gr"6hics &ri1ers "n& )S h"snAt sol1e& the 6roblem? 6le"se submit " technic"l su66ort enquiry gi1ing 4ull &et"ils o4 your setu6 "n& the 6roblems you "re eE6eriencing. Where are the e6tra <= Presets" -he 1=2 .resets inclu&e& in the 4ull 1ersion o4 3"mel.h"t "re cont"ine& in t'o ;"n/s o4 #4 .resets. 3lic/ in the V"lue Re"&out &is6l"y? "n& 4rom the 6o6Iu6 menu choose ALo"& ;"n/ AA to lo"& the 4irst #4 .resets? or ALo"& ;"n/ ;A to lo"& the secon& #4 .resets.


Ho& can # get rid of this un/leasant distortion" 3"mel.h"t "llo's you 6lenty o4 o6tions? "n& itAs sometimes 6ossible to "rri1e "t " combin"tion o4 settings th"t 'ill 6ro&uce some un'"nte& &istortion. -o get ri& o4 this? there "re " number o4 things you c"n &o.

3"mel.h"t "66lies " h"r&Ilimiting "ction on the out6ut? 'hich c"n result in un'"nte& &istortion. Sim6ly turn &o'n the m"ster 1olume to m"/e this go "'"y. !4 th"t &oesnAt sol1e the 6roblem? try turning o44 the A.h"tA mo&e 4or the 3om6ressor "n& ("gic 9> mo&ules. Simil"rly? i4 youA1e selecte& one o4 the A<"tA 4ilter ty6es in the (( <ilter mo&ule? try selecting " nonI<"t 1"ri"tion inste"&. @-hese mo&es "re gre"t 4or some soun&s? but c"n sometimes 6ro&uce un&esir"ble &istortion on others.B

Ho& do # ma+e CamelPhat 3 sound li+e CamelPhat 9" -o m"/e 3"mel.h"t 3 soun& li/e its younger brother? there "re se1er"l things you c"n &o. <irst? eng"ge the A.h"tA mo&es in the 3om6ressor "n& m"gic 9> mo&ules. Set the rele"se time o4 the 3om6ressor to =58ms "n& set the AtuneA 6"r"meter 4or the ("gic 9> to 58H0. Set the 4requency o4 the <l"nger to 8.1#H0. Set the AResA controls 4or the ;. <ilter to their mi&I6oints. Use only the ALo'."ss <"tA 4ilter mo&e "n& turn o44 "ll ne' 4e"tures @A;it 3rusherA? A*cit"A "n& so onB. There:s a /roblem # ha.e &hich isn:t co.ered here > &hat should # do" .le"se 1isit the su66ort 6"ge on our 'ebsite "t &&&;camelaudio;com. Re4er to the rele1"nt <A>s 4or the l"test in4orm"tion.


Conce/t? design and /rogramming ;en Gillett Additional /rogramming Rob ("rtino @ra/hic design ;it6l"nt Additional design in/ut 3ris H"'/ins Mim Hunter Sound Design ("nuel Schleis @Venge"nce Soun&B -im 3onr"r&y Rory Do' ;iomech"noi& Ste6h"n (uesch Mim Hunter D"1i& De;"ec/e D"1i& Goo&'in Glen ;erry (e44y 9llis 3hristi"nIW. ;u&&e User manual ."ul Sell"rs


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